Chapter 1

Before you get mad at me for not updating my stories, just hear me out. It's breast cancer week. No one in my family ever had cancer. (Knocks on wood). But I respect dearly for those who did or do have it. So those who have close family or friends with cancer, this is for y'all. This story will probably be 3 chapter's long, and there will be a character death. You pretty much will find out who it is real soon.

Disclaimer: I don't own IMAA. (I being a serious person today)

Tony and Pepper laughed as they rounded the hallway. They heard Rhodey shouting out in anger as a loud SPLASH caused everyone to look in that direction. "Oh that was too good! High Five PEPPER!" Tony said holding his side. "Ow. Cramp cramp cramp."

Pepper started laughing hard and gave Tony a weak high five. After they both calmed down Pepper said, "Let's go to the roof. That and Rhodey can't be and at us for too long!" Tony nodded and putting both is hands on her back, he started to push her towards the direction of the door, which led to the roof.

But before Pepper went up the last step, she collapsed and passed out. Shocked with confusion, Tony grabbed Pepper and shot down the hallway towards the nurse's office, ignoring Rhodey.

"Is she okay?" Tony asked pacing in the small room. The nurse moved around Pepper getting different looks on her face. She reached down and touched her skin, looked into her eyes, and even into her mouth.

"Nothing looks wrong. She looks completely fine. But I'm going to call the hospital just in case. I don't want this getting serious." Tony nodded. "Oh and one more thing. You and Rhodey go with her. She is you're best friend, but you should really ask her out Tony, so just go along with her." Tony gave to nurse a look and nodded. He pulled up a chair and held her hand, waiting.

After about 10 minutes, the ambulance showed up with a stretcher. Pepper was quickly loaded up onto it and wheeled out, as her two best friends followed.

"What happened man?" Rhodey asked trying to get Tony's attention.

"I don't know Rhodey. We're gonna find out."

"Is she going to be okay Doc?" Tony questioned again. Dr. Gilbert looked at Tony.

"We better call her father first." The minute Tony called and told Virgil what was going on, he showed up within five minutes.

"WHERE'S MY DAUGHTER?!" He cried out. The doctor took him out in the hallway leaving the two boy teens even more clueless. Tony just stared at the figure on the bed. The white blankets went up and down according to her breathing. Everything was normal, except for her passing out suddenly.

"Tony, Rhodey, if you want to know what's going on, please come outside." The doctor said politely. Virgil walked in looking devastated. But he kept his same straight face and held his daughter's hand. A single tear fell down his face.

"Tony. Rhodey. Do you have any idea what's going on?" Doctor Gilbert said. The two teens shook their heads. "Okay explainable. It's just that Pepper is sick."

Tony sighed in relief. "Oh that's it? What did she get? The flu? A virus?" As Tony said that he noticed Rhodey going stiff and not say anything.

"No Tony. It is a little more serious." That key word "serious" made Tony freeze as well. It dawned on him. No. Not Pepper. But nothing can hold back the natural nature of a human body.

"Pepper has Breast Cancer, and can't live more than these 3 days."

This may not be good. But I don't care if y'all don't review. This is coming from the good of me and is just a story to tell those with or know who has cancers, that don't give up hope okay? It's hard but you just have to keep moving not stop or pause.