Hey guys. I just did some major edits on the chapter. I really hope you guys like it better than before.

I don't own anything.

Chapter 1


"Here they are, Mrs. Bishop", the doctor said as he handed the two newborn twins to their mother and left.

The hospital room was occupied by four people; the twins, their mother, and father, a tall, muscular man with a scar running down his face.

"What will we name them?", the twin's father, Leland Bishop, asked his wife with a rare smile.

"I was thinking about Rafael for the boy and Sam for the girl." The mother replied with a smile.

"Sam." He tested his firstborn's name out, "Is there any particular reason that you want to name her that? It's not exactly normal for a girl."

"I think that she won't be your average girl." Their mother, Daniela, her smile quickly crinkled in to a frown as two masked men entered the room.

"When do they have their first surgery?" She questioned her husband, a nervous look entering her eyes. He sent her a comforting look.

"Right now, they need to start as soon as possible or they might not survive. Don't worry, sweetheart, they'll be perfectly fine, I have my top men working on this." Leland replied and sent the men a glare that said he wouldn't hesitate to kill someone if anything went wrong.

Daniela watched them leave with her children and felt regret build inside her.

"I hope that I didn't make a mistake when I agreed to this." She muttered and then reminded herself that if this worked her children would be perfect.

Sam's POV-3 Year, 20 Months Later

"Hey Raf!" I said when a sudden inspiration struck me, "We should build our own friends! We could integrate them into our implants and link them to the comm. channels. Then we could have our own recon units. Miniature recon...Minicons!" We finished the sentence together and laughed. I couldn't wait to tell Mom about our new idea!

I could tell her at combat training! I frowned quietly when I remembered the sneers from our teacher. He had yelled at me a lot and called us worthless, even though we did everything perfect.

When I had asked why he yelled so much, Mom had told me that he treated us differently because we're different from him. She said I was taller, stronger, and smarter than everyone else away. That the implants had made us look older by three or four years. I smile when I remember telling her that I could change. She told me that me and Raf were miracles and never to be ashamed of it.

I had researched the impact of the implants more fully yesterday. We were twice as strong, fast, and smart as an average teenager. Our problem solving capabilities were maximized to their full potential. Almost all known spoken languages had downloaded into the brain implants, as well as advanced math and computer skills.

"Come on, let's get started. Sam." Raf said through our bond. As far as I knew, it had been there since we were born. The funniest thing about it wasn't that we were able to sense each other's emotions, pain, or thoughts. It wasn't that we could see things through each other's eyes. I had read many things about other sets of twins experiencing similar things. It was that the language we spoke didn't exist.

I know every single spoken language on earth and this was not one of them. I never mentioned it to the scientist, who would love an excuse to poke at me, nor my father, who would probably tell the scientist.

I grabbed a blank blueprint and started to draw out a rough sketch of what we wanted and how it would connect to out implants. We had several plug-in area's that were attached to our spines, which connected to our nerves and similarly our brains. They would be able to be stored there, functioning as part-time armor plating. This was a big project and would take probably take more than a month to complete, best to get started now.

Five Weeks Later

Download Complete

Primary System Power At 95% Charge

Rebooting Systems

I powered up my eyes and quickly unplugged myself from computer. My dad had told me that as a result of 42% of my body being mechanical I had to recharge myself every time I went to bed.

I had recently designed a newer updated version of our programing and working out bugs. I had just fixed the comm., which has been down all week. Raf and I were hoping if we installed the 'Minicons' into our main systems, they would link to our bond. It would be helpful if we had a more secure way to contact them then a comm. channel.

While I was recharging, I had taken the time to multitask and downloaded the AI program into my systems. The programing would remain dormant until the actually bodies were activated. We had received the parts back. We had sent the designs for the actual parts to be forged a week ago and I had busied myself with improving the coding and working on side projects all week.

I smiled as I saw the completed bodies lying on our shared work tables. They were small, foxlike creatures, complete with fur, which was actually going to be used to sense subtle changes in the air around it.

I walked over to the computer and checked the download progress. It was at 78% and would take a little over three hours for it to complete. Raf would wake up soon, and I couldn't wait to surprise Raf. It had been almost impossible to keep him from remembering our birthday and schedule the activation for today.

I sent a message to my father via our computer and left the room. I was walking to my dad's office. As I walked I noticed that some of the masked soldiers were staring at me. I knew that many of them disliked me and my twin just like our combat instructor. I was able to ignore it, but the ones that didn't hate us all treated us like children. I hated it more than anything else in the world.

Only one of the soldiers recognized that we were more than your average three-year-olds. Her name was Mara and she was one of the scientists that help with my upgrades. She and my mother were very close friends and she spoke to me as if I was any other adult and I loved her for that.

What I didn't understand about her was why she seemed saddened every time she saw me or Raf. I had asked once, but she hadn't answered. If she had, she would have to answer honestly or I would know. I knew when people lied; it was part of my programming. My brain stored data about the people I'm around and eventually find out their personal lying quirk, like an eye twitch or weight shift.

I stopped at my room and grabbed a small device that recorded conversations when a preprogrammed key-word was heard. In this case there was a few key words; Sam, Rafael (my father never called him Raf.), Birthday, twins, and party. Dad had tried to surprise us for three years now, failing every time. He had unknowingly sent out a challenge that would probably last our entire life. This would start recording if any party plans were mentioned.

I walked a few doors down and knocked. "Come in." my father's voice called, he sounded stiff and angry. I opened the door and the scowl on my dad's face dissolved instantly when he saw me walk in.

"Daddy!" I laughed as I ran over and hugged him, "I just finished a major software update! The Project will be officially completed in three hours! Raf is still downloading the symbiotic programs, though." I wrung my hand behind my back and bounced on my toes. "So, I thought I would stop by and see how you're doing today and if we'll be doing anything later." I rushed through the last part. He smiled knowingly at me. He was planning something; that was Dad's planning face.

"Am I finally going to learn your big secret tonight?" He questioned, "This is the longest you've ever worked on a project before." I nodded playfully, flashing him an impish smile.

It was true, even projects that might have taken years to finish for some of the scientists were done in under a week for us.

I frowned slightly when I noticed that he was talking like I had done all the work. I didn't understand why he talked as if I was the greatest person in the world and only barely acknowledged Raf's presence. I had asked mom about it once and she told me that he loved us equally ,but then he explained that it had to do with some of my coding. Since I was born first, even if Raf had been born a short amount of time after, our programing accepted me as the dominant.

Mom wouldn't explain exactly what it meant, but she told me not to worry about it.

So, from what I had gathered from mom, was that Dad loved me more because I was less then a minute older. I thought that was unfair and didn't really understand how it worked. I shook myself from my own, darker thoughts and gave Dad another smile. I hugged him again and then while he was distracted I planted the bug under the desk.

"Happy fourth birthday, sweetheart.", He said gently and squeezed my hand, "I love you." Looking back on it, I wonder if he meant it, or if I had just missed the slight buzzing of my lie detector.

Cliffhanger! Well, sort of, kind of, maybe.

The first few Chapters are mostly time jumps until they are 12 years old.