Justin sat by himself at lunch eating a sandwich. "Man," he said to himself, "What am I going to do? They can't just cancel glee club…"

As if in answer, Harold approached the table and pulled out a chair. "Why, hello! You're Justin Rodriguez, if I'm not mistaken?"

"Um, yes," Justin replied cautiously. "But if you don't mind me, weird unattractive guy, I'm kind of hoping for a miracle."

"I've been called many things, but never a miracle!" Harold replied with a grin.

"Um… what are you talking about?"

"Why, gosh! Isn't it obvious?"

Justin shook his head. "Nerd, there is nothing obvious at all about this situation. Please tell me what you're talking about."

"I'm here to offer my mad skills to the glee club!"

Justin just stared at him, mouth agape. "Oh. Oh my god."

In gym, Scott was playing hockey with Lightning Thunderclap. Scott scored another goal, much to Lightning's shock. "Lightning cannot believe how good you are at this! How do you do it?"

Scott grinned devilishly. "Practice, m brutish friend, practice."

"Well," Lightning offered, "Let Lightning tell you something! Lightning plays in a hockey league on the weekend. You should join up!"

"And what would possess you to think that I would ever want to join a hockey league on the weekend?" Scott replied bitingly.

"There's a cash money prize," Lighting answered in a sing-song voice.

"Man, count me in. Money is all I want. Money. More money. Some more money. Your money. My money. Real money. Counterfeit money. Monopoly money…"

"I hate to interrupt your money monologue," Lightning interrupted, "But, uh, I can trust you, right?"

"Right…" Scott answered cautiously.

Lightning nodded his head and grinned. "Alright, cool."

Scott eyed him. "Um… why, exactly, do you need to know if you can trust me?"

"You'll find out on the weekend," Lightning replied coyly. "Now, let Lightning try to whoop you again!"

In French, Beth sat with a stupid grin on her face. She was almost twitching in excitement! Finally, she would be getting revenge on Duncan Stevens!

The bell rang. Dawn looked around and called over to Owen. "Hey, where's Duncan?"

Owen shrugged and giggled. "Probably late again. Oh, he's so lighthearted and rebellious! Love that guy!"

Mr. McLean, substituting again, walked into class and looked around. "Pensky!" he called out. "Where's Stevens?"

Beth put an innocent smile on her face. "Oh, Mr. McLean, I have no idea where he could possibly have gone!" All was going to plan so far – Duncan would be especially late and receive a horrible detention!

Duncan, however, then walked in. "Sorry, teacher man," he called out to McLean as he made his way to his seat, "Some blonde girl tried to distract me but I asked her about her highlights and she just forgot all about everything else."

"Lindsay!" Beth muttered, pounding her desk.

McLean shook his head. "Stevens! I'm not going to put up with your delinquency and idiocy. Switch seats with Pensky so I can keep an eye on you."

Duncan shrugged as Beth took her stuff. Passing her, he commented, "Watch where you're going, four eyes…"

Beth shot him daggers with her eyes. As she sat in his seat, she muttered to herself, "Duncan Stevens, my revenge will be soon…"

And then the seat collapsed. Someone had used a wrench to unscrew all of the screws holding the chair together. Beth lay sprawled on the ground as everyone laughed at her.

Duncan grinned. "Sure did me a solid there Pensky!"

"I knew I was forgetting something…" Beth groaned. Her revenge sure wasn't going how she wanted.

Geoff and Bridgette were standing outside Bridgette's physics class, waiting for the bell. "Geoff, I'm really worried about Izzy," Bridgette muttered to him. "She just seems so… sad. Not even just sad, just… emotionless."

Geoff shrugged. "Babe, Izzy is one wild and crazy and chill girl. She'll get over this, no sweat."

"But Geoff, things were pretty intense with her parents," Bridgette went on. "I've never seen Izzy anywhere close to this before."

Geoff was about to reply, but the bell rang. Dakota swooped in out of nowhere and locked arms with Geoff. "Come on! We're going to be late!"

"Who was that?" Bridgette muttered impatiently to herself as Dakota whisked Geoff off down the hallway. They temporarily paused to talk to Noah, who passed Geoff a piece of paper, before they continued on.

Bridgette waited for Noah at the entrance to their class. "What was that about?" Bridgette asked suspiciously, putting her hands on her hips.

Noah waved her off. "Oh, just giving Geoff the list of girls he has to pimp out this week. I find the girls, he pimps them, we split the profit. It's a pretty good arrangement."

Bridgette laughed. "You'll tell me one day, Noah. You can't keep secrets from a girl like me."

"It's worked for pretty much our entire lives," Noah replied as the two walked in to class. Noah and Bridgette had been going to the same schools since their mommy-and-me-classes.

Bridgette laughed again. "Noah, you always were a funny one."

"Really? I just thought I was a sarcastic ass. But that works too."

As they entered the room, Mr. McLean looked up from his attendance sheet. "Romalotti! Kumar! You two just so happen to be late."

"Thanks for the newsletter, genius," Noah commented as he took his seat.

McLean pointed to him. "Detention!" As Noah shrugged and Bridgette chuckled, McLean rose from the desk. "Put your homework on your desk!"

As he approached the desk of a solemn Izzy, he shook his head. "Adamson, you haven't handed in homework in like… a really long time. Seriously. A really long time. So I think I'll just skip you."

"But I have it," Izzy pointed out emotionlessly, staring blankly ahead.

McLean looked it over and shrugged. "Works for me."

"Izzy doesn't do physics homework," Bridgette whispered over to Noah. "This is so weird."

"Whatever happened to her shook her up bad," Noah agreed. And it was in that moment that Bridgette resolved to make things right for her friend.

Sitting in Trigonometry with Tyler, Trent went to take a book out from his backpack. In the process, a note he'd been concealing fell out. Grinning, Tyler snatched it up before Trent could retrieve it.

"Trent," Tyler began to read.

"Dude!" Trent exclaimed, clawing at the note. "Give it back, man!"

Tyler pulled it out of his reach. "No way, Trent!" He read on. "I know things have been a bit on edge since the kiss. Or, um, the multiple kisses. But hey, I really want to talk about it. There's a lot to talk about. So today after school, let's talk."

Trent glared at him. "Is there any privacy at all, man?"

"Not when it comes to you and girls, man. No boundaries exist."

Mike, sitting at the seat in front of Tyler, perked his ears up. "So Trent and a girl, huh?" he muttered to himself. After a sharp intake of breath, he added, "That's your girl, boy! You can't let this hippie musician just trounce all over your woman!"

"But I don't know… me and Zoey are done."

"It's not over until it's over, boy! If you can't have her, mister hippie over there certainly can't!"

"He certainly can't," Mike agreed with himself.

Cody sat alone in the bathroom taking a nap. Waking up, he rolled his eyes. "Oh, you guys! Yeah. Whatever. Wake me up when you can deliver a quality storyline!"

Sorry for the delay everyone. I've been swamped with school. But there's a hurricane tearing things asunder so I should have some time to make another update soon!