Disclaimer: Neither Taylor nor Tina own Criminal Minds. However, we do own Evelyn Paisley Parker and any others that we create for our stories.

Chapter one: Drunken Genius

Spencer Reid's POV

Evenly Paisley Parker held the wooden pool cue as if it was a newborn baby. Cradling the stick, she glared down at the numbered balls intensely. I chuckled lightly under my breath as I watched my new partner play a game of pool with Penelope Garcia, Aaron Hotchner and David Rossi.

"So, are you ever going to make a move on her?" Derek Morgan asked as he walked over to me, munching on a bowl of pretzels. I felt my face go a darkened red but I attempted to act casual,

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, come on Spence! Don't kid yourself. You obviously like her." Jennifer Jareau said.

"I thought we said that we aren't going to profile each other," I said quickly.

"It doesn't take a profiler to notice that you've been staring at her for the past half hour," JJ said, elbowing me.

"Well, she does have some nice features. Eh, Pretty Boy?" Morgan laughed, catching Eve's attention.

"Yes, if you honestly want to know." I turn away from the laughing Morgan and watch Eve walk up to me.

"What's his problem?" Evelyn asked, standing beside me. I could smell her perfume lightly under her natural scent. Almost like vanilla and cherries. I shrug my shoulders and turn towards the bar,

"I need a drink." I down my glass of beer quickly then rest my forehead on the bar counter. Staring at the lines in the oak wood, I start mumbling to myself,

"Stupid, stupid, stupid, stu-"

"You okay, Reid?" I feel a soft hand on my shoulder. I jump slightly and feel goosebumps crawl up my arms. I look up at my partner, Evelyn. Her gray-blue eyes meet with mine and I forget to answer. Slightly embarrassed I turn away and start reading the labels on all the bottles. When have I ever been like this before?

"Yeah, I'm fine," I stumble the words out. "Would you like a drink?"

"Sure." Evelyn smiles showing her perfectly white teeth. I order two more drinks and she sits down beside me. When the bartender passes us the tall glasses of foaming beer she sighs.

"You alright?" I ask.
"I'm great, just a little worried about yourself."

"Worried about myself? I'll be fine in almost any circumstance. I have been working in the BAU for years and have always been on the top of my game. Even when I was shot I had everything under control. You on the other hand are new. You have an uncontaminated mind still; everything that you're going to see and go through will haunt you for years to come. Just thinking about it is worrisome. You shouldn't be worried about me." Evelyn laughs slightly,

"I'll be fine." I smile at her confidence. I follow Evelyn's arms to her small pale hands now holding an empty glass,

"Want another?"

"Sure," She nodded.

"So how was your first case?" I asked her. Like? Why, Dr. Spencer Reid, would you say like! You cannot like these cases; you have to be borderline psychotic. You like how you save lives and stop killers, not the actual cases! She laughs sensing that I was over thinking what I just said.

"Well, considering the circumstances it was good. I'm going to miss my old partner." Evelyn looked up and locked her eyes with mine,

"But do you know the best part of moving here?"

"What?" I asked.

"Meeting you." She smiled and I felt my face turn dark rouge.

"Really?" I asked smiling, hoping I didn't sound to stupid or eager.

"One hundred percent."

Jennifer Jareau's POV

I was standing with Morgan, Garcia and Emily Prentiss. Rossi and Hotch decided to leave twenty minutes earlier for some reason or another. We stood watching the two youngest members of the team sitting at the bar talking and flirting slightly.

"How many drinks has he bought her?" Morgan asked.

"Uh, I think this is the fourth. But you know who's counting?" I answered.

"Actually, it's the fifth." Garcia said. Morgan laughed,

"Man, he's going to have a bad hangover tomorrow."

"You guys want to make a bet?" Prentiss asked. We all turned towards her for her to continue.

"Alright, how long do you think it'll take them to get together?" She smiled.
"Oh that's easy, two weeks, a month tops." I said.

"No, I think more like two months. This is Spencer we're talking about, he won't make a move. He's just a shy boy." Morgan laughed.

"A week." We all look towards Garcia.

"After how drunk they are now, I wouldn't be surprised if something happened tonight." We all looked back to the young pair smiling and getting to know each other. In addition, we all were wondering who was going to win the little bet that we had going on.

Derek Morgan's POV

I walked over to Reid and Evelyn. They were both still sitting at the bar and they were both still drinking. I could tell they were both drunk, with Evelyn's anything-but-perfect posture and Reid with his arm draped her shoulder. Pretty Boy's being brave. I put my hand on Reid's shoulder,

"Come on Bud, time to get home."

"Huh?" Reid said, looking at me with glossy eyes.

"Home, Reid. "

"Oh, okay. Where are my keys?" Reid asked looking at the seat of the bar stool as if his keys were hidden there.

"Oh no, Reid. You are not driving home like that." I grabbed his arm and pulled him up to stand.

"What about Evie?" He asked. Aw, he's already got a nickname for her. I look down at the caramel colour haired girl having a staring contest with her half full beer.

"She can come with us." I nodded my head, "Evelyn."

"Hey Morgan," She said drawling out both the 'O' and the 'A' in my name.

"I'll take you home, alright." She nodded.

"Follow me and Reid, okay?" I sometimes hate dealing with drunken people. I help both Reid and Evelyn into the back of my car. I help them both with their seatbelts since they are to 'under the influence' to even figure out how to put a piece of metal in its slot. I jump into the driver's seat and start driving towards Reid's apartment.

"Eve, where do you live?" I ask, realizing I have no idea where my other drop off is.

"Can she live with me?" Reid asks.

"No Reid." I say, "Can you give me the address?"

"But I want her to live with me." Reid protests.

"Reid, be quiet."

"Uh, at Crestview Apartment," She slurs.

"Told you-" He hiccups, "-she should live with me." Well that's convenient. They both live in the same apartment complex. I park in the closest open spot to the door to the apartment.

"You guys can walk now, alright?" I said, looking back at my two team members. They both unclicked their seatbelts and Reid went for the door.

"Thanks, Morgan." Reid said. I watch as they both, drunk and exhausted, attempt to get out of the car. Sighing, I decided to help them. I got out and helped them open the door.

"Whoa," Reid said once I opened the door, "thanks."

"Yeah, anytime. Come on, let's get you to bed." After they both made it out they started following me into the complex and towards the elevator. I pressed the arrow pointing up. Once the door's opened I patted Reid on the back.

"Bye big guy."

"You too, friend." He said back to me.

"Bye," Evelyn giggled. Her eyes glossy and her speech still slurred.
I said bye to Evelyn and started walking back to my car.

"Good luck you two." I mumbled under my breath as I walked out the doors into the darkness and the cold blasted my face.

Author Note: This was posted on Tina's account CriminalIntelligence, but we decided to post it on this account instead. All stories that we co-write will now be posted here. Thank you.