This is my first piece of writing since school about 25 years ago (and that was essays on Social History mostly), so please, please, please read and review, especially if you're constructive with comments. I am trying to keep the characters true to their originals as much as possible within the frame of my story but if you have any insights I have missed please share.

Language: I'm English but as Leverage is American I have tried to stick to American English by using US words such as 'closet' not 'wardrobe' but please remember I am not a native US speaker so if you get the odd mix up such as 'tap' instead of 'faucet' or 'trousers' instead of pants (which is underwear here: so think about that when Eliot is sitting around in his pants!) I apologise. Just be glad I didn't use the word fanny... I also struggle a little with Hardison's New York Patois, so please feel free to correct my version of his colloquialisms. Also please be patient with the s/z thing in words like realise/realize, again I've tried to write in American but my fingers and brain think in English English. Thank you x.

I own nothing except my admiration of the writers, actors and crew of such an amazing series. Long may it reign x

Eliot pulled up outside his place in the city; he would have preferred to go straight to his house out of town, but this late and more than a little beat up, he couldn't face the drive. He'd stayed later than he'd intended, clearing away after their meal, talking with Nate untill Sophie came and joined them. He'd have stayed at the office if Sophie and Nate weren't being so stupid; he sometimes wondered if they played their game because they were afraid to start something, or because they enjoyed the dance. He took a deep breath, holding it for a few seconds before letting it go, slowly putting the team out of his mind for a while. Time for some down time, I definitely need some R and R, he told himself as he turned the key on his apartment.

Immediately he knew something was wrong. No, not wrong, just; different. Someone was here. Senses alert, he forced himself to relax and act normal. He casually walked through the house, making a full sweep of each room, but coming up empty; until his bedroom. He wasn't sure what gave her away, nothing looked touched, he heard no sound; maybe it was the feint scent of her shampoo he mused as he quietly sat on the bed, his back to the closet he intuitively knew she was hiding in.

"Parker" he said. A statement, not a question. "Why are you here?"

No response. He tried again.

"Parker, are you okay?"

Irritated by the lack of response and the pain of cracked ribs from their latest job, he got up and walked to the closet, slowly opening the doors. He couldn't have said what he was expecting but he knew this wasn't it. Parker was curled up tightly in a ball, her breathing coming fast and ragged, with those huge eyes wide with fear and red with tears staring up at him from the bottom of the closet. Feeling the anger rise at seeing her so hurt but forcing it back - knowing it would only spook her, he knelt down to her level.

"Parker, are you ok?" Stupid question he told himself irritably. Briefly closing his eyes and taking a breath he tried again "I mean, are you hurt?" yes, good, start there he thought. She didn't reply but just stared through him, looking like she was caught in headlights. "Parker, are you injured?"

She blinked twice, seeming to focus on him at last, she shook her head quickly but didn't speak; her whole body tense with fear. Eliot, not sure what to do, sat on the floor beside the closet door, knowing that if he got too close she would run. "Parker, did something happen?" he coaxed, trying to give her a gentle, encouraging smile, hearing the concern in his own voice. Parker was streetwise in so many ways but as vulnerable as a kitten in others. Ever the protector, Eliot wanted her to know she was safe. That he wouldn't let anything happen to her but he knew with Parker's history he would have to handle this carefully. "Parker, you're safe now. Can you tell me what's wrong, did something happen?"

Parker closed her eyes and started to cry, great heart wrenching sobs of anguish that tore at Eliot's heart. He didn't know what was wrong or who had caused this, but he knew someone was going to pay. Not sure how she would react, he couldn't fight the instinct to comfort her. "Oh Darlin', it's ok, I'm going to pick you up and sit you on the bed ok?" When she didn't protest, and helped by looping her arms around his neck, he figured she was okay with the idea, so he scooped her up, realizing she weighed little more than a child. He cradled her as he carried her, setting her on the bed next to him. He held her while she cried, speaking softly, telling her she was safe, that everything would be ok, stroking her hair, hoping it was enough. Eventually Parker calmed, her breathing became more regular, her tears subsided and Eliot sensed she had regained control. Wondering how much he should push, not wanting to frighten her, but needing to know how serious it was, his thoughts were interrupted before he could proceed.

"Thank you." She said as she wiped her eyes on her sleeve as she sat up to face Eliot but couldn't quite look at him. They both started to speak at once, each stopping instantly as they heard the other speak. Parker glanced nervously at Eliot, who smiled gently "You go first Parker." He told her. "Nightmares" she shrugged nonchalantly, as though she hadn't just spent the last hour and a half crying inconsolably. "Most of the time they are ok, but sometimes they get really bad and I'm too frightened to go to sleep".

Eliot frowned, he was relieved it wasn't something more serious but something still bothered him. "But Parker, why the closet. I mean; why MY closet?" After all, it was Parker and the closet thing wasn't that much of a surprise. Parker matched his frown and added a tilt of the head. "Because you make me feel safe" She replied simply, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "I figured if I slept near you I wouldn't have those dreams because you would protect me."

"But it didn't work?" Eliot asked, a part of him disappointed even though both the idea and the feeling made no sense.

"You weren't here" She pointed out accusingly. Eliot smiled at her logic and shyly she smiled back. "Well, I'm here now" He told her, "Why don't you get a few hours sleep and I promise I won't go anywhere till you wake up?" Parker stared at Eliot for a minute, not sure how she felt about the idea. She didn't like needing people, even her team, her family she corrected herself, but the nightmares were bad this time.

"Come on Parker, this is me. You trust me to protect you right?" Parker nodded firmly once. "Then come on, lie down here, I'll grab the couch. If you need me, just holler, ok?" Eliot started to rise off the bed.

"No wait!" Eliot froze looking at Parker with a question in his eyes. "Stay. Please" she whispered so quietly he wasn't sure he heard her at first. Eliot frowned not sure what she was asking. "Please, I won't take up much room and I know the nightmares will come back if you leave. Please..." Her voice breaking as the words trailed off, Eliot's heart broke a little more at the tone of her pleading. He smiled gently, wondering what he thought he was doing, getting into bed with a beautiful woman, who was anything but uncomplicated. Yet, he would do this, because she needed him. She trusted him. Parker, who learnt the hard way not to trust people, believed he could keep her safe even from her own mind. So he stayed. He held her close, stoked her hair till she fell asleep, hugged her and comforted her when she murmured in her sleep, until finally, he too drifted off.

He wasn't surprised the next day when he woke and she was gone. He smiled when he realised he had slept better than he had in a long time. Maybe they both needed something last night. Up and showered, a little over an hour later he was making breakfast for the team when Parker walked in, snatching some toast off Hardison's plate.

"Damn it Girl, where you been, I been tryin' a call ya half the night"

Parker shrugged "I slept with Eliot last night"

The room froze; all eyes moving between Parker and Eliot and back again.

"Damn it Parker!" Eliot said angrily" AT Eliot's, AT Eliot's, not WITH Eliot..." slamming the pan down and muttering under his breath. "...and sleeping is ALL that happened" He added looking pointedly at Hardison.

Parker frowned, looking around, clearly confused "That's what I said; at Eliot's."