A/N: I DON' OWN TWILIGHT OR ANY OTHER THING THAT IS RECOGNISABLE AS SOMEONE ELSE'S!. This story is ever so slowly coming to a dramatic end. I wish it would go on forever but alas good things never last. For every one out there who is dying to know what Bella is she is an angel. Okay that's cleared. I thank everyone for reading this story which has now reached over 42,000 views. Also please check out my other books. I am going to put a new one on (my 18th) soon. It's a Hunger Games one.

I'll try to make this chapter extra long!

Seeing as this book is almost finished I decided to add dedication thingies for songs that I though would fit the chapter I dedicate them to.

That totally made sense.

All well, the song for this chapter is: Radioactive by Imagine Dragons (one of my favs!)

Anyways, enjoy chapter 25.

CHAPTER 25: Capture My Memories


The forest was my protection from the vampires. They hadn't been down to look for me yet so I was safe, but it was only a matter of time till they came running after me.

I had travelled through the whole forest multiple times within the two days I had been here. I know every leaf off by heart; after all they were God's creation.

I sat near the river, this wasn't my idea of fun, what was an angel doing hiding out in the forest? I was running from vampires, Satan's creations. Evil creatures that threatened to destroy anything holy. Behind me I heard the rustle of leaves. My head snapped up, the air smelt foul, like death. Several vampires quietly emerged from the shadows of the woods. I jumped up, stretching my winds, ready to fly. I felt the blood pounding in my ears and the wind rustling my feathers. The Vampires slowly formed a ring around me as if I were some animal from the zoo that had escaped. Disgusting.

The short vampire with blonde hair stood only three meters away. If I used her as a distraction I would hopefully be able to sneak away. I lunged forward. My alabaster fingers wrapped dangerously tight around the blonde vampire's stone neck. I squeezed hard, thousands of tiny little cracks forming on her neck. She began making strangled noises. The others looked worried and one young male vampire leapt forward.

"Bella. Let. Jane. Go." He said. The blonde vampire was now flailing her arms wildly trying to get me to release my grip.

"My name is NOT BELLA!" I yelled.

"Then what is it?" he asked, his hand gestures slow as if to provide a sense of comfort.

"I go by many names. None of which you are worthy to hear or pronounce"

My hand hurt immensely. It was fully black and the black shadow crept further and further up my arm at a steady pace. My head began pounding like my brain was going to explode.

I squeezed tighter then braced my body for flight. I threw the vampire girl to the ground roughly and pushed off the ground with such force that it crumbled.

In the air I felt safer. But something wasn't right. My left wing erupted in pain and 13 or so feathers fell off. The beginning of an ivory white, razor sharp bone could just be recognised. Underneath me I felt a sudden searing heat. Another vampire stood directly beneath me. His olive skin glowing from the flickering flames erupting from his hands. Several flaming spheres of fire shot past me. I lost count after about 30. Many hit my wings, burning my feathers into black ashes. I screamed in pain as my left wing burst into flame.

One of the older looking vampires, the one with chocolate brown hair and sad eyes stepped forward.

"Listen to me angel. If our tale is not believed by the time we finish we will let you leave, if it is believed you must stay with us...okay" he said.

I considered the offer. What did I have to loose? I knew I wouldn't believe him...would I? I pushed myself up slowly, making sure I didn't move my completely burnt wing. It was no longer white but a blackish-grey the bone structure showing. Not a single feather in sight.

"You may begin." I said spitefully.

"Your name is Isabella Marie Swan Volturi. You used to be a human girl that lived in a small town called Forks, near Seattle with your mother and father, Charlie and Renee. Your parents split up when you were young and you left with your mother. You used to go down to Forks every summer but when your mother remarried you went to live with your father Charlie Swan permanently."

I listened to him ramble on and on about how 'Bella' lived her unimportant little life. She went to school did this and that. Nothing significant. She then met a vampire called Edward Cullen and fell in love with him. He left her an all hell broke loose. She ended up in Italy and found her true mate. She was turned into a vampire and married to her mate. They had a child and then something happened and she burst into flames. She turned into an angel and her memory wiped off all the fallen creatures. By the end, some of the story felt right yet not all of it.

"Well...thank you for that very, very, very long and very, very, very boring story on some puny female that ended up into something actually worth listening to." I laughed. I stopped suddenly when my right wing erupted in searing pain. I had to get out of there before something drastic happened.

"It's a shame I can't stay and listen to more of you exhilarating stories." I said sarcasm layering my voice heavily. "Bye!"

I pushed off again; my flight was shocking from the loss of all feathers on one wing. The only thing keeping me off the ground is the determination to get away from these vile creatures. Then the smell of ash and smoke filled my nostrils again and a few spheres of fire hurled past my head. I turned around, bracing myself. I summoned the powers that stirred deep inside me, the ones I swore never to use unless absolutely I absolutely needed to. I felt my hand grow hot and a bluish-white flames surrounded my fingers and palm. I hurled the fiery sphere towards the vampires. Bad idea. The fire ignited another, except this ones burnt the whole forest down.