Don't kill me! I am sorry! I kinda was being lazy, them I got obsessed with Doctor Who, then I was lazy again, then I had this huge testing yeah


Disclaimer: I dont own because if I did I would still be writing the first book and the series wouldnt exist...

Annabeth Pov

Carly Shane is a medium height, black haired girl, with blue eyes, who happened to be obsessed with Psychology. She was even worse than Annabeth is with Archeture, which is saying something, even to Annabeth! So, it wasn't surprising that Carly became their knew therapist, but their was some fear that she will use her Psychology to mold their minds like play dough. Which, even though the thought is completely ridiculous, Annabeth had to admit it seem like something Carly would do.

So as they sat in the big house, nerves started to take over, causing them to fidget in anticipation.

"Whats taking so long?" Leo's voice projected the question that had been on all of their minds.

Suddenly all the lights turned off and Annabeth felt rope wrapped around her, tying her to the chair.

"Whats going on?" Piper whispered before the light flickered back on. All off them sat in a circle, tied up to their chairs. In the center of the circle stood Carly. She was wearing a long blue robe and her hair was tied in a severe bun.

"This is how we will cleanse your mind, through pain." she said creepily and all of their eyes widened. Carly was going to torture them!

"Just kidding." Carly's mouth split into a grin, and Lou Ellen stepped inside the room. snapped her fingers and the ropes fell to the ground.

"What was that for?" Jason demanded.

"I owe the Stoll Brothers money." Well that made sense. It wasn't uncommon for the Stolls to make people execute pranks for them if money, or really anything is owed.

"So, lets get started." Carly stood up and pointed to each one of them, first Piper, then Jason and Leo, then finally Annabeth, "Annoying, and obsessed with Jason. Stiff, with no personality. Insecure with a inferiority complex. Pride issues, depressed, clingy, and overly jealous type." They all stared at her before her comments finally settled in.


"You heard me, there is some other things, but I will touch on them later." Carly spoke in a sickly sweet voice.

"Who gave you the rig-" Annabeth started before being cut off.

"I don't care what you think, I am the one who is talking here." Carly interrupted rudely, causing anger to seep into Annabeth's mind. Annabeth felt the air get hotter, and realized that Leo was resisting the urge to roast Carly. From the looks on Piper and Jason's face, it was obvious that the really wanted to let him set Carly ablaze.

For the rest of the session Carly continued to insult them and ignore them when they tried to protest. The whole time Annabeth was surprised at Carly's true personality. Who knew the girl could be so vicious? It was then that Annabeth remembered vaguely of Carly talking with Drew a lot recently and started to slowly change her wardrobe. So Drew poisoned another camper.

"I swear I wanna smack this girl so hard she will end up in the freaking Harry Potter world." Piper whispered darkly, as they left the Big House.

"Why don't we pull some pranks instead?" All of them agreed, though Jason looked apprehensive.

"I don't know guys, why don't we just tell Chiron what happened and be on with it?" That was definitely Jason''s Roman side talking.

"Because this way is more fun!" Leo said. As they all headed off to a place to make their plans, Annabeth realized she was more loose then usual. Since Percy was kidnapped, by the most annoying Goddess in the Universe, Annabeth felt like her insides were being ground up and burned slowly. She hadn't realized that the flame started to let up untill now. Annabeth suspected this was because of Jason, Leo, and Piper. Even though Jason makes a small rain of sadness pour over her because of his similarities to Percy, they all make unlock Annabeth from her depression and desperation.

"If we are going to do this, lets make it a pretty big prank." Annabeth smirked mischievously as they began their plans.


"AHH!" Carly screamed girlishly and ran out of her cabin. The apparently-messed-up-enough-to-need-to-go-to-therapy kids were all hiding behind a bush trying to stifle their giggles. This was the most fun Annabeth had since...well since Percy had been at Camp. Annabeth pushed the sadness that was started to creep up on her, she didn't want to become all depressed like she usually does when she thinks of Percy.

"Good job guys." Leo said with a gigantic grin that was slightly unnerving as usual. They smirked as they saw Carly running around screaming at the top of her lungs as she attempted to scrap the ketchup of her face. Thats right the smeared ketchup on her face while everyone was sleeping, but that is not all. They also poured honey on her hair, dropped rubber snakes around her bed, wrote "I am an idiot" on her arms in permanent marker, and threw her clothes into the lake. Nobody messes with them.

Unfortunately, Carly noticed them hiding in a bush, laughing their heads off.

"You think this is funny?!' Carly screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Actually, yes we do." Leo said, choking from laughter. Carly turned to Annabeth and glared.

"This is all your fault! You stupid little witc-" Carly was suddenly slapped by Annabeth herself.

"Shut up." Annabeth glared. Carly pulled out a dagger and screamed furiously before thrusting it towards Annabeth's stomach.

++++++++++++TARDIS IS BLUE! YAY!+++++++++++

Annabeth gasped as she suddenly awoke from her dream. What the heck was that? And, who did she manage to dream of other points of view including hers? Annabeth walked outside and saw Percy.

"What's wrong, you look a little freaked out."

"I had the weirdest dream..."

"Please tell me it is not the one were you singing on stage with Lady Gaga and then skipping across a meadow of spoons."

"You promised to never mention it!"


"I've missed you Seaweed Brain."

"Of course you did!"

"OW! Come on, again, really Annabeth?"

"Shut up and come with me to get some breakfast."

That dream was weird, Annabeth thought as they went to the pavilion. She was in the point of view of people she never met before and they seemed to be pretty close friend with her. Also in the dream their was Romans, Flying Ships, and most importantly, Percy was missing for some reason. It was just a dream.

Just a dream.

I AM DONE! YES! I COMPLETED THIS STORY...Though I made the ending sadder then it needed to be...oh well
