Gasp! Elena woke up to the stench of a smell, it drove her crazy as it got closer to her and she wanted to rip whatever it was apart, and she blinked furiously trying to keep the light away from her eyes. She turned her head to the side and gasped one more, the smell of the person she wanted to kill was belonged to Stefan. Before Elena could think she blacked out

Elena woke up again and this time she was on her bed, in her room that was dimly lit. She could smell it again, but this time it was stronger, it smell of prey, or enemy's. She opened her eyes fully to see Stefan and Damon looking at her, Stefan seated on her bed in front of her, and Damon sitting on the window seat where he once climbed in and out of while talking to her. Stefan tried to calm her down and then filled her in of what had happened. She was drove off the bridge by Rebekah while being in Matt's truck, Matt's alive, Stefan saved him, but he didn't save her. She had died and now she was dead. Once the words sunk into Elena she began to question how and why she was alive but Stefan didn't give her an answer.

"Meredith feed you blood" Damon said coldly and Elena suddenly looked at him in the eyes. She nodded her head and bit her lip to keep the tears from pouring out of her eyes, Stefan gave her a hug but she pushed him away, the smell of him flared her nostrils and made her feel angry. 'Why couldn't you have ignored me?! Why did you pick Matt over me, why didn't you rescue me, Damon would have' the words screamed around her head, she was angry that Stefan ignored her own wellbeing and picked Matt. She felt a hand grab her wrist and she snapped out of her haze to see Damon holding it and she gulped. Her hand was wrapped around Stefan's wrist that was broken now and out of place, and different colours that shouldn't be there. Damon slowly lifted Elena's hand and placed it on her lap as Stefan grunted as he set it back in place, Elena frowned and looked at Stefan who smiled trying to make her do the same.

"I think I'll tell the others you're awake" He said arising from the bed and closing the door behind him. Elena folded her arms and scolded at the door that he once left.

"What's wrong? And don't say you're hungry." Damon was sure of what was up with Elena, she was angry at Stefan for saving Matt and that resulted her death and becoming a vampire, one thing she never wanted to be.

"Why couldn't he have got both of us? I'm glad Matt's alive but I never wanted to die Damon. Why couldn't he been like you and ignore me and put my safety first" Elena was finished with her angry rant and Damon had to smile at her before giving her a hug, once she didn't ignore but leaned into.

"Because he's not me Princess, he respects your decisions and idea's even when their completely wrong. I put your safety first and then your feelings, maybe" Damon said softly which Elena knew only him, Stefan and herself would only hear.
"I should have gone to you" Elena said trailing off on the last part, and it was true. If she went to Damon, Rebekah would have never got the chance to kill her, or try and kill Matt. Damon stiffened and she looked up at him with a sad smile and he returned the same one. The door knocked and Elena could hear voices behind it, once was Stefan's instructing the person with him that Elena was in a very strange mood. The door opened and Jeremy waked in followed by Stefan, Jeremy ignored Stefan's rules and ran up to Elena were they both embraced a hug.

"Are you okay?" he asked and Elena shook her head, 'how can I be okay? I'm dead and I am starving and you smell so sweet, and I can hear your heart pound in every beat. I can already feel your blood tricky down my throat, every beat second beat beside beat you beat I beat want beat to beat bite beat you' Elena could feel her throat heat up at the thought of get the hot liquid. Elena could suddenly feel her gum growing sore and her teeth deadlier and before she could help herself she was drinking innocent blood from her brother's neck.

"Elena!" Stefan said pulling her off him, she fell against her bed when she started to scream. Something wasn't right and Elena knew that as more panging noises arose in her. She held her head trying to find what was happening but nothing work even Bonnie ran into the room trying to see what was happening as Jeremy was dragged out of the room by Caroline and Matt. Damon was holding Elena as she started to scream louder and louder, hunching over in pain. Stefan, Bonnie, Matt and Damon tried to help the girl who started to grow in more pain but it was only once voice that confirmed the truth,

"She's shifting" Tyler spoke in a deep voice and everyone turned their attention to him as if he spoke of great folklore,

"What?" Matt asked in disbelief, how could sweet innocent Elena be shifting? If someone was become a vampire didn't they call it 'turning'.

"She's a hybrid"

**Reviews please, and should I continue?XX**