Thank you so much for complying with my childish tantrum. Your reviews make me grinning ear to ear that so many people care. I somewhat feel embarrass about my outburst. I guess I just need to let it out of my system. And confidence is something I am still working on. You can say that I don't have a lot of them. So when there are no readers, I lost motivation. I will "TRY" not to be so childish again in the future.
I believe some of you guys are familiar with my writing style while some way not, there would be a time when I stop writing for the story altogether because I would just simply "CANNOT" write. When that happens, I will have to wait for my writing mood to return for the story.
As for grammars, I am confessed; I have not read a lot this year since the time I started writing. I spend most of my free time to write and had very little time to read. I am slow in both reading and writing, so yeah, sorry about the grammars. I will try and read more. Hopefully it would improve my writing somewhat.
I hope this chapter is a good read because I am not in the mood to write this story at all. However, with so many reviews, I feel like I should update the next chapter. :D
Once they reached the river, Sesshomaru choose a tall tree and settled down; waited patiently for Rin to take her bath. As always, he stood out yet blended so well with the nature as if he was a part of it. It made an eerie beautiful and calm picture the way he sat peacefully under the soft moonlight. His posture was straight, elegant, yet relaxed, almost lacking any movements and made his white figure appeared as if a beautiful statue.
Rin slowly dripped her foot into the flowing water, testing the temperature. A cold chill ran up her bare foot to her spine and ended at her brain. It made her shuddered. The water was cold.
Extremely cold!
She wished it was a hot spring instead.
Or that her clothes did not covered with gores so she would not need to wash it. Or that it was day time and the warm sun would bath her skin, giving her its warmth. It was not cold during the day. Not yet.
Sesshomaru sat far away enough from her but was still in sight.
She knew he had too much pride to try and peek at her. Sesshomaru never showed any interest in female for as long as she had known him, he would not show it in her either.
Even so, she was still self-conscious at the fact that if, "if" he ever turned his head her way, he would have a full front view of her. Not that she would mind because she always wished he would be interest in her that way. Her cheeks felt hot and her face turned rosy red at the thought.
Of course, he would never turn her way. Sesshomaru was Sesshomaru, younger or older. She smiled at the thought. He was kind to her, always.
She gritted her teeth as she forced herself to sink into the river. Her entire body visibly shivered. She hoped her body would adjust to the water temperature soon. If her body ever adjust to it that is.
Rin smoothly took her bloody clothes off and started washing them. She would think more thoroughly the next time she decided to cut a demon apart. Sesshomaru hardly ever got blood on him when he killed.
But she did not have much of choices. It was either the demon's arms or her head at that moment.
It did not matter now.
The shallow water ran clear under the moonlight. However, the bottom of the river was darkened because of the darkness.
As quick as possible, she washed all the blood away. She knew the blood would stink if she left it on her clothes and it would annoyed Sesshomaru when the smell had gone bad. She had already annoyed him enough as it was.
In the past two days, she was just so happy that she had found her lord. Even though it was in the past and he was more than displeased with her, he was with her. He was still the same lord she knew. The man she loved.
Rin had to smile at that.
Sesshomaru did not like her. The glares that he only directed at Jaken and others had been pointed at her for the first time, telling her to shut up. That told her more than she needed to know. Even so, she wanted to talk. She just wanted to make sure he was still there with her.
He had finally asked for her name the second day. She told him that her name was Rin and asked his name in return. She knew her lord was very smart and could be deadly if she made a wrong move. Sesshomaru was kind and had a big hear, though most people disagree with her. He would forget if he could forgive and did not hold grudge, he never mentioned revenge on Inuyasha over his right arm that had been cut off by Inuyasha. That arm had grown back though when he surpassed his father in power and brought his arm back along with Bakusaiga to him, his new powerful sword. However, he would not tolerate anyone who fooled with him. And she knew he did not trust her.
The first day when he asked what she wanted from him for saving him told her that he believed she had hidden motives. If she accidentally slipped and told him that she was from his future, he would kill her without hesitation. He would never believe that he would allow, left alone protect, a mere human girl and let her traveled with him. He even provided for her until she became of age. If he learned that fact, he would believe she had done something to weaken him and turned him into a weakling because to him he was anything but caring. To prevent that from happening, he might kill her.
