Contrary to popular belief Reid does not fall for Morgan all at once, in fact, he willingly gives himself over piece by piece until it's too late but to give it all.

The first time they meet sparks don't fly and Morgan is nothing but another agent that looks at Reid strangely whenever he rattles off one of his statistics. In Reid's mind Morgan owns a total of -100% of him. An impossible percent by any logic worth it's salt. If that's any indication as to what Reid thinks of him than it doesn't look good for anything more than polite interactions.

However it's not long after that Reid realizes that Morgan is more than the Alpha male type he's read about in his psychology studies and, after Morgan volunteers to enter the house with the unsub in it alone and ends up getting the three kids outside unscathed, that Reid believes Morgan owns a meager 3.4% of him. For professional reasons only.

Later, when Morgan and Reid are staying late to catch up on some paperwork Morgan leaves the building without saying a word. Not that it matters, they only work together and it's not like Morgan owes him a goodbye or anything, they're not much more than nice to each other. Reid goes back to work and doesn't spare another thought to his coworker until Morgan re-enters the bullpen.

Again, it's none of Reid's business and he keeps writing, figuring that Morgan simply forgot something here. Then the unexpected happened; Morgan passes his own desk and heads directly for Reid, setting a cup of coffee down on the table and clearing his throat uncomfortably. "I didn't know how you took it, so it's just black, but I assumed you could use it."

Curling his hand around his pen a little tighter Reid finds he doesn't exactly know what to do in the face of this unexpected event. "Thank you," he finally gets out when his brain begins to run again.

Morgan nods casually and makes his way back to his own desk, sitting back down and resuming his own work in silence. Reid figures that Morgan owns probably 11.2% of him.

The third time that Reid tries his coffee and has to go back to add more sugar into it Morgan is there, smiling at him in a way that's different than the mocking grins he's used to from school. "Want some coffee with your sugar?"

"Sugar helps brain activity," is what Reid says in response partially because it's true and mostly because there's nothing wrong with the way he enjoys his coffee.

"Fair enough," and to Reid's surprise, Morgan leans in front of him and grabs two sugar cubes and throws them into his own drink.

If he's being honest, Reid is wary of the casual way that Morgan has sauntered into this part of his life, slowly worming his way into Reid's good graces with easy words and easier smiles. It doesn't do anything to stop the fact that Reid now belongs an estimated 26.83% to him.

They've been awake for almost 48 hours straight when they finally apprehend the unsub and make their way back to the police station to dismantle their work space. They aren't running as efficiently as they should be and, while they didn't have the luxury of sleep, they were lucky that it didn't cause them to make any fatal mistakes this time.

Still, it looks like everyone is looking forward to having a nice long nap on their flight home. When Reid wakes up from his nap a few hours later, having finally landed back in Quantico, he honestly feels better than he has the past few weeks. The only problem is that in his sleep he had fallen onto Morgan's shoulder. Reid hasn't experienced waking up on another person since he was a small child and it's frankly awkward to have it happen to him as an adult.

"Sorry," he ends up saying, sleep addled and unable to come up with anything better.

Morgan, obviously having been awake for more than a couple of seconds now, just smiles and shrugs as if it happens to him every day. "Feel better?"

Nodding, Reid tucks his hair behind his ears. "Much. Thanks."

It's not a big thing, but Reid is left a little speechless by the subtly nice gesture and at the realization that Morgan is now in position of a whole 39% of him. All things considered, Reid is pretty okay with it.

Morgan has never been a particularly stoic person so making him laugh should never have made as big of an impact on Reid that it actually does. They're on a case, nothing out of the ordinary, and when Reid idly corrects an officer who has made it clear that he thinks Reid is incompetent it makes Morgan's sides nearly split with laughter.

It wasn't funny, or at least as funny as Morgan is making it out to be, but the officer leaves and Reid is finding it hard to keep from beaming. It's more than his usual controlled chuckle and Reid finds that Morgan's laugh is rather nice. It's quite the pity that he doesn't laugh like this more often. Reid can't find it in him to care that he's missing a whole 45.7%.

They're supposed to have the weekend off for once and the team is excited for their plans; get-a-ways to cabins or spending a few choice days with family or at home for once. They all leave one by one until it's just Morgan and Reid left in the office.

Admittedly, since Reid first came to the FBI and met Morgan he didn't think they'd get along so well. Yet, through the months he's been here he's come to be quite amicable with the other man, so when Morgan turns to him, giving him the same smile that he gives the women he meets in bars that's somehow more warm and charming than usual, and says, "So, how about it, pretty boy? Dinner?" Reid is not entirely shocked, but he also finds himself nodding in assent and much more pleased than he ever though he would be at the simple request.

