Disclaimer: I don't own anything except the text. All characters (except Marli, she's an OC of mine) belongs to Yana Toboso.


Grell POV

" W-what!? Will, wait!" I called after my boyfriend- or, to Will, my EX-boyfriend. " What, Sutcliff?" Will sighed, and I stopped, tears beginning to form in my eyes. " Why, Will? Why do you want to break up?" I asked quietly, and Will turned to me. He looked deep into my eyes, then leaned down and kissed my forehead. " It's not you, Grell..." He said, " It's just... everything is too complicated right now." I felt anger burning in my chest and I narrowed my eyes and pulled away from him.

" No... it IS me, ISN'T it?" I asked, raising my voice. Will also narrowed his eyes, but said nothing. " IT IS! Hah, you're unbelievable, Willaim T. Spears. Completely and utterly unbelievable. You think you're so great and all... but you're NOT. You don't even have the guts to tell your boyfriend the REAL reason why you're breaking up with him!" I yelled, and raised my hand, ready to hit Will.

He grabbed my fist and got close to my face, then growled, " You can't be more right." I lowered my fist and glared up at him as he continued. " I'm leaving you because I don't love you, Grell Sutcliff. Hell, I don't think I even LIKE you. You're too loud, too obnoxious, too clumsy, and overall a general pain in the ass. I can't keep balancing my life and yours, knowing that you need more attention than a week old baby. Grell Leonard Sutcliff, I HATE you. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to work." Will said, and walked away, leaving me standing there in my living room, all alone.

I walked to my bedroom, my body feeling numb and hollow. I layed down, fully dressed, and curled up in a fetal position around my pillow, then cried. Nobody had ever said anything that mean to my face... and even though I knew it was most likely true, it still hurt to have Will say it. And the fact that he... hates me... it's too much. I couldn't help the tears and sobs that wracked my body for the next half hour, until I finally fell asleep.

I love you, Will~ ...

Love you, sweetheart!

William, guess what?
What, Grell?
I. Love. You!
Heheh. Nice.

Will, can I ask you something?
Sure, go ahead.
Why don't you ever say "I love you" to me?

... Will?
I'm saving it for that perfect time.
Aww, you're so sweet!~

I love you, Will! I love you, Will! Iloveyou, wiloveyouwiloveyou-

I HATE you, Grell Sutcliff! Loud, obnoxious, clumsy pain in the ass! I hate you hate you hateyouhateyouhateyou-

I bolted up out of bed, gasping for air. I was sweating , and my red coat was crumpled against the wall. One pant leg was rolled up to my knee, while the other was hooked on my boot strap. I ran a hand through my hair, still panting. " What a terrible dream..." I whispered, then felt my eyes tear up again. It was basically reality... and now I was all alone. Again. I layed back down and cried. I'd skip out on work today, and say I was sick. I wasn't ready to face Will yet.

So instead of getting up and getting on with my day, I layed there and cried myself back to sleep.