But now that Rin was bathing inside the cold freezing river, maybe it was not so hard to believe. Because he had already became her protector again. He had come back for her. Rin smiled at the thought. Her heart swelled with joys.
When she was startled awake by the strong auras of demons, she found herself alone. She knew her lord was no longer around because his demoniac aura was not nearby anymore.
She was not surprised.
He hated her from the way he had been looking at her. She thought sadly, but there was nothing she could do.
Her knife was at hand, she fought bravely against the intruder demons. She would survive and if lucky she would find her way back to Sesshomaru again. It would take a long time for him to accept her, possible never, but she would not leave his side. She would win him over eventually. Because he was her life. She would follow him until the end of her time.
Sitting quietly, Sesshomaru looked up at the night sky. The moonlight was dominant tonight, hidden most of the stars from view. Not that he cared much.
The smell of the demons' blood they had killed could still reach his sensitive nose. And so was Rin's.
He listened to the silence forest. Well, it hardly ever silence to him because his ears could pick up the smallest of noise. And the noise of Rin washing her clothes, splashing the water was ringing in his ear.
He knew she was close by and if he wished to see her without clothes; all he had to do was turn his head her way. The moonlight was soft but was more than enough for his good demon's sight to see clearly even from this far distant. His expression did not change and no one could have guessed what kind of thought ran through his mind.
He may look uninterested, but Sesshomaru was a man and he was a curious creature. He never passed the opportunity to learn new things because he declined to be ignorance in any subject. And the fact that a female's body was still quite alien to him was true. Not that he cared much about them, but he wanted to know about them all the same.
No, he had no desire to bed them. He had great self-control and would not allow such thing as female to stand in his way of powers' conquering. Many men had fallen and strayed from their goals because of women. He refused to be one of those men. But that did not mean he did not want to see what a woman look like beneath those layers of clothes.
So yes, he was somewhat tempted to look at the human girl just for education's sake on female's autonomy.
But Sesshomaru being Sesshomaru, his pride would not allow him to do such thing. He would never lower himself so low as to peek at her. He was Sesshomaru, son of the Lord of the Western Land.
If he ever wanted a woman, there were plenty who would happily strip for him. Some had attempted to, but he had made it clear to never bother him again. He would not allow anyone the privilege to brat around that they had spent a night with him. He knew how fast rumor traveled and how loose female's tongue could be.
So even as curios as he was, he would wait for his future mate. And he had read enough from males' books to know the details of man and woman's intimacy. All he needed was the female in flesh who would be his mate. But that could wait until he conquest the greatest power that he desire so much.
Sesshomaru's thought was interrupted by Rin's footsteps. He heard water dripping as she walked. He did not turn to look at her knowing she would come to him eventually.
Once she was in his perimeter, he could sense that her body was trembling. Sesshomaru turned his cold gaze to her and found that she was dripping wet because she had put on her wet clothes. Rin smiled at him. Her lips were quivered and they had turned slightly blue from their normal healthy pink color.
Sesshomaru ignored her.
Rin went on about gathering woods and started a small fire. It did not take her long before she sat next to the lively flame. Even so, it was still pretty cold thanks to her soaked kimono. It would take a long while for them to dry and gave her the warmth she desire.
"Take them off."
Rin turned to face the cold voice of Sesshomaru's. He still looked elsewhere as if he had never spoken to her. "Your clothes," he continued.
Rin gasped. Her heart thumped forcefully inside her chest.
Sesshomaru shifted his cold gaze to look at her shocking face. A tint of annoyance rose inside him.
Was she so incompetent to not know that much that she needs to take off the wet clothes to dry?
Of course, there was the problem of modest, but he was Sesshomaru for crying out loud.
"I have no interest in looking at you." He told her coldly before looking back to the sky. He meant what he said.
A part of him was mentally kicking at himself. He should never bother with her in the first place, cold or not. Even if she were to die in front of him, he shall ignore her. But that annoying trembling and quivering of her had gotten on his nerves. Yes, that was the reason why he told her to get rid of her clothes, he concluded. Even though, normally, if any female dared to undress in front of him, he would teach them a hard to forget lesson and never disrespected him ever again.
