A/N well here are a few alternate endings, a few discarded ideas and the story of what happened to Schneizel. so anyway here is a selection of ideas and what have you that didn't make the final cut (I did polish the alternate endings and "Light Gray" a bit though)

Abandoned alternate endings

Alternate ending 1:

"Lelouch… I know I say this every time I visit you… but… I love you…" A single tear made its way down her face as she stood up to leave; She paused and let her hand brush against the blank tombstone... "My King... your Queen is coming... she just has to finish some business on this side."

As she passed through the lychgate she failed to see a ghostly figure hit a non existent wall behind her and fall to his knees in a pleading posture. All she knew was that she still felt empty despite the fact that Rakshata had paid the price for killing Lelouch. 'Perhaps I should visit Ohgi and Viletta next..."

Alternate ending 2:

"Lelouch… I know I say this every time I visit you… but… I love you…" A single tear made its way down her face as she stood up to leave; at the last moment; she returned and leaned down and felt the expected sensation of her lips brushing against those of the comatose Lelouch. What caught her off guard was having the kiss returned…

The room was completely quiet with the exception of the beeping from the monitoring devices hooked up to Lelouch, until a voice she hadn't heard in two years came out sounding a bit creaky and dry. A voice that had haunted her dreams ever since that fateful day.

"I'm not saying i didn't enjoy that... but... Who. Are. YOU?"

Alternate ending 3:

"Lelouch… I know I say this every time I visit you… but… I love you…" A single tear made its way down her face as she stood up to leave; at the last moment; she returned and leaned down and felt the expected sensation of her lips brushing against those of the comatose Lelouch. What caught her off guard was the sudden ominous continuous tone.

Kallen glanced up and to her horror she saw that Lelouch had flat-lined... "NO! NOT NOW!" Kallen rushed and grabbed the nearby defibrillator; tore his shirt open and did her best to jump-start his heart... finally just as she was starting to dispair the heart monitor began to beep again.

"Thank God... Lelouch... I don't know what I'd do if you... if you left me..."

"Light Gray"

Schneizel grimaced at the woman that his brother and master had ordered him to follow the orders of... if it hadn't been for that order he would have been free! Lelouch had died... but no he had ordered Schneizel to obey this... this Witch.

"Oh please I know that look; Lelouch used to wear that same look whenever he was annoyed... besides you're going to have to put up with me... I spent two years with the 'Black Prince' so I'll spend some time with the 'White Prince'" the Gray witch responded

Elsewhere Nunnally and Cornelia continued to try to track their wayward elder brother down... but were unable to figure out why Schneizel seemed to be addicted to pizza now... he has such a refined pallet after all.

Scrapped Ideas:

Making Kallen prime minister (she just isn't cut out for the job though she would have the popularity)

Tamaki defeating Ohgi... (even though we are talking about fiction still would not inflict that fate upon the USJ)

Actually having the Lelouch run up and slap Ohgi with a fish (more tempted to get Orange to do that though.

Lelouch surviving via the Code (it's over used as a get out of jail free card in my opinion)

Having Suzaku roam around free (just doesn't seem realistic to me since he was the Demon Emperor's Knight)