Warning- M/M relationship, will be slash.

Steve woke up to the sound of his alarm. Yawning slightly and stretching, he got out of bed. He made his way to the dresser and skid on a pair of shorts and t shirt. Grabbing his phone and wallet on his way out the door, he started at his driveway and began his run.

Running was a daily event for him, on the days when the water was too cold to swim. Running offered the same comfort, helping him clear his head, or blow off steam. Plus it helped him stay fit.

Normally he would run 3 miles, but after the week he had been having, he needed the extra mile. So after running his 3 miles, he continued, taking back ways and side streets. After finishing his mile he found himself facing a cliff, overlooking the sea. To his right he could see a small gathering of trees.

Taking one last look over the sea, he let a smile rest on his face. Turning around he was about to start his run back when he heard a groan. Turning back he saw a figure stumbling out of the trees.

Reaching for his gun Steve stopped as he realized he had left at home. Damn it! Of all the Goddamn times to leave it! Steve watched as the figure continued towards him, finally stopping and resting his hands on his knees. Steve watched as he suddenly pitched over.

Steve broke into a run over to the figure, kneeling beside it and found a man. He rolled him over and found his shirt was torn was torn in several places, revealing several dark bruises. His shoulder looked to be dislocated as well.

"Hey! You alright?" Steve asked, and the eyes cracked open, revealing deep emeralds.

The man wheezed out a laugh, "Do I look alright?"

Steve shook his head, "Just making sure you were conscience. What's your name?"

The man stared, "Oh… I'm conscience alright. Nice to see a friendly face for once. Name's Tony."

Steve shook his head, "I'm calling an ambulance."

"No!" Tony forced, "I'm alright, just need some sleep and I'll be as right as rain. Hey… you wouldn't happen to know where the hell I am, would you?"

Steve couldn't stop the small smile on his face, "besides the obvious Hawaii?"

Tony grinned, "Well you do have a clever side. I just need to find a hotel… or something. God… I'm tired."

Tony's eyes started to drift shut, "Hey! Come on! You gotta stay awake!" Steve said.

Tony shook his head slightly be fore coughing, "been awake for… two days. Please… no hospital." His eyes drifted close.

Steve shook his head, he pulled out his phone and called Danny. He waited for the ring and listened.

"Williams." a tired voice sounded.

"Danny." Steve said.

"Damn it Steve! This had better be important, if the Earth isn't on fire, or we don't have a case… I swear I'm going to kill you. It's 5:00 in the morning, only you could wake up at this ungodly hour because of you're super SEALness but us normal people don't have that luxury! WE enjoy our sleep! And another-" Danny started.

"DANNY!" Steve snapped, "I need you to trace my cell. I found a man hurt. He needs help now!"

He could hear the shift in Danny's nature, "Shit! I'll be there soon. I need to call an ambulance?"

"No. The guy went ballistic when I mentioned it. Just hurry up and get here." Steve said and ended the call. He searched the back pockets of the man's jeans but didn't find a wallet or phone. Steve sighed and opted to wait for Danny. Not long he pulled up in his silver Comoro, and jumped out of the driver's seat.

"Damn! Only you would be the one to find a guy like this. Are you sure he doesn't need a hospital?" Danny asked as Steve picked Tony up, bridal style. Steve expected him to weigh more then he did.

"He was adamant with not going to a hospital." Steve said. He placed Tony in the back seat and laid him down.

"So… like you?" Danny asked, with an innocent look.

"Shut up. We need to get him to my house and I'll see what happened." Steve said and slid into the driver's seat. Danny in the passenger side. Steve pulled away from the cliff and onto the street, slamming his foot on the petal.

Danny's head slammed into the headrest, "Damn it Steve! If you don't slow down then you'll kill him for sure!"

Steve like he always did ignored him, and only looked up when he heard a muffled groan from the back seat, "You know… you drive like my boss… well, ex boss."

Danny turned around to face the man, "Well, you must be used to it then."

Tony shook his head, and winced, "You never get used to it… only learn to expect it and not throw up."

Danny laughed, "Finally someone who understands!"

Tony laughed, but that quickly turned to a cough, "Hey… wouldn't happen to have found a backpack… would you?"

Danny looked at him worried, "No… why?"

Tony looked away, "Well Damn."

Steve looked up, "Why?" and found Tony was out like a light. Steve shook his and pulled into his driveway. Steve carried Tony into the house, while Danny turned the alarm off. Steve carried Tony up the stairs and into the guest bedroom, he told Danny to stay with him while he found a change of clothes.

