Chapter One: Sunshine

Author's Note: So, here I am, starting a new story. I've wanted to write this story for a long time, and since I have a week-long minication that started yesterday, I thought I'd give it a shot. For those of you who are reading TSA, I know it's been a while since I last updated, but the next chapter is in the works and I'm putting my heart and soul into it. Thanks for reading, and please review!

Kate woke up to the sound of her phone ringing. With her eyes still closed, she stretched her arm to pick it up.

"Beckett." She answered. She felt rather stupid when she saw it wasn't an incoming call, but a text message. "Too soon." She clicked on the message icon and proceeded to read.

'Dear Kate, I wish someday you'll be able to forgive me for what I'm about to do. I'm sorry I'm not strong enough, good enough. I hope you'll be able to do what I'm asking you to do, even though it's way too much to ask. For your bravery, your kindness, and your amazing heart, I see you as the only person I can trust. I'm leaving, Kate. The pain is too much for me. Billy's death, the sudden loss of my job… I just cannot handle this world anymore. I fear that you'll refuse my request, and if you do, please don't feel guilty. I won't blame you. But I shall part, and leave Quinn behind. I'm asking you, Kate. I'm asking you with all of my heart. Please take care of her. She's not to blame for all the tragedy that struck our family. Please, take care of my daughter. Love, Maddie.'

Kate blinked furiously. Did she just read that? It couldn't be. Maddie was doing a prank, right? She wouldn't leave her one-year old daughter behind. She couldn't.

"Kate? Why are you up?" Rick glanced at the alarm clock on the nightstand. It was a little after five.

"I… Maddie sent me a text." Kate was still in shock. Her phone was being squeezed by her right hand, and she was looking at nowhere. Her head was spinning. What if that was a serious text? What would she do? She knew Maddie didn't have any family, so if she was indeed planning to leave, the next closest person was herself.

"Kate, what's wrong?" Rick was now fully awake and sitting next to Kate on the bed. The only light they could see was the one coming from her phone. "Kate, tell me what's wrong."

Without saying anything, Kate passed him the phone, the text still open.

"What's this?" It took Rick some effort to read the text. When he did manage to do so, he became just astonished as Kate. Now they were two, sitting on his bed staring at nothing. "Kate?" He asked after a couple of minutes.


"What are we going to do?" Her face was completely blank. He'd never seen her like that before. She was Kate Beckett, and normally, nothing could touch her. He didn't know what was scarier.

"We?" Kate asked him, noting the use of the word.

"I won't leave you alone in this." He reached for her hand. "I'm here for you, Kate. Always."

"Thank you." She planted a soft kiss on his lips. Her head was still spinning, and she knew she had to do something about that text. "I think we should call her. Perhaps it's just a joke." She said, without any conviction whatsoever. She knew Maddie well enough to know that wasn't her kind of humor. A million thoughts went through her mind. When her husband, Billy, died just a month after Quinn was born, Maddie was in a very dark place. But she stood strong for Quinn. But a month ago, when she lost her job, Kate knew the situation was becoming too much for her to bear. But this? She didn't think Maddie would give up.

"Okay." He handed her the phone "Call her."

Kate dialed Maddie's number. She pressed the speaker button and placed the phone on the spot in the middle of them.

'Hello, you reached Madison Queller-Richards. I can't answer you right now, but please leave a message after the beep. Beep.'

"Shit." Kate pressed the redial button to try again.

'Hello, you reached Madison Queller. I can't answer you right now, but please leave a message after the beep. Beep.'

"Oh crap." Rick said, his voice low. "What now?"

"I'm going to call her house." Kate scrolled down her list of contacts until she found 'Maddie-Home' and pressed it.

"Hello?" A woman answered. Kate thought she should be young.

"Hello, this is Kate Beckett, I need to speak to Madison." She said, her voice cracking.

"Mm, this is Hannah, I'm the babysitter. Ms. Richards told me you'd call. She said you should come over, there's an envelope here for you." The young woman said, her voice as calm as could be. She probably didn't know anything.

"Mhm, okay, thank you. I'll stop by to get it later." Kate said.

"Do you think you could come now? I should have gotten home at eleven pm, but I couldn't leave Quinn here alone." Hannah asked.

"Yeah, sure." Kate said, completely confused. That wasn't Maddie. Leaving her daughter with a sitter for the entire night? Dear God, that was a nightmare.

"Thank you."

"So?" Rick asked.

"I need to go to Maddie's house now. The sitter needs to leave." Kate wasn't thinking. She was still in complete and utter shock.

"I'll be ready in five." Rick said, jumping off the bed, and going straight to the bathroom.



"Thank you." Rick smiled back at Kate before entering the bathroom.

"Hi." Hannah said, opening the door with the small child in her arms. She looked exhausted. Her blonde hair was tied back in a messy bun, her gray t-shirt had awful stains in it and her black yoga pants had Cheerios stuck on it. Noticing their looks, Hannah said "It was a rough night. She missed Mrs. Richards."

"I'm sorry to hear." Rick said, noticing that Kate was still to shocked to say anything. "How much does she owe you?"

"Nothing. It was paid already." Hannah said, giving them a compassionate smile.


"It's paid. I need to go now. Thanks for coming so quickly." Hannah passed Quinn to Rick's arms and picked up her purse. "Goodbye." She said as she walked out the door.

"Did she really just give the baby to two complete strangers?" Rick asked, amazed. He was pretty sure that wasn't appropriate. "Kate?"


"Are you okay?"

"No. Let's find that envelope, shall we?" Kate looked at the kitchen counter and saw a camel envelope. She walked towards it, and opened.

Rick was now rocking Quinn in his arms, trying to get her to sleep.

"That's it." Kate was still holding the sealed envelope.

"Open it, Kate."

'I, Madison Elyse Queller-Richards, grant full guardianship of my child, Quinn Amelia Richards to her godmother, Katherine Johanna Beckett. Katherine Beckett will have all powers and authority that I would have if I were present. Katherine Beckett has full rights to act as the guardian of Quinn Richards, now until she reaches majority.

Madison Richards.

Edward A. Davenport, Civil Lawyer.'

"Shit." They both said, in unison.

Author's Note: So, watcha think? Is it good? Bad? Review, please!