Original Promp: Based on this manga: Shinkuu Yuusetsu

In this universe, everyone in the world fits into two categories, a supplier and a receiver. At a young age, a supplier and a receiver are paired together based on wavelength compatibility. The receiver cannot live without receiving energy from the supplier, and vice versa the supplier needs to periodically release excess energy to the receiver. And the only way the exchange can be accomplished is through mouth to mouth contact. Basically, kissing.

Izaya is a receiver, and he is paired up with Shizuo as his supplier. Too bad they hate each other, because they literally can't live without each other.

Sex creates a huge, mutual power surge.

It is possible to get take or give to other sources, but when one does this the other gets jealous (especially Izaya. I love Jealous!Izaya)

They live together (it's just easier that way).

Kida and Mikado as a side pairing.

Mii: Hello out there~! I know I'm probably going to kill myself with all the request I've taken up but I'm going to go through with it...out of love! /shot

WARNING: This is Yaoi/Shonen Ai/Boys Love and this will be M-rated for later scenes. If you don't like all of the above listed things then why did you even click on this? Hand spasms? Those of you who agree to everything prompted please enjoy~!

Note: This is really important so please read this (hence the bold font). Partners and couples/lovers are completely different in this AU. Just because they are partners (ie Togusa/Kaztano, Kadota/Shinra, and Anri/Mika) doesn't mean I ship them personally or that they are involved in any romantic relationship. But you can let your minds wander for all I care, I don't mind either way, but what I said still stands.


This is a place where kisses don't mean 'I love you'. In this universe, mouth to mouth contact is an act of 'charging' and holds no affection whatsoever. Your partner is most important and ultimately is your life. The world is divided into two groups of people: Suppliers and Receivers. Suppliers create power in their body that must be periodically released into a Receiver, who can't create power and must receive it, or they will cease from living. Too much power stored in one's body and not enough power in the body equals death.

So humans made a system to pair up all the people in the world so that everyone has a partner to sustain them life. And no, not anyone will do. You need a partner that is compatible with your wavelength or it will not work very well. Every new human that is born into this world has a particular partner that will only work. Of course there are certain cases, but those are stories to be told later.

But if in a dire situation, it is possible to charge off someone besides your partner. This proves to be a nuisance for the Receiver partner, as it leaves an unpleasant aftertaste. Plus you can only charge so much off of others.

How do these people show affection for their loved ones? They simply put all their feelings into a kiss to the cheek as lips are strictly saved only for charging.

Even with their way of living, lovers are not uncommon in this world. Some partners are happy to get together and spend their lives with each other till death. And others are happy to compromise with their partners to find a boyfriend/girlfriend and still charge regularly, but this can also be proved difficult. The practice of marriage also does not exist in this place.

Things such as same-sex partners are very rare and it is truly abnormal for siblings to be partners. But things such as these still happen. Do people know why? No. Is there a reason? Maybe there is. No one knows for sure, only that it exists.

A particular thriving city seems to be a magnet for all abnormality, and that is where this story starts as well as where it will end. Ikebukuro houses the strangest partners that have ever been seen around the globe. Never has many extraordinary people gathered in one place, than in this city that swam with throngs of people and a certain liveliness that would confuse anyone of anything out of the norm.

Orihara Izaya is one of those abnormal residents that live in this big city. He is a high school student of Raijin who goes against the school's uniform by wearing a low cut gakuran jacket, with a red shirt underneath, along with the matching slacks. He looks to be a regular boy at first glance but that is far from true. Izaya is a Receiver, but what is strange is the amount of power he could take. His capacity of power is closely around ten times the normal human. By hypothesis, if you overlook the compatibility, he could charge off 100 people and still require more. Plus if he were to take power from a normal Supplier he'd probably drain them dry in a second. That is probably why he is partnered with Shizuo, much to their chagrin.

Heiwajima Shizuo is another of the Ikebukuro's residents that is unusual. Shizuo is also a high school student of Raijin, but unlike Izaya, he wears the regular blue uniform of Raijin. Messily but he still wears it. He is a Supplier, but an uncanny one at most, with so much power stored in his body he could probably charge everyone in Ikebukuro and then some. The reason why that hasn't happened yet is because Shizuo couldn't control how much power he gave out. If he'd charge any other Receiver they wind up with too much and end up fainting. And that is why his sole Receiver would have to be Izaya. Adding to his bizarre amount of power he also has the strength to bend objects, like street lamps and street signs, like paper and throw vending machines like pillows.

