Yet another one of those stories that I have absolutely no idea from where it came...


Amity Park had been separated from the rest of the world since the beginning of the war. A shield went up nearly half a centry ago when it was still in it's most primitive stages. The shield hadn't been very strong, but it had kept the brunt of the war away from the quickly developing city. Over time, it was improved and not many people have questioned it, the shield served as a marker of safety.

The few that had ventured to the edge of the shield and looked beyond had come back with stories of our small city being both advanced and primitive compared to the outside world. We supposedly had technology the outside world couldn't even dream of, yet we were behind in other, more magical skills. I wasn't sure what exactly we were lacking.

Well, I wasn't until the shield broke down.

It was a year after the invention of the Fenton Portal and the accident that gave me my powers. Everything seemed to be going fine, the ghosts were no worse than usual. I was even actually managing to get my grades up to middle of the road C's rather than the D's I was constantly achieving when ghost fighting first became a part of my life. My parents were still far enough in the dark I didn't have to worry about not being accepted, yet they knew just enough to be a little more forgiving on my curfew. Lancer had finally stopped bothering to try and figure out what was going on in my life and Sam and Tucker had yet to run off on me. To top it all off, I was finally starting to work up the courage to tell Sam how I felt about her. Everything seemed to be my level of normal for once.

Then there was the lab explosion.

Mom and dad were working on updating the shield's software or something along those lines, when there was a power malfunction. One single spark left the cords in which it was supposed to be contained. It seemed to skip across the table in what was really one smooth flight as it finally landed in the highly explosive samples my dad had yet to put up.

A huge blast filled the room as that tiny little spark met the explosive compounds and sent my life tumbling downwards once again. Mom and Tucker were on the other side of the lab, I couldn't save them. Sam, Jazz, and dad were all in the immediate area though and I threw up a protective shield around them on instinct when I saw where that damned spark was headed.

My shield kept the people within it safe, but there was nothing left to recover of mom and Tucker.

Mom always did joke that dad's carelessness would be the death of her. I'm sure she hadn't meant it to be so literal.

My world fell apart just as my house blew up into a million different pieces, just as I lost two people close to me and just as the shield keeping Amity park from the outside world finally fell.

As it hit dad and Jazz exactly what had happened, they both fell to the ground, sobbing despite the usual Fenton ability to keep tears on the inside. Sam had a few tears rolling down her face, though she managed to keep herself upright. I'm pretty sure I was crying like a baby as well. The debris hadn't even finished falling, and we had all completely broken down.

Only the alarms indicating that the shield was down slowly brought us all out of our trance. Our safety net was gone, we really had no knowledge of any culture from the outside world. For years, we'd been a self-sufficient civilization with no need for trade with the Earth's other inhabitants.

I knew only one thing at this time.

All hell was about to break loose.

...I am on quite the writing rampage today...

I fully intend on carrying on with this. Until I complete one of my other stories, it will not have a concrete update schedule though. It'll be more of a 'update when I get the chance' thing until I one of my other stories is finished and I can move this to that update schedule.

Comments and feedback are welcome as always! :D

Invisible One