Speech - "NTTL is great."
Thoughts - Wow! NTTL is great
Demon speech - "NTTL is great."
Demon thoughts – NTTL is great
Rated - MA+ for swearing and lemons.
Warning - Graphic detailed lemons, violence, swearing (Don't expect good names for moves and attacks, I am not good with them).
A/N – Sorry for the late update but I was busy with my other fics. I also self beta'd all my stories including this one. I did my best but some mistakes are still there (It is hard to beta 130k words in just 2 days). More updates on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
I am changing my style, so from now on anything written in the Italics is thoughts, and rest is same as before.
"So boy, why don't you tell me about the mage my men encountered? If you obey me I won't hurt you too much," Garry proposed, expecting little twerp to quickly give in and to start blabbering all details.
"You can kiss my ass! Well on the second thought, you can't kiss my ass!" Naruto shouted, startling the fat guard. After hearing the little blonde twerps reply Garry got angry and kicked the little bastard in the face, making Naruto to sail in the air before crashing against the hard wall.
"Know your place you fleabag, I am your god here. My words are law, and if you don't obey me you die!" Garry screamed, infuriated by Naruto's defiance.
"Really? You are Kami-sama! That's so cool!" Naruto exclaimed exultantly, and Garry could have sworn that he saw stars in little brats eyes, though he shook that thought away as little twerp began to stare at him in fascination, making him to feel little self-conscious.
"What you are staring at you little shit?" Garry questioned in a gruff voice, though the awed boy brushed off the insult and kept staring at him with some fascinated expression.
"Are you really Kami-sama?" Naruto questioned innocently while blinking his big blue eyes cutely, making even the cruel guards to swoon at his cuteness.
"Y-Yes, that's right. I am Kami-sama!" Bellowed the fat guard.
Strike!, Naruto thought victoriously as he decided to inflate fat bastard's ego a little more.
"You can really do anything Kami-sama, right?" Naruto whispered shyly as he fidgeted in the presence of a God.
"That's right kid, I can do anything I want!" he boosted, much to Naruto's delight.
"Then I will tell everything I know to Kami-sama, but can you grant my wish O! Great Kami-sama?" Naruto questioned as he clasped his hand together and pursed his lips in a pleading manner.
"Yes, I can grant your any wish except freedom." He promised.
"Then I will tell you everything I know just put me in the same place where that pretty cute redheaded girl is. She is so cute!" Naruto squealed, a little blush adoring his cheeks.
Garry mulled over it for a second. That particular group was already becoming a problem, but if didn't grant Naruto's wish then his claim to be a god would become invalid, and beside what harm a group of few little twerps and a burned out old man can possibly do.
With this thought in his minds, Garry nodded in acknowledgement as the blonde boy cried out in joy, "Yatta! Arigato Kami-sama!
"So… What can you tell me about this mage…" Garry asked in a dreadful voice as tried to imagine the face of the monster that cruelly killed his men, not even realizing the hypocrisy of his own thoughts.
"Jellal, do you think Naruto will be alright?" Erza asked in a timid voice while brown eyed boy kept pondering how to help his friends along with everyone else trapped in this hellhole.
"I really don't know Erza, but I do have this peculiar feeling that soon something big going to happen, and that boy Naruto will be the cause of it," Jellal mumbled softly, still aching from the punishment he received for rebelling against the Captain Kano.
"Heh! What's the big deal? He looks like a pansy to me," Simon muttered in irritation as he remembered the little blonde runt's face grinning idiotically and calling Erza, Erza-chan, even he didn't get to call her that.
"Aww! You're hurting my feelings," a voice whispered in fake hurt voice.
"Naruto!" Erza exclaimed, and decided to lecture Simon later when she saw the cute blonde boy entering or rather stumbling inside the same prison she was in, as an ugly guard roughly pushed him inside.
"Hello, Erza-chan!" Naruto greeted cheerfully as he jubilantly hopped up to a flustered Erza. Jellal smirked when he saw Erza blushing bashfully when Naruto greeted her with that shit-eating grin of his.
"Oh My~ Young love," Jellal whispered in Erza's ears, making her face go scarlet. Jellal laughed at cute expression. He really did like the color red, though he had a feeling that his certain brunette friend would want nothing but to pound him until he was nothing but a bloody stain on the earth.
