Okay, so this is a week late. -_-' Why can't I update on time? *sigh* Whatever. Anyways this is the alternate ending/set up for the sequel. I hope you like it.

I don't own Naruto.


It was a nightmare, nothing more. She had to keep telling herself that as she stared at the body of her older brother. It was a nightmare…but she knew the truth. She knew as her feet carried her downstairs where her parents lied motionless that she was not dreaming. The hell around her was really happening.

She didn't want to return upstairs, fearing the same sight waited in Kanashimi and Amaya's room, but a baby's cry broke those thoughts. Her feet carried her up the stairs faster than she thought possible. A small hope began to form, a hope that she wasn't alone. She came to their room, but stopped in the doorway. Amaya was on the ground by Saria's crib. If Katerina were to check her vitals she knew what she would find. However, when she looked to Saria's crib she saw movement.

Saria was still alive. Katerina ran over to the crib picking her niece up and holding her close. Saria started crying again. "Shh, it's okay baby. I won't let anything happen to you." Katerina said as tears formed in her eyes. She saw movement in the corner and moved to the side just in time, the blade just barely catching her. Her eyes widened as she saw her attacker. She ran from the room with Saria still in her arms. She ran to her own room where she drew her Katana. She was followed.

Katerina stared at Itachi, her grip on the Katana tightening as she held Saria closer. "Why, why did you do this Itachi?" He was silent. "Tell me damn it!"

"To test my capabilities, this clan was holding me back." He said monotonously.

"So you killed everyone? Why didn't you just leave?" She asked the tears beginning to spill from her eyes.

"Because even though they were weak in my eyes, they were still a perfect way to test my strength."

"What about Sasuke, did you kill him too? Your little brother who thought so much of you?" When she said this emotion flashed in his eyes for only a second before it was gone once again.

"No, I believe he is the one who I can truly test my strength with. I'll let him live to grow stronger, so someday he will be worthy of facing me."

"So that means I'm the only one left then? Well, me and Saria. Tell me Itachi, every emotion you showed me, feelings you held towards me, words spoken to me, were they all lies?"

His eyes softened slightly, but Katerina didn't notice. "Only you could decide that."

"I don't think it was all fake, but I'll let you prove me wrong. If it was kill me now where I stand." Itachi didn't move. "Well? Can you do it or not?" He moved forward and she stepped back on instinct. Her Katana fell to the floor and she turned as though to shield Saria, but then nothing happened.

When she looked back Itachi's blade was a mere inch from her, and his eyes were closed in what seemed to be regret. "Go."

"W-what?" She asked surprised.

His eyes opened hardened once more. "I said go Katerina, run, now before I change my mind. Take Saria with you."

Katerina stepped from the wall cautiously, but one look in Itachi's eyes and she was gone. Running from her house, from the compound, from the village, in fear for both Saria's life and her own. Tears flowing from her eyes the whole way.

Meanwhile back in her darkened room Itachi's eyes were once again shut. His own tears stained his face. When he opened his eyes and looked down he saw Kuroki looking at him questioningly. Sighing he picked the cat up. "I can't just leave you here." He whispered. He then looked to Katerina's dresser where she had quite a few pictures. He noticed one of two pictures of him, her, and Shisui were gone. She must have had it with her. He looked to the second one and carefully took it from its frame. He also took one with the two of them. Shisui had taken the picture, and Katerina had her head against his chest while his arms were wrapped around her. "I'm sorry…" He whispered while looking at it. He put the pictures into his pouch and left. While going through the woods Kuroki started to squirm until he got loose. Itachi watched him head in a direction. He checked for chakra around and found Katerina's less than a mile away still running. That cat…he always did know where she was.

The next morning when the investigations were going on Yasashi and Yujin ran to the compound. "Uncle Daisuke!" They said in unison. Their uncle turned to them and is face saddened.

"Please," Yasashi said. "Please tell us she isn't dead."

Daisuke shook his head. "We don't know, we haven't gotten to that part of the compound yet." Yasashi and Yujin began to run in her house's direction. "Hey you two, come back here!"

They ignored him and continued on. Daisuke sighed in frustration before following them.

After going through the house and finding Katerina's mother, father, brother, and her brother's wife the two found themselves standing in Katerina's empty bedroom. "Yujin…" Yasashi started.

"I know," He said. "She isn't here."

Daisuke finally made it to the house and found his nephews. "You two need to learn to listen." He scolded.

"Uncle Daisuke," Yasashi said slowly.

"She isn't here." Yujin finished.

Daisuke looked up surprised. "What do you mean?"

"We mean we went through the whole house."

"And both she and Saria are gone. Do…do you think they got away?"

"I don't know, but don't get your hopes up. She may have been somewhere else. Besides, with what happened, I don't think he would have left her alone."

The twins looked down sadly. "In other words, we'll probably never see her again, even if she is alive." Yujin said.

Daisuke nodded. "I'm sorry boys, but even if you did find her, she'd most likely be treated as an accomplice since she ran."

The twins looked around the room, taking in every memory of their friend before leaving with their uncle. In their minds they said a final goodbye; to the girl they would never forget, to their teammate, to their best friend.

Even though her body wasn't found, Katerina had still been marked as deceased. This was the final information needed for the twins to accept her fate. It had taken two months for the information to be released.

Itachi walked into an Akatsuki hideout, his new organization, and his new home. From this day onward he would be working and living as a criminal. Even as he walked into this life he couldn't help but wonder what could have been had things turned out differently. He wondered where Katerina was now, if she had even made it.

Katerina was in a shop in a small village. "Katerina, Kara's wondering if you can make another turtle for her. It seems her son got jealous of his sister."

Katerina laughed lightly. "Yeah Michi, tell her I'll get right on it." She told her friend. After running from the village Katerina ran until she passed out. Somehow managing to keep Saria unharmed. Kanade, the elder of a nearby village had found them and taken them in without question. She didn't even ask Katerina what had happened to her. She just patched her wound and gave her a place to stay.

She had met Michi shortly after that. The girl was two years older than her, and she owned an arts shop in the village market area. When she found out Katerina could carve she gave her a job. The two had become close friends over the two months Katerina was there.

Katerina looked up when she sensed Michi enter the room. Her friend shook her head. "Are you ever going to tell me how you know when I'm here?"

"Nope," Katerina said smirking. However, in her head she was rather sad. The village she had come across, they didn't like ninja, believing they only caused war. No one knew who Katerina really was, or that she had ever been a ninja. She was coping well enough though. "It's my own secret." She looked back at the wood in front of her. "Hey Michi, would you go check on Saria for me?"

"Yeah," She said. "You know, I still don't understand how you have a child with you."

"I told you," Katerina said slightly annoyed. "She's isn't mine, she's my niece."

"I'm only messing with you, I know that. Besides, you're so young I'd be surprised." Michi said. "Did…did you ever have a lover Katerina."

Katerina paused her carving and looked down sadly. "I did once, but the tragedy that took my family…well, you can say it took him too."

"Oh, I…I'm sorry Katerina. I'll go check Saria now." Michi said leaving the room.

Katerina sighed and looked out the window. "Itachi…" She said to herself. "I don't know why you did what you did, but no matter what; I do know my feelings for you can never fade." A tear escaped her eye. "I hope you're at least alive."

Two lovers, and a tragedy that ripped them apart. Both thought their time together was over, but little did they know, it was just beginning. For they lived in an unpredictable world.

Okay, so as implied, the sequel is the usual title and An Unpredictable world. I would like to have the first chapter up later today, so be on the lookout.

Okay, final final chapter, so review please. :P

See ya.