I Wanna Be Your Man

Chapter: 1

Liz Parker's life had been perfect for five years, ever since her aunt Beth took her in at the age of fourteen when her Dad went bonkers. She was definitely grateful for her aunt' Beth gave her a place to come home to; clothes to wear, and Beth always knew how to cheer her up when she felt sad.

Well it was January 10, 1964 and all 17 year old Liz wanted to do was go to bed after a long day of running around town with Beth.

"Please Beth, I'm exhausted?!" Liz begged her aunt.

Beth laughed, "No you can't go to bed," she said still smiling, "You have to stay up at least until you after you eat some dinner first."

Liz giggled and rolled her eyes. Beth pulled her into the kitchen and started searching for something to make.

"Whattcha gonna make?" Liz asked leaning her back against the counter.

"How 'bout…spaghetti?" Beth shrugged and Liz made a face, "Ok, no. what about burgers?"

"Hm, maybe," Liz looked in the fridge, "Oh hey! Do we still have that yummy recipe from Mrs. Harrison?"

Beth stopped looking through the cabinets and opened a draw, "The one with the spicy chicken?"

"YES!" Liz grinned and helped Beth look for it. "Got it!"

Beth giggled at her excitement and got started in the meal. Liz helped her by pulling out the required ingredients and throwing things she was to lazy to throw away at the moment.

It was almost ready and Liz was stirring up a pitcher of lemonade for them when the doorbell sounded. Beth stopped what she was doing and went to answer the door.

Liz tried hard to listen to what was being said, but they were talking in such low voices she couldn't hear anything besides mutters. She finally gave up and brought the lemonade to the table.

"Liz?" Beth called from the living room, "Could you come in here for a second?"

Liz frowned and went to the living room and saw a familiar face.

"Liz, you remember Officer James brown?" Beth gestured to the familiar person.

"Jim!" Liz smiled and hugged the officer she hadn't seen in so long.

"Hello, Liz," Jim smiled for a second then his face got serious, "You might wanna sit down." Liz's expression also became serious as she sat down on the couch across from the two, who remained standing.

"What's going on?" Liz glanced at Beth. She looked extremely worried and wouldn't meet Liz's curious gaze.

"Well," Jim hesitated, "There's been a…problem, with your father."

Liz was horrified, "What kind of problem?"

"The kind that puts you in extreme danger." Beth said quietly as if in disbelief.

"Danger?" Liz felt like crying.

Jim nodded gravely, "I'm afraid that he's…" Jim hesitated again.

"Jim," Liz choked, "Just tell me, Please."
"He's broken out of prison." Jim looked down at his hands in his lap.

"What?" Liz asked. She knew it was going to be bad, but not this bad, "How?"

"We believe he had inside help from one of the guards on duty." Jim responded, his face expressionless.

"Well do you know who helped him?" Beth wondered.

"We have a couple of ideas, but we aren't too sure at the current time." Jim looked back to Liz apologetically, "I'm sorry Liz; really I am."

Liz nodded sadly and Beth led Jim to the door. Liz hadn't felt like crying in a long time. What was she gonna do with her Dad out of prison?

"Liz you need to find someplace to stay for a while." Beth said sternly once Jim had gone.

"What? No, I'm not going anywhere!" Liz stood, trying to hold her ground.

"Butt your father is on the loose!" Beth said getting louder, "And he's probably looking to find a way to hurt you!"

"So what? It's not like he hasn't done it before!" Liz yelled back, "And I'm not leaving you here by yourself!"

"Liz you have to," Beth was getting flustered, "Don't you see? You. Are. In. Danger!"

"I don't care!" Liz plopped back on the couch.

Beth sat down next to her, "You are just as stubborn as your mum was, you know that?"

Liz crossed her arms over her chest, "I am not stubborn."

"Please Lizzie?" Beth pleaded, "I don't know what I'd do if I lost you. You're like the daughter I never had."

"Oh Beth I don't wanna loose you either," Liz said starting to cry, "But I don't wanna leave you hereby yourself. You're in just as much danger as I am."

Beth looked at her pleadingly, "Just one night, Liz, Please!"

Liz wiped her face and nodded silently. Liz hugged Beth and heaved a sigh.

"Where will I go?" Liz asked trying to laugh off her worry.

"I dunno yet. I'll call around and in the mean time you go eat your dinner." Beth pushed Liz to the table and put a plate of spicy chicken in front of her.

"Right, dinner." Liz pushed her food around, suddenly at a loss of appetite. She barely ate as Beth sat in the other room looking for a place for Liz to stay for the night.

After about an hour, Beth popped in and said, "You'll be going to the McCartney's for the night."

"Really?" Liz tried to smile. She loved every one of the McCartney's; even Paul's annoying brother Mike. She'd gotten really close to them after their Mother died a few years before, but she hadn't really spent the night since her father attacked her so many years ago.

"Yep, you'll be staying in the guest room." Beth sat down with her dinner.

"Ok, then I guess I better be getting ready to go." Liz left the room quickly and gathered the few things she'd need.

She sighed and kissed Beth goodbye before running to the McCartney's house as fast as she could.

"OH, hi Liz!" Mike said excitedly when he opened the door, "Come on in."

Liz grinned and stepped inside, going straight to her room to put her things away.

"Hello Liz!" she heard Mr. McCartney call, "You'll be in the guest room you know?"

"Yes sir, I know!" she called back and went to find him.

She found him in the kitchen cleaning the dishes.

"Hello, Mr. McCartney." Liz said picking up the dishes and started to dry them.

"Hello Liz!" he responded cheerily. A sudden wave of exhaustion crashed into Liz and she yawned widely. Mr. McCartney noticed and said, "Oh, Liz you don't have to help me."

He took the plate from her, "Oh, no I want to help you…"
"NO you go on to bed, I can finish this."

Liz didn't try to argue anymore and shrugged before walking back to her room.

Hi, I hope you liked the first chapter to my sequel! Please review and tell me what you think!