"Stop acting like an old man buddy. I am Naruto, nice to meet you!" Naruto surprisingly walked up to Jellal instead of Erza, and enthusiastically introduced himself to the older boy.
"Uh… Nice to meet as well, Naruto-san," Jellal replied politely while shaking hands with the younger boy, but nobody noticed when Jellal's eyes widened for a second. Naruto just smirked cockily at him before turning around to introduce himself to others.
"Hello Ji-chan, nice to meet you and thanks for trying to protect me back there," Naruto thanked the old guy sincerely while Rob walked up to him and began to check him for injuries.
"Are you alright? Those monsters hurt you so badly," Rob whispered mournfully while tracing the little cuts on his forehead.
Well, I am the one who asked that dead corpse to hit, so I can't blame them for all the injuries and besides I am planning to repay them 10 times over for that did to me and every else, Naruto thought in irritation. He should've commanded that guard to avoid hitting his face.
"I am okay Ji-chan, beside they hit like a little girl, but like the stupid weak ones not the proud cute warrior girls standing behind me," Naruto hurriedly added when he sensed that he had invoked the redheaded girl's ear, and that cute cat girl's nail looked quite dangerous.
"Hello Erza-chan, do you miss me?" Naruto asked cockily as he suddenly appeared right in front of Erza. She got startled and let out a cute 'EPP' as she almost fell on her butts but Naruto reacted quickly and pulled her up her arm. She smashed against Naruto's surprisingly hard chest, not bulging but quite firm just like their muscle. It was like Naruto was also working nonstop just like them or maybe he worked in some farm or something equally strenuous.
While Erza was pondering so hard about the new strange but definitely cute boy that she didn't notice that her cheek is still pressed against Naruto's chest right where above his heart. Naruto was getting cozy, She already fell for my charm, I am awesome!, Or so what he thought. Simon was fuming with jealousy as he tried to tear a hole through by his laser glare, though he didn't get much success with that, so he decided to walk up to new boy and pun.. – Introduce himself to the new boy, yea that's right he was introducing himself to Naruto not trying to break his spine when he patted (Punched) Naruto multiple times on his back. But much to Simon's charging Naruto kept grinning like an idiot and began to mumble that how he found himself a girl with same pretty red hairs as his mother had.
Naruto's mumbling broke Erza out of her musing and she finally realized that she tightly clung to Naruto in quite an intimate embrace. She blushed and pushed Naruto away much to his distress and Simon's delight. She quickly stole a glance of her own crush Jellal to make sure that he didn't get any wrong ideas about her and Naruto, but much to her disappointment, Jellal wasn't even looking at them. He was still staring at his hand with a confused look.
Simon quickly pulled (Shoved) Naruto away and introduced himself to Naruto again. "Naruto, right? I am Simon, let's be good friends," Simon said, and firmly shook hands with Naruto. (Tried to break his hand) But again nothing happened as Naruto quietly mumbled okay and pushed past him to introduce himself to pretty cat girl.
"I am Naruto, and err… I like cats," Naruto mumbled in unsure voice, though he patted himself on the back when Milliana's eyes lit up with joy.
"I am Milliana! Meow, how's it going? I like cats too!" Milliana introduced herself rather enthusiastically and hugged the cuddly looking boy tightly, but his time a rough dandy boy tore him away from the pretty brunette cat girl.
"I am Wally, nice to meet you, and don't get too comfortable with our princesses, it's not dandy for a man to steal from others," Wally warned Naruto while Naruto gave him a thumps up before he again began to ogle the two cute pretty girls, making Wally and Simon to deck him on the head.
"Knock it off already!" they both shouted in unison while Naruto fell over. He decided that enough was enough, so he used his most powerful spell, taught to him none other than his great awesome father.
"Why you hurt Naruto? Naruto just wants to be friends," Naruto whispered solemnly, his head down, big blue eyes looking up, hands in pocket, shoulders up, head slightly tilted, conveying his shy vulnerability.
"Don't hurt Naruto/Naruto-kun!" shouted Erza and Milliana respectively while whacking both Simon and Wally.
"Itai!" Cried out both boys, and began to rub the lumps forming in their heads while both girls ignored them and smothered Naruto with their attention. Rob laughed when he saw Naruto grinning victoriously as both lovely girls smothered him with their love and care. Simon and Wally wanted to whack Naruto again but one look from the girls was enough to send them running away.