He picked out a pair of sweats and t shirt. And carried them into the bedroom and found Tony trying to sit up with Danny trying to make him lay back down.

Danny looked at Steve, "Damn it! I swear he's just as stubborn as you are!"

Steve smirked, "I'll take that as a compliment. Here, change into these and I'll give you a look over."

Tony shook his head, "No need. I'll just get out of your hair."

Steve looked at him, "Tony… you don't just pass out and expect me just let you go."

Tony looked at him weird, "Everyone else has."

Steve glared at him, "Put on the damn clothes."

Tony grinned and shook his head, "You know those glares don't work on me. My ex boss loved to try and intimidate his way through life. That or blow shit up."

Danny laughed, "Sounds like a certain boss I know."

Steve turned his glare at him, "Tony, put the damn clothes on."

Tony shrugged and winced again, "Fine."

Tony gently slid his shirt off and Steve got a good luck at his torso. Dark bruises covered his entire front, his tan skin marred by it. But even with the bruises Steve couldn't help but admire Tony's muscle tone. He was lean and ripped, much like Steve.

Steve rushed forwards and helped him ease it off, and Tony shot him a grateful glance, Danny walked up to them, "Max is on his way."

Tony looked confuses, "Who's Max? I swear, if you called some hospital guy, I will kill you both."

Steve smirked, "No. he's a friend that we work with. I guess I didn't introduce myself, Steve McGarret. I head five-0, it's like a special extension of HPD."

"Danny Williams. I'm this crazy guy's partner." Danny introduced.

Tony nodded, "Well I guess you know my name. Tony DiNozzo, I use to be a NCIS agent. Now I just roam around."

Steve raised an eyebrow, "NCIS huh? I used to be a SEAL."

Tony looked at him, "Didn't see that coming. So my savior turns out to be a hot, SEAL. Go figure." Tony winced and mentally kicked himself when he said that. Damn it DiNozzo! Do not go down that road!

Steve smirked, " I know. I'm amazing."

Danny shook his head, "And modest too." The doorbell rang, and Danny moved to answer it. He returned followed by a short young Hawaiian.

"Commander McGarret. How are you doing this fine morning?" The man asked.

"Hi Max. Sorry to bother you this early." Steve answered.

Danny gasped, "You NEVER apologize for waking me up early!"

Steve grinned, "That's because I really don't care."

Danny crossed his arms, "Alright you goof, me and you are going to have a long serious discussion while Max checks our new friend over."

"Am I really a friend now?" Tony asked, in a cheery tone, but his eyes held hope.

Steve nodded, "I guess so. We'll see you after Max checks you over."

Tony shook his head, "I really don't want to be a bother… you don't have."

Max interrupted, "You are just like Commander McGarret. Always trying to get out of medical attention. I will just do a quick over view. Please lie down. "

Tony stared at him, then did as he was told. He reminds me of Ducky… Damn it! Stop thinking about them! They're better off without you… Gibbs'll see to that.

Steve and Danny left the room while Max looked Tony over. While they waited Steve began to fix breakfast, eggs, bacon, sausage, and some coffee. Not long later Max came down the steps.

"He is sleeping now." Max said.

"How bad off is he?" Steve asked. He couldn't explain it, but he suddenly had a protective feeling for Tony.

"He checked him over, and he seemed to be able to tell me all the injuries he sustained. And was correct. He dislocated his left shoulder, and has multiple cuts along his arms and back. I would suggest a belt. Also he seems to have popped his knee cap out of place. There are no internal injuries that I can tell, and the fact that he knows if he has internal injuries, is quite disturbing."

Steve nodded, "Alright, thanks Max. Sorry again to bother you."

Max nodded, "It is not a problem. I shall see you at work. Oh… and I suggest you let him sleep, he seems to have not slep in days." With that Max turned and left.

Danny shook his head, "Only you would find a guy who is more accident prone then you."

Steve grinned, "But you wouldn't have it any other way."

Danny sighed dramatically, "It is interesting at times."

"That's what I thought. Alright, I don't think I should leave Tony alone. He seems kinda jumpy, so I'll stay. Call if we get a case." Steve said.

Danny nodded, "Will do. See ya super SEAL." and left.

Steve walked up the stairs and found Tony on the bed passed out. His knee was elevated and wrapped up, and his arm was in a sling. Steve shook his head. He wiped a stray hair off of Tony's forehead and Tony leaned into his touch.

Steve smiled, he then retreated towards the living room.