That's how he finds himself at a small Chinese restaurant for dinner. A date. No, just dinner. That doesn't stop Reid from inevitably belonging a little more than 50% to Morgan. 53.254% if he's being mildly more accurate, but he's been trying to become more personable.

It's after he's been kidnapped by Tobius and he's still shaken by the event, though he's compelled to drown himself with work to take his mind off of the ordeal, least he think of nothing but it. He didn't think that so soon after there would be an issue with Morgan, that the man would return home, taking the 53% of Reid he possesses with him, and get himself in trouble to the point that the team has to go down to try and bail him out. Being solely focused on the matter at hand has Reid thinking the clearest he's been able to since his episode with Tobius.

Inside the Morgan household Reid speaks with his teammate's family. When they mention that Morgan speaks of him it makes Reid ludicrously pleased and later, when the warm feeling in his stomach finally dissipates, he finds another 7.6% of himself missing.

Seeing Morgan with children is no new sight, Reid understands how protective the man is over kids after finding out about his past. It's not unreasonable how riled up Morgan gets when confronted with people who abuse and manipulate and hurt children. It is always amazing, however, to see Morgan furious one moment; when dealing with an unsub, and calm and soothing the next; when speaking to a victim.

However, when Morgan walks out of the building, safely with the little girl in his arms, speaking quietly to her and hugging her close to his chest, her little hands clutching at his shirt like a life-line, Reid finds himself melting and isn't surprised to be without 64.8% of himself.

It's not much longer until the two of them find themselves in a full-on relationship. That is to say, while they had spoken about it prior they had yet to speak about it since. Yet Morgan flashes him genuine smiles when he can and casually touches Reid's hips or shoulders. At first it's disarming, but then Reid finds himself reciprocating and brushing up against Morgan's side or pressing their knees or shoulders together whenever an opportunity presents itself.

So while nothing is essentially new for them, it just so happens that their relationship skips forwards a few extra steps without either of them mentioning it or minding in the slightest. It's good. It's better than good; it's wonderful. There's not even a hole where the 84% of him used to be; Morgan is more than enough to fill it.

Reid and Morgan take turns waiting for each other after work, not always seeing as though they both have lives to attend to; Morgan has movie nights with Garcia and family to attend to, and Reid is usually busy; enrapt in new knowledge or a new pursuit of a skill or sometimes even attending a lecture with Rossi. Yet when one of them stays later than the rest to finish up work or find their mysteriously missing car keys the other will usually wait, keeping them company, awake, or knee deep in coffee. It's nice and comforting, making the sleep deprived times easier to deal with until they can get home and to a bed to crash in. With the little things like this who could help but give an even 90% to Morgan? Certainly not Reid.

They both know that the government does not condone their relationship; they don't allow internal romances, especially in the same division, but Morgan and Reid don't officially have a label and they both suffered through an awkward and extremely vague lecture from Hotch that they take as permission from their leader. It's not perfect, but they'll gladly take it.

Neither Reid nor Morgan works in a relatively safe work environment so it's not surprising that both of them find themselves in danger's line of sight every once in awhile. It's nothing new, but it's nice that when they make it out alive, make it home in one piece, that they can wrap their arms around each other, press lingering kisses to temples or cheeks or lips, and affirm that everyone is okay, that they are okay. It's grounding and soothing and makes Reid fully okay with the fact that he belongs 96.8% to Morgan.

It's a series of little things, of things that shouldn't matter that make Reid give himself fully to Morgan; a brief kiss on the plane home where everyone can see it, a cup of coffee when he didn't ask for one (made the way he likes it), an invitation to a group event or a dinner alone. He belongs to Derek every time he finds stray articles of clothing that aren't his own, or when he fant find the sweater vest he wants to wear in his own apartment, it's the simple domesticity of a life that neither of them are allowed to have and sometimes don't deserve. Morgan knows where to touch to break Reid apart, but he also knows where to sooth and press to piece him back together again.

It all adds up to something that is greater than any theory or equation, something that has his calculations failing him. Reid fails to judge life, something called love, and a man named Derek Morgan.

Logically it all adds up to 100%; there is nothing left for Reid to give away. The scant 3.2% he had tried to keep to himself had fled long ago and, if he's truly honest, Reid doesn't mind one iota. That might be because he finds that the one thing he does have to his name is 100% of Derek Morgan in return.

A/N: Well that was cheesy :D

Edit: Sable has reminded me that Profiler, Profiled comes before The Big Game/Revelations which is something I will fix when it isn't past my bedtime, okay? Hope you enjoyed it anyway!