It's quite problematic that they detest each other, but that is another matter that will be addressed soon.

Celty Sturluson is a being without a head and is believed to be a fairy called a Dullahan. No one knows where her head is and she has come to Ikebukuro, due to feeling it in the strangeness of the city, to find it. Much to everyone's surprise, she does not require power nor does her body make it. Celty had originally lived in Ireland before coming to Japan, but the fact about her body leads to the conclusion that she came from another world or dimension. She believes her head is in this world because of the need to have one in order to live and charge off another. She is living with Shinra's family who provides her with a roof over her head.

Kishitani Shinra is also a high school student from Raijin along with Shizuo and Izaya. He's a mutual friend between the two and has a big crush on the Irish woman that lives with his family. They had taken Celty in ever since he was a child and he has had these feelings towards her ever since. His goal is to advance in the medical field like his father and have Celty as his wife. Shinra is a normal Supplier and supplies power for Kadota.

Kadota Kyohei is a normal Receiver who attends to Raijin with Shinra and the other two. He is part of their circle of friends and tends to help Shinra calm down the two who fight constantly. He also sports a gakuran with a blue shirt underneath and is likely wearing a bandanna most of the time.

Friends of Kadota are Erika, Walker, and Togusa. Erika and Walker are regular normal partners, with Erika being the Supplier, but their outlooks on life are so warped and perverse that it makes them quite unusual and dangerous. Togusa is a normal Supplier whose partner is an older man by the name Kaztano. Their age difference does not interfere or bother them, but it not that rare of an occasion of this type of partnership.

Also in the same high school, but a year older and grade higher, there is Tanaka Tom. He is friends with Shizuo and is a normal Receiver. His partner is a pretty brunette that has no relevance in the story.

Yagiri Namie is in the same grade and is the same age as Tom. She is an acquaintance of Izaya and somewhat to Shinra too, if it could be called that at all. She is a Supplier but nothing is weird about her being so. Rather it is who her partner is, and her partner himself, that is peculiar.

Her partner is her own little brother Seiji, who was both a Supplier and Receiver. How this is even possible is not known to even the smartest scientists and adults in the world. He receives power from Namie and volunteers to supply to those without or is in absence of their partner. Namie has an incestuous crush on her brother but does not mind him giving to others as long as he still needed her. He is currently attending a private elementary school in Ikebukuro.

In a local elementary school in the city there is another person with an even weirder situation. Sonohara Anri did not require a partner. She is a Supplier that can give to any Receiver, regardless of wavelength and can basically adjust hers to those she was giving energy to. It is quite odd and no one knew why she was like that, she was just born that way. But she was able to find a potential partner for the time being, that person being Mika.

Harima Mika is a normal Receiver; it was her personality that was dangerously twisted. She became so obsessed and infatuated of her partner at an earlier age and had scared him away. Even after he got a new partner she began stalking him until she met Anri and began leading a more normal life from their partnership.

Another pair of partners befuddled people into rethinking all the possible outcomes of wavelengths anew. Orihara Kururi and Mairu, twin sisters of Izaya, just so happens to be each other's partner, with Kururi being the Supplier. Just having entered school, they are well informed, courtesy of their big brother, that their partnership is weird and will be picked on about it.

Speaking of siblings, Shizuo's little brother Kasuka is a normal Supplier who supplies for his partner Hijiribe Ruri. Nothing is out of the ordinary about these two and both go to the same local elementary as Anri and Mika.

Two other adults that are fairly normal, if you overlook their yakuza status, are Shiki and Akabayashi; with Shiki as the Supplier out of the two. Both men have connections with Izaya and Shinra but Akabayashi also has a sort of involvement with Anri.

Russia Sushi is owned by a Russian named Denis along with his partner, Simon Brezhnev, who helps draw in customers. Both emigrated from Russia, after the Soviet Union broke, to get away from their previous violent life and ended up in Japan. They might not look like it now but they were once spec ops soldiers for their native country and are very skilled. In their partnership, Simon is the Receiver.

There just seems to be lots and lots of people that have abnormalities that are drawn to the bustling city like moths to a flame. Why Ikebukuro? No one knows! But the main focus of this story has to do with a certain pair that just can't seem to decide what to do with each other.

Oh, how the chaos ensues...