Rin blushed beet red from head to toe. To be naked beside Sesshomaru was too much.
"I know," Rin answered in a whisper tone to his statement. Her voice was slightly shaky. She knew he would not look at her even if she were to parade in front of him. Even so, her nerves would kill her to be naked next to him.
"But if someone were to run into us, it would not look good for you." She explained to him, looking at her feet. She did not dare to look at Sesshomaru and would not do so for a long while. Her heart was pounding so hard that she thought it would soon burst out of her ribcage.
Sesshomaru contemplated on it. It was true. If someone came upon them and saw the sight of a naked human girl in his present would stimulation unwanted rumors. Even if he did not touch her, it would still be indecent.
"Do as you wish," he told her coldly. If she wanted to stay in that damp clothes, so it be.
He had no concern over her.
Rin however knew otherwise. Sesshomaru cared for her wellbeing. It reminded her of those days when she had first started traveling with him. He would give her advice in and order tone told her what needed to be done
"Rin, if you are hungry, you must fetch for yourself," for example. He knew she needed to eat and told her to feed herself. That was his way of showing kindness.
Rin smiled softly to herself. Her heart felt warm even thought she was trembling from the cold.
He was indeed her Sesshomaru.
Her Sesshomaru... she liked the sound of it.
Thank you so much for all the reviews, follows, favorites, and read this story. :D Please review again even though not much has happened in this chapter. :D
Smpt: Lol, you seemed to enjoy pulling my leg too much. I have to laugh with you because it's tickle XDD. As for my special day, it's only come once a year. :D Ice cream cake is yummy ;)
Tarrah36: Of course, Rin is Rin for a reason :D And for your following questions, yes, yes, and yes :D thanks for the double reviews.
Curiosity-Or n0t: Thanks :D And thanks for the review :D
Asianriceeater: Thanks. :D I will try and finish it as soon as I can.
Xxxmistyxxx: thanks :D
Hhflyka: Thanks. And thanks for the review. I hope I did not annoy you guy too much with my complains.
PAMLA DE CASTRO: Thanks for always reviewing :D this story, Rin will be extremely strong :D I don't know if I already told you that.
HazyDaisy: :D
Lp: yes, it was before Inuyasha was born. What I have in mind is quite fun. Lots of battle (which I hate to write) :D thanks for the review :D
KSHadeslady: that's fine. Just drop a review once in a while to let me know that you are still reading. :D I feel like it is my baby that was why I had been trying hard not to drop it. As much as it makes me happy when I write, the readers and reviews has a lot of influence on me. As I've said, not the best when it comes to confidence. I will try to improve my English. For now, sorry about the grammars.
Rinshy: :D
Guest: Thanks :D
Manika: thanks. I'm glad to hear that :D
Sphinx: yes, he will be around :D
Gaby: Here it is :D thanks for the review.
Merry Mary: I'm not sure how old sesshomar really is in the cannon. I have read somewhere in the bio that he's 300 something years old and I was like, nah ah, if he is only 300 years old, he would not be as tall as he was when Inuyasha was born. Well, I guess I will just go with the age. And yes, it changed the perspective of Sesshomaru saving the child Rin. :D
Icegirljenni: that's a lovely episode :D yep, he's the type once he decided to take someone in, he would not chase them away as long as they're still willing to follow. (I guess) :D
Cpsulivan2: The reason why Sesshomaru could not move is because of the injures. Sesshomaru did tell her his name :D
Ikhny-chan: I don't usually read on cellphone, but I could understand what you mean. Thank you so much for making afford to review and comply to my childish complains.
Fleighfire: thanks. And yes, I am. :D
TemariFire: No, she is 17, but Sesshomaru thought Rin was 40 something since he doesn't know a lot about human yet. And glad that by reading my stories helped you with your writing somehow. :D
Guest: Lol, your enthusiastic rubbed off on me. And here's the next chapter :D hope you liked it.
Mizlazzy14: Thanks. I hope you like this chapter too :D
Rosaji: lol, it seems to be so. Rin is always Rin. :D
Friday, November 22, 2013