Hi! Here's my next chapter!

Three (Colton):

My day could not get any worse. First I have this weird vision about me and some random girl fighting a Cyclopes, which could have been just a dream. But then that same random girl just has to show up at camp only a few hours later. It's official. I hate my life.

She crosses the border with no problem. Of course she's a demigod, just because I've got the worst luck ever. The fates must really hate me.

"So," Ember says. "I think we should speak with Chiron and then go see Rachel."

"Who's Rachel?" Aurora asks.

"Our oracle. She speaks prophecies." I tell her but then turn to Ember. "There's no way this is becoming a quest. I mean, this girl just got here!"

"A similar thing happened to Percy," Nico reminds us. "He was accused of stealing something and next thing you know, he got sent away on a quest."

"But, that's different. That's Zeus's master lightning bolt! That mattered that it went missing."

"We don't know what you were accused of taking," Ember replies. "It might be even more important."

"What's more important than the King of the Gods' weapon?" I ask her.

"Can someone just explain to me what you're talking about?" Aurora questions us. "Like who's Zeus? Isn't he from Greek mythology?"

"All that stuff is true," Nico informs her and then continues the conversation he, Ember, and I were in. "Hades' helm of darkness was stolen too. Wouldn't it make sense that Poseidon's trident was taken?"

"But what would Cyclopes want with their father's trident?" Ember reasons. "A lot of them like him because they work for him."

"Wait," Aurora says. "Do you guys honestly expect me to believe that all of those myths are real?"

"Yup," Nico replies. "We're all demigods. Offspring of mortals, which are normal people, and the Greek gods."

"So, if this is true, who would be my mother?"

"It depends." Ember tells her. "You haven't been claimed yet, so we wouldn't know."

"So, who are your parents?" she asks.

"Hades," Nico responds. "The god of the Underworld."

"Hephaestus. The god of the forges and fire," Ember tells her as she creates a flame in her hand.

"And Nyx," I sigh. "Goddess of the night."

"Oh," she nods. "So, are there a lot of you?"

"About one hundred," Ember thinks about it. "We lost a lot in our previous wars."

"You guys have wars?" she gasps.

"What type of place doesn't have wars?" I respond.

"Well, maybe a peaceful place?"

"No place is peaceful," Nico replies. We reach the cabin area and walk in the direction of the Big House.

"Which one do you guys live in?" Aurora questions.

"Why do you ask so many questions?" I demand, my anger flaring off of my words. Usually, I'm not this angry, but I'm in a terrible situation. I'm going to get sent on a quest that I know nothing about. How would someone not be angry?

"I guess I'm just curious," she shrugs.

"You're definitely curious." I mutter under my breath.

"What was that?" she asks me.

"Oh, nothing." I tell her.

"Alright…" she says, unsure of what to think. "But why do I get this feeling that you hate me?"

"I do hate you. I hate everyone that has to do with this stupid camp." I snap.

Aurora looks hurt, but I can't bring myself to apologize. Why is it up to me to do this? "Don't be offended," Ember comforts her. "Colton's just had a bad day."

"Well, mine hasn't been any better," Aurora mumbles.

"Can we stop feeling bad about our days, because both of yours are about to get thirty times worse!" Nico snaps.

No one talks after that. We all walk in silence until we reach the Big House. Chiron is thankfully out on the porch, playing a game with Mr. D. "Just let me and Aurora go first," I tell Nico and Ember. "Then, I'll call you over to tell you guys what's going to happen."

"I've got one question though," Aurora says as we walk up the steps. "Why is everyone making such a big deal about me being here? It looks like people show up often enough. So, what's so different about me?"

"Chiron, that centaur," I point to him, "will explain it to you. But the reason why everyone is all freaking out about it is because you and I are destined to die together."

"That doesn't sound good," she shakes her head.

Instead of responding, I walk over to Chiron and Mr. D. "That vision is true, Chiron. This is Aurora. We can't just sit here like you originally planned and do nothing. She was confronted by a Cyclopes that asked the same thing that he asked me. It was the same one, too. Something needs to be done," I explain to them.

"I'm afraid the only thing that can be done is a quest," Chiron sighs. "So, you two must go confront Rachel and ask for a prophecy."

"Is there anything else?" I plead. "I'm not good with quests, Chiron. Not after what happened last time…"

"It won't happen again," he tells me.

"How could you be so sure?" I demand. "That was my twin sister we're talking about! I can't go on another quest. I don't have a family now because of that stupid quest that the gods sent us on. They knew she was destined to die, but they sent her on it anyway!"

"You can't change a fate," Chiron tells me.

"And I take offense to that," Mr. D replies. "That quest needed to be done."

"Was tracking down a monster and killing it really that important to you?" I demand. "Because Sophie sacrificed her life so me, Nico, and Ember could kill it."

"That was her own fault," he responds. "She chose to get herself killed."

Anger flares off my body, causing an extreme darkness over the entire camp. "HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT?" I shout. "SHE HAD TO DO THAT UNLESS WE'D ALL BE KILLED!"

The darkness changes back into light, but I didn't do it. I look to my right and see Aurora with a small red rose glowing and hovering over her head.

"Demeter?" I cock my head.

"No," Chiron shakes his head. "Hemera, goddess of the day."

"So, I'm claimed?" she asks me.

"I guess, niece." I snicker.

"What?" she questions me.

"Hemera is the daughter of Nyx, which makes me your uncle." I inform her.

"Ew," she shudders. "I'm not calling you Uncle Colton though. That's just weird."

"Well, technically, I'm not really your uncle because gods don't have DNA. So if we really wanted to, we could date. Persephone is married to her uncle, Hades."

"I'm not dating you," she tells me.

"Good!" I say, kind of offended. What's wrong with me? Am I nod suitable enough to be this girl's boyfriend? "Because I don't want to date you either!"

"Will you two stop fighting and just go see Rachel?" Chiron stops us.

"I guess," I sigh. "Come on, Aurora. We've got a prophecy to hear."