"Ano… I am Sho," introduced the youngest boy. He was around 8 years old or 9 at most. He seemed very timid, though Naruto deduced that it was because he was meeting the younger boy first time. Little boy was slightly hiding behind Erza for protection. Naruto smiled at the sight. He also got afraid when he first time met someone else other than his friends and parents.
"Hey there Sho! My name is Naruto, I hope we become good friends, blondes get to stick together, right?" Naruto said kindly, and ruffled Sho's hairs teasingly. Sho didn't know why but he felt he could trust his fellow blonde, and Naruto was a blonde, so he got to be awesome just like him.
"Nice to meet you Naruto-san, let's get along," she replied, still little shy though most of the tension from his body was gone.
What was that sound I heard when Naruto grasped my hand? I am definitely not gay, so it can't be my inner voice, so what was it? Jellal's musings got cut short when he saw Naruto walking up to him. The voice he heard in his head asked him to go inside Gents bathroom when everyone was sleeping or the dump their captors made them to use as one.
"Naruto-san, what are you doing here?" Jellal asked, playing it cool since he didn't know whether it was Naruto who invited him or he was just hallucinating at that time.
"So, you heard my voice, huh? I thought I need a little more practice but I am happy that you were able to intercept my magic signals so perfectly. I wasn't imagining when I sensed great amount of potent magical energy laying dormant inside you," Naruto said while calculatingly eying the older boy.
"So, I wasn't imagining it after all!" Jellal said happily, relieved that he wasn't one of those types of guys… And shudder when he recalled memories of two drunken guards making out and doing other things as well. That fateful day he and his learnt that two guys could have sex without a woman.
"Don't want to know what you have been through to develop those kind of thoughts but I do want to work with you or rather I want your corporation," Naruto said as suddenly his cheerful demeanor was replaced by a calculating expression of indifference.
"What is it?" Jellal asked little defensively as he eyed Naruto warily, searching for any sign of a trap or deception though he relaxed when Naruto's stance loosened up a bit.
"Nothing to worry about man, I was testing what will you do under pressure, and dude I am impressed. You managed to withstand 5% of my KI without flinching, and instead you were regarding me and my intentions with a clear straight mind. You really are leader material," Naruto congratulated the blue headed boy. Jellal still seemed defensive but relax completely after a few seconds.
"Why are you so relaxed? Is it because I complimented you?" Naruto questioned, intrigued that why Jellal's guarded expression flattered into a bored one.
"It is simple really. If you really wanted something from me than you shouldn't be measuring my strength since you seem to have magical powers and it might be a hypothesis but after analyzing your interaction with Erza and others, I am guessing that you are working with the mage who rescued all the other prisoners. You are perfect to get inside information without arousing suspicion but still this mage you are working with is quite cruel to send you here all alone or you are really that good?" Jellal lifted his eyes in an inquisitive manner, making Naruto laugh in amusement and then he smirked at the older boy.
"You are very smart, but you got last two parts little wrong. The mage who rescued other prisoners is cruel but only to the lowest scum who deserves to die. Second, he didn't send me here. I came on my own as I am that humble, great, lady killer, sexy.. –" Naruto was cut off by Jellal who stared at him incredulously.
"Do you take me for a fool?" Jellal deadpanned, now not believing the blonde boy.
"Hey! Don't judge me by my age. I am the one who ganked those guards near on the bitch near the Akane resort," Naruto said last part seriously. Blazing blue met calculative brown before Jellal backed away when he saw nothing but sincerity in Naruto's azure orbs.
"Well shit then! Why didn't you bring some older mage with you? I am not questioning your strength but don't you think it was pretty conceited decision? You might be treating this as another job but many people's lives are on the line here," Jellal reprimanded the younger boy. He didn't seem disturbed that Naruto killed the guards. He would've done the same thing if he had the power, infect Jellal was very happy that he offed those bastards.
"Well I had that coming, but I am not doing it for glory or even money. My mission was a simple C-rank not a mission that is bordering to an S-rank rank mission. My parents are not around and anyone else except them would surely alert the guards. A frontal assault means sacrificing at least a dozen people during the battle, but with my plan possibility of causalities would decline to a mere 2 or 3 or maybe zero if you gives me your full cooperation during the revolt," Naruto explained little defensively in the start but got dead serious at the end part.
