Alone in a vast field of white, illuminated by a gentle glow and hazed with fluttering snow, a woman lays on her back as time passes by. "Woman" might be slightly misleading as it might be associated with a human, but she most certainly is not. Of her body, only half remains. As if she were a carved statue half of her lay broken. Below her waist is nothing but rubble, and what remained above is chipped and cracked, and maybe the slightest of impacts could render the rest of her so. She is a broken woman.

Even then, she is beautiful beyond comparison. As if carved by the most renowned of craftsman, if she were whole she would be perfect. The shape of her face, the lean neck, the blending collarbone, the wide chest, ripe breasts, and bold and tight stomach; she'd be displayed in the finest country's, of the finest lord's, finest castle, placed in either the central hall or a garden surrounded by vibrant flowers. A piece of art she was even shattered in pieces.

But she was no statue. Even now her breasts rises and lowers with her breathe. Her long blue hair tousles in the breeze. Her cheeks blush a slight pink from the life that remains within her. Despite her state of being she is a creature living of this Earth same as any other, though as an individual she was quite unique sample. "Was" might slightly be jumping the gun, but surely she can't survive much longer in the state she's in.

In this otherwise blissful nirvana, there's a slight disturbance and someone's footsteps can lightly be heard crunching through the snow. Whom would come, or even find, this broken woman in such a vast field of nothingness is a mystery. This person walks with determination, directly towards the broken woman as if they knew, no mater where on the planet, where this woman may be. As if it were decided by destiny, it was time for them to meet.

This person comes to a halt before the broken woman. Like the one on the ground, this guest is also a woman. Similarities quickly become apparent between the two. Both have blue hair, similar builds, and similar faces. If the two stood next to each other they might be counted as sisters, but at the same time differences existed. This newcomer was by far shorter and younger, but still appeared an adult, or at least a mature young woman. She stands above the fallen.

"Please don't suffer."

The words were spoken aloud, booming with authority, as if it were the voice of a gentle God. At this the broken woman slowly opens her eye. Revealed is a color as bright as the sky and as deep as the ocean. It's glossy brilliance nearly seems a part of this world, as if it were a wonder of nature and would exist as long as this blue planet breathed life. These are an exact match with the female traveler.

"You've finally come," the woman tells the traveler, expecting her arrival. "Not only me, but you kept everyone waiting."

"Is you're waiting done?" the traveler answers back.

"Yes, it is. I wasn't just waiting for you, but everyone else as well. They've finally come to join me."

The traveler looks around. Only endless white and themselves fill the landscape.

"You don't see them, do you?" the broken woman asks. "Don't worry, you will. And in time they will see you as well."

Taking a knee, the traveler lowers herself so as to be closer with the woman.

"Why did you get broken?"

"Because even if I saw them, they couldn't see me. Because they couldn't see me, they couldn't see what else laid ahead of them. I thought maybe why they couldn't see ahead was because they couldn't see me, and that I was blocking the way. If they break down the wall which I became, maybe they'll see me as they pass me by."

The traveler takes her hand to her chin, thinking deeply. A few seconds pass and she says, "Is that-"

But the woman interrupts, "But you can see me, and of course you would be the first. If you look ahead," with great perseverance, she raises her hand and points, "you should be able to see what's there."

Following her lead, the traveler looks, but sees nothing but the endless field.

"I don't see anything."

"Good," she cryptically states, "I can't either. What I once saw was ruin, destruction, loss and heartbreak, but I can't see that anymore. When you found me that destination went away. You will continue now on your own journey, finding your own destination, and it certainly won't be the same as mine. You will go, leave me behind, and find another path. As others come to find me, they will see you up ahead. They will join you, and you will lead them on the path."

A few seconds pass in silence as the traveler digests what was spoken.

"I'm no leader," she tells the woman.

"But you are," she immediately refutes. "Leaders are simply people in the lead. Because they are so far ahead, others naturally follow. It's the path that scares them, but if they know someone has traveled it before, they're inclined to believe it's safe. Being a leader is merely the position you have. How far you've gotten. And as I see it, you are the first to reach this far." Her giggle is warm enough to light a fire. "You don't have any choice. All you have to do is keep moving, or even stand still, and eventually others will find you."

After hearing everything, "How long will it be before others come to me?"

"One is already very close, perhaps closer than you would ever believe. In fact, this one person might possibly pass you by. It'd be a little embarrassing if my predecessor was outdone by this louse, but you should worry not. She will become a friend and rival, perhaps one before the other. Whatever the case, you two shall look to the other for guidance.

"But let me warn you," she continues, "it is not you who chooses your followers. Even if they are close to you, even if you want them to, that doesn't mean you walk the same path."

Welcome to Volume 2 of The Strongest series. I know this is a short chapter and barely works as an intro, but seeing as I concluded Legend only a few days ago this should be more of a teaser. Don't worry, I'll post the real intro in a couple days time.

With Legend I posted 2 or 3 chapters a week depending on my situation. I probably won't be able to keep up that pace with Advent as for some reason, and I don't know why, but the chapters in volume 2 are a whole lot longer than vol. 1 (excluding the prologue). Did I level up or something? Anyway, I'll be working hard to get this out as quickly as possible, or as quickly as I feel. I'm fired up as this is my first sequel, so I doubt I'll leave you guys hanging for too long.

Also, as you might have notice, the sequel is titled Advent of the Strongest. If you're a true Cirno fan, then this should mean something to you. If you don't get it, check out the Doujinshi Advent Cirno by the same author of Yumekui Merry. The doujinshi and my story have nothing to do with each other, but it's still a fun read. Good luck finding the chapters, however. It's been buried under the internetz so you might have to do a bit of digging. Check it out if you've got the time.

Anyway, thank you for sticking with me onto this second volume. And for anyone else reading this prologue and not having it make a lick of sense, read Legend of the Strongest, as it's vol 1 and this is 2. Have fun guys!

~Kyle Castorena