Disclaimer: I own nothing (Sadly)

Not Betad, every mistake is my own. I only saw the movie (though I did see Thor and both Iron Man1 and 2)

Note: English is not my first lanuage.

After the battle of New York Clint left. The team thinks it's because of the guilt from what loki made him do. But is it ever that simple?

Clint-centric, but features the team

The Avengers were lost.

After saving New York Tony had offered each of them a room in the restored tower. Almost each of them had agreed almost immediately, even Thor although he wouldn't be on Earth for most of the time. All but one. Clint had felt he couldn't accept. The guilt of what he had done while under Loki's influence weight strongly on him. Tony had managed to convince him to stay for a while, but after the first night the archer had vanished.

Which left the Avengers one short. During the few missions the heroes had done after New York, they noticed how much they relied on their Hawk. Their eyes in the sky. They hadn't seen him in months. Natasha in particular suffered with the loss, though she tried not to show it.

A new mission to save the world left the Avengers lost. Thor was still in Asgard. Hulk was smashing around. Captain America was fighting too many enemies at once. Iron Man was flying around, trying to help everyone, while taking out his own attackers. Black Widow was taking out as many targets as possible.

For every opponent the team took out more seemed to appear. Captain America took out one of his attackers with his shield and looked around for a moment.

'Stark, where are you?' He couldn't see Iron man anywhere.

'I'm a bit busy' Tony sounded winded.

Natasha was overwhelmed. She ran out of bullets a while ago. These creatures seemed to be targeting her.

'Steve.' She hated calling for help but she had to. No point in worrying about looking weak if you're dead.

'Widow,' Steve responded before taking another creature out. 'Tony can you get to Natasha?'

'I doubt it. Something broke my boot. I can't fly anywhere.'

Natasha took out another enemy. She was running out of time. She heard the Hulk smashing behind her. Someone was coming to her aid. She got knocked down from behind, landing awkward on her hands breaking her right wrist. Hulk wasn't going to be on time. Her attacker moved towards her with his sword like weapons.

Black widow had seem death before, she wasn't afraid to die. She stared death in the face and saw her attacker fall on its back an arrow through its eye. Suddenly creatures all around her were dropping dead.

'Clint.' She breathed. She started looking around her, to rooftops.

'Widow what is your status.' Steve called out again

'I'm fine. Clint is here somewhere.'

'Clint? Are you sure?' Even as he asked he realized how stupid it was to doubt the widow when it came to the hawk.

Luckily Natasha wasn't bothered by it. 'How many archers do you know?' A roar sounded nearby. Natasha looked behind her. Hulk had caught up.

'Arrowman.' Hulk grunted, when he noticed the arrows.

Natasha thought fast. Clint hadn't showed himself. He probably wouldn't. He would just disappear again. Something caught her eye. If she hadn't been as attuned to Clint she would have missed it. She had found him.

'Hulk.' She called and waited until she had his full attention. 'Arrowman is on that roof.' She pointed. 'Iron man can't get there in time. Can you get him?' She held her breath. Hulk usually only took orders from Cap.

'Hulk Catch Arrowman.' Hulk nodded and jumped to the building Natasha pointed.

'Did you seriously just do that.' Steve came walking. 'What if Hulk hurts Barton?'

'Than we will deal with that, but if that means that Clint is back with us.' She trailed off.

Steve nodded. He silently agreed. Nothing was more important than having Hawkeye back with the Avengers. They could deal with everything else.

'Did I hear you sent Hulk after Barton?' Tony came walking, he sounded out of breath. Natasha just nodded.

'If Hulk finds Barton this mission might just be worth another broken suit' Tony grumbled. He had been destroying his suits faster than he could fix them lately. Steve just smiled. Natasha shook her head. She kept looking to the building Hulk had gone up to. She started doubting herself. Had she really seen Clint.

With a roar the Hulk jumped to them, carrying an unconscious Clint.

'Arrowman Run' Hulk roared

Natasha narrowed her eyes. Typical Clint. Why would he do something the easy way.

'You did good Hulk.' Steve said. 'but we could use Bruce back.'

'Doctor help Arrowman.'

'Yeah big guy. Doctor help Arrowman.' Tony couldn't be left out.

Everyone turned they head as Hulk started slinking and Bruce Banner appeared. Tony held out a pair of pants to the naked doctor.

'What happened?' Bruce asked, than he noticed the unconscious man. 'Clint? How? When? Why is he unconscious?'

Steve threw a look at Natasha. She took over. 'He saved my life. I never saw him until the creature that attacked me fell dead.' She pointed to said creature an arrow sticking out of its eye. 'I figured he was near, but Stark lost his ability to fly, again.' She muttered.

'So you sent Hulk to get him.' Bruce was a smart man. He figured out why Natasha was looking so guilty. 'Good.' He added.

They all looked at him with surprise.

'Don't get me wrong. I'm sorry he got hurt while the other guy got him, but at least now he can't run away again.'

'How are we going to ensure that? Tie him up? Because I'm pretty sure nothing we can do to him will prevent that he runs.' Tony asked. 'I for one would like to live another day. Not end up with an arrow in my chest because we tried to force him to stay.'

'We persuade him.' Natasha's voice was soft. 'We have to convince him he is worth it.'

So the idea for the title came from a song from Phil Collins

Hope you enjoyed the first chapter

Please review.