"What is this plan? And how come I am such a big part of it? Is this related to my latent potential?" Jellal asked, baffled by Naruto's request, though he couldn't hide his excitement at the prospect of freeing his friends and all the other prisoners.
"Nice questions, but no it isn't related to your potential as future mage, but once we get back, you are coming with me. You are a one in a million find or maybe more, but right now I can't teach you magic without alerting the sensory mages deployed around this gigantic freakish tower. What I need from you right now is your full cooperation and trust," Naruto said in a grave voice to which Jellal nodded and singled Naruto to continue.
"My magic is based on manipulating sound waves to the highest degree, so all those eyeless pink dogs are pretty much my bitches. They will slaughter their trainers at my very first command. The thing that troubles me most is that it will cause other prisoners to go chaotic. I won't be able to control all the dogs if I get forced to give more than 2 or 3 commands at once. Here you come. You might not realize it yet, but you are their unofficial leader. They seek you for guidance even the older men and women respect you. By the way, how old are you?" Naruto questioned, narrowing his eyes a little when he stared at the taller boy.
"Well I don't about me being a leader or why you want to know my age, but I will turn 11 next month," Jellal replied confused.
"Yatta! That means I am not short, you are taller because you are older." Naruto nodded cheerfully making Jellal to face vault.
"Well a year ago I was at least 2 inch taller than you are right now," Jellal revealed, making Naruto freeze in his mid celebration dance. Jellal almost snickered at Naruto's crestfallen look until he realized that Naruto was actually trying to lighten up the atmosphere by changing the topic.
"So, I should take it as a sign that we will talk later, right?" Jellal remarked, surprising Naruto a little by catching the hint so early. Naruto smirked and nodded. Jellal was about to go back when Naruto cried.
"Wait! I need to ask you a very important question, Jellal," Naruto whispered in hushed voices when he realized that he had spoken little too loudly.
"What is it? Ask quickly or guards might get suspicious and I still need to think over everything you told me," Jellal said hurriedly as he realized that he was missing from his bed for almost 25 minutes now. Erza and others would start to panic if they didn't find him in his bed and that might alert the guards that he was again up to something.
"It won't take long. Just tell me about that old man. His name is Rob, isn't it? I also know a Rob how perfectly fits his description and is almost as powerful as a Saint Wizard. So, if my suspicion is true then why the hell are you guys still here or he has ulterior motives and didn't tell you he is a mage at all? Or maybe he is totally another person because his concern didn't seem fake to me?" Naruto questioned quickly, so they both can go back inside their cells.
"I would have punched you if you haven't added the last part. You nailed the bull's eye, he is Rob, the famous mage of Fairy Tail, but due to an illness he is unable to produce any magic, and he is genuinely kind to us. He always goes out his way to protect us all, even if he gets beaten up for it. He is the one who gave me the courage to stand up to these bastards. Everyone respects him and loves him, so it will be a good idea to brief him about our future rebellion… only if I liked your plan that is," Jellal quickly added as he didn't want Naruto to know that exactly how excited he really was at the prospect of saving the innocent prisoners from the evil clutches of their captors.
Naruto smirked and nodded to let him that he got, and quickly added, "Bring the old man and Erza with you tomorrow, but only if she is ready. I will trust your judgment but don't involve anyone else in our plan till I work out some finer details, and ask your friends to not take any unnecessary risks or to get in any kind of trouble…" Naruto saw Jellal to nod in affirmative as he walked out from the so-called bathroom, and soon Naruto also walked away, though he never noticed the shadow lurking right behind him.
Mysterious person soon walked out from the shadows and stared intensely at Naruto, as if gauging him.
"Younglings these days are so oblivious to everything going around them. They need to learn how to be more careful. The sound magic kid might've caught me if he used his magic but he was so overconfident that no one would be here at a time like this that he didn't even make sure before shooting off his motormouth. Hmm… but still he seems quite talented," muttered the mysterious man, though he was disappointed that he missed the earlier part of the conversation. He smirked light before disappearing completely from the spot he was standing a moment ago; it was like he wasn't even there.
I know it has been a long time but now I am back and planning to update like crazy. My friend challenged me to get 1000 reviews in any two of my current stories.
So, please give me lots of reviews!
Anyone who managed to guess the identity of the mysterious man first will get a special reward… I will update any fic he wants me to update tomorrow with a minimum size limit of the chapter being 3k.
Written by: NarutoTheTrueLegend