"Pokémon Special Adventures: One-shot Romances"
Gomen! I must admit I haven't written a thing for this Fanfic in over 2 months, but I'll try to make one last chapter before class start ^_^
This is a request from a personal friend of mine who had quite a strange idea: a story between Red and Platinum. I know, right?! No relation at all! But yet, I did say that I accepted any couple.
Platinum has been in a quest of obtaining all Frontier Passes for some time now, but she needed to clear her head a bit. She just needed one last Frontier Pass, the one she would win if she beat the Tower Tycoon.
She went to Kanto to clear her mind. She entered the famous Game Corner, in order to make her ideas blank. Diamond and Pearl stayed in Sinnoh because of a request Prof. Rowan had made them.
She started playing the slots, and lady luck was on her side. But not on someone else's side…
"What do you mean, I can't buy a Porygon?!" The loud voice called her attention, and she stood up to see what was happening. The tall boy with the cap and dark hair yelling at the guy in the front desk.
"Sorry sir, but you don't have enough points too…"
"I'll pay the rest." Platinum said, showing the men the point tickets she won.
"Well, only yours are enough." The desk man informed, taking a Poké Ball from the counter.
"Then I offer this man the Porygon." Platinum informed. The desk man gave the Poké Ball to the young man.
"Thanks. I'm Red. What's your name?"
"That is a secret kept to myself." Platinum answered. She then turned around and walked back to the machines. Red was thankful, but for some other reason, he couldn't take her image out of his head. He followed her, wanting to talk to her. "Why are you following me?"
"Because I was wondering if you would like to hang out some time."
"How so?"
"I don't know. I haven't seen you around Kanto, so I can guess you're not from here."
"Correct. Go on…"
"How long are you staying here?"
"Two more days."
"Then, how about us going to the movies tomorrow. It won't hurt, right?"
"I guess so…"
"Tomorrow, 2PM, at the cinema next door." Red suggested. Platinum nodded, and they separated ways. Platinum wasn't nervous… at first. She then remembered she never went on a date before.
She spent the entire night trying to figure out what to dress for the date.
The next day, she went a bit earlier than she'd expect to. She wore her signature hat, her scarf, and a white attire with blue details.
"Hi!" she automatically stood up when she heard his voice. "Sorry if I took long. You waited long?"
"Not really, no." She had been there for half an hour, but she did come earlier.
"So, shall we?" Red asked, suggesting to enter the cinema. "Any idea for what you'd like to see?"
"I don't know…" she only had for options: "Love in the Pocket", "Night of the Undead Pokémons", "Oh no she didn't!" and "Who dun it?". A romance, a horror movie, a comedy, and a mystery movie.
"How about Night of the Undead Pokémons?" Red asked, kind of more leaned to the horror movie type.
"Sure." Platinum agreed. She had nothing to lose.
They entered and walked through the short hall to buy the tickets.
"Two tickets to the "Night of the Undead Pokémons", two sodas and a bucket of popcorn." Red requested. Platinum began searching for her wallet in her bag, but before she knew, Red had already paid for the whole thing.
"I can buy my part."
"No, no, my treat. I mean, it's the minimum I can do." Red said, handing the tickets to Platinum. Platinum stared at tickets with an oblivious face, starting to like the term of "dating". They walked through the hall and entered the room of the movie. They sat on a row in the center of the room, and waited for the movie to start. It didn't take long for the lights to turn off and the movie to start.
In the beginning, it was pretty simple and plain. Platinum and Red began eating the popcorn. One time, their hands met in the bucket by mistake. Platinum automatically took it out, blushing a bit. Red grinned, liking how cute Platinum looked when blushing. A rare sight.
By halfway through the movie, when things started to get scarier, and at one point, Platinum got scared and buried her head against Red's shoulder, closing her eyes. For her surprise, Red embraced her shoulders with his arm, surprising her a bit. She looked at his face and saw his cool, comforting grin. She blushed and smiled and approached his ear.
"My name is Platinum."
Red was confused at first, but then he understood. He smiled at her again, and then both continued watching the film.
"How was the movie?"
"Scary, that's for sure." Platinum answered, leaving the room with Red. Red still had his arm around her shoulders. "What about you?"
"It was nothing. Though I was caught by surprise when that zombie Golduck ate the…"
"Please don't continue the phrase, Red."
"Ok." Red agreed. They were walking through the street, and a rain drop landed on Red's nose. Platinum took out an umbrella out of her bag and opened it, covering both of them from the rain, which was turning heavy. Red was going to pick the, which made their hands touch. Both of them blushed, Red surprised and Platinum hiding her face. Red was about to let go the umbrella, but he tightened the grip, softly enough so he wouldn't squeeze Platinum's hand. Platinum was surprised. She turned to him, surprised. Red smiled at her, making her smile. They walked through the street, talking about all sort of stuff: Pokémons, likes and dislikes, what they do, what they want to achieve…
Red stopped at a point. He let the umbrella go, surprising her. She was holding the umbrella through Red, so she dropped the umbrella by mistake and surprise. He held her hands, making her turn to him. Their eyes met, and the umbrella fell. The rain was fast and heavy, already soaking them to the bones.
"Red…?" she asked softly. She closed her eyes and tip toed, approaching red's face. Red also closed his eyes and planted a soft kiss on her lips. Their blushes began to increase in intensity. They separated after four seconds, and then smiled at each other. Red picked up the umbrella and they continued walking through the street, feeling happy and warm, even if they were soaked.
Sorry, couldn't make any better. I mean, unusual request, c'mon. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed and sorry for not posting before. School and all. Please don't forget to review ^_^
I hope you guys make a request. This is getting successful, and I would like a review if you don't mind too ^_^
Bye, remember, BEAST OUT!"