Sakura allowed her eyes to lazily scan the titles of the books as she slowly walked from bookshelf to bookshelf in the library. The library was one of the only places where she had any peace these days. She had planned on going home, but once class ended she had gotten a text from her mother telling her that she had been called in for work. So Sakura went to the nice, quiet library, her new sanctuary, instead of home. She didn't want to go home when she knew her parents weren't waiting there for her. The house was too empty without them. She didn't feel like eating by herself again. It seemed sad to her.

One book caught her eye. It was bright green, titled 'Time to think'. Apart from trying to escape the loneliness, she also wanted some time to herself. To think on her own. Sakura started reaching for the book, but dropped her hand back to her side. She bit down on her lip before continuing to browse through the large selection of books.

She thought back to everyone's reaction when they found out she was back. The shock on their faces, it made her feel good, yet it also made her regret her choice of coming back. Coming back to a place that caused her so much pain. Her so called 'friends' had abandoned her, except for Kakashi, Hinata and Naruto. She felt disgusted with the rest of them. This place held nothing but bad memories and nightmares.

She had hoped she would be free of this place forever. Free of the terrible guilt that followed her around like her shadow. Free of the pain that seemed to hit her like tsunami waves from every direction. Free of the loss she had suffered that night.

Images haunted her every waking moment - a room engulfed in flames, a woman screaming. Sakura shivered in spite of the heat. Those were memories she wanted to bury far away in the depths of her mind. She wondered how her mom was doing. 'Maybe I should pay her a visit...'

Sakura's eyes landed on a small brown book. 'ENDING THE PAIN' was written on it in bold. Sakura cocked her head to the side. Maybe this was exactly what she needed. She carefully grabbed the book and opened on a random page. It seemed to be some sort of guide to get past difficult situations and deal with the emotions they cause. She closed the book and held it tightly in both hands. She once again nibbled on her bottom lip. Once she made her decision she marched up to the librarian at the front desk and handed her the book. "Oh." the woman said as she took the book and scanned the title. She cast an odd look at Sakura but didn't say anything.

Sakura walked out of the library and in the direction of the school's exit. The book was now safely put away in her bag. She heard the shuffling of feet and looked up. "Naruto!" Said boy was walking towards the exit at a very slow, almost exhausted, pace. Sakura ran to catch up with him as he turned in her direction. "Eh? Sakura-chan? What are you doing here?" he asked as she finally reached him. "I was at the library." she told him calmly. "Why are you still here, Naruto?" Sakura asked suspiciously as they continued walking toward the exit. Naruto scratched the back of his head and gave her a sheepish smile. "I...uh...had detention...I sorta pranked Tsunade..." he replied. "Tsunade? As in PRINCIPAL Tsunade?" Sakura asked in disbelief. Naruto nodded. Sakura shook her head and smiled at him. 'Same old Naruto.' she thought fondly. She always felt happy with Naruto. He was like a giant ball of fire - brightening and warming up anyone's day. "Oh, Sakura-chan, do you want to caome over to my house?" Naruto asked her suddenly. Sakura raised an eyebrow at him. "Why?" she asked, deciding to be blunt about her suspicion. "I need to study for an algebra quiz tomorrow. Pleeaaase Sakura-chan?" he asked while putting on his cutest puppydog face. 'Not the eyes!' she thought but it was too late. Naruto was using the puppy eyes against her - she had no chance. "Okay, fine. I'll help you." she replied, sounding a bit irritated. Naruto grinned, knowing he had won. "Thanks Sakura-chan!" he said with a huge smile. Sakura returned the smile.

Naruto lead the way to his house, which was on the opposite side of Konoha. Sakura smiled as a familiar bridge came into view. It was a small bridge over a small stream - nothing really fancy(bridge where Team Kakashi meets every morning in the anime).

She remembered playing ninja with all the other kids. They had all put a piece of paper with their names on it in a hat and each team had three members. At their team's turn it was her, Naruto and Sasuke's names that had been chosen. Ever since then they were team seven and the bridge had always been their 'safe point'.

Naruto was babbling on about a bunch of unimportant topics. Sakura happily listened to the blonde teen talk about everything he had done that day. Naruto just had that feeling about him that calmed people down, something she always appreciated.

A person approached from the front as they started crossing the bridge. Sakura simply ignored them, preferring to give Naruto her undivided attention, until the person spoke.

"Dobe." Sasuke greeted. Naruto snapped his head in Sasuke's direction. "Teme! Don't call me that!" he yelled at the raven. Sakura sighed as the two entered another one of their arguments with Naruto yelling and Sasuke replying coolly. Sakura was surprised when Naruto started smiling and laughing. Sasuke was smirking, but not in his usual cocky manner.

Sakura glared at the two of them. When had they become all buddy-buddy? Last time she checked they were trying to murder one another and now they were best friends? Sakura cast her head down, letting her pink bangs conceal her face, which was red with rage. She suddenly wished they were fighting like they always did. She wanted them to hate one another like they used to.

And why was Sasuke so different all of a sudden? He was acting odd. She had known that everyone would have changed, but she had expected him to become even colder. Yet, here he was, almost smiling at the very same person he had hated four years ago.

Sakura clenched and unclenched her fists over and over again. Without saying even one word she turned on her heel and started walking home. The last thing she wanted right now was to be around Sasuke.

Naruto watched with a worried expression as his pink-haired friend walked off in the direction of her old home. He wanted to follow her, to run up to her and ask her what was wrong, but he already knew that he wouldn't get an answer from her. She would tell him the truth when she was ready. If he pushed her to tell him she would probably start avoiding him and he didn't want to lose his friend again after so many years. He would just have to wait patiently until she told him.

Uh, okay, know this is a VERY short chapter, but bare with me.