It was another boring day for Mordecai and Rigby. It usually is when they're on the clock, but who's counting the three hours forty-five minutes and sixty seconds they have left?

"Three hours, forty-five minutes, and fifty-nine seconds left of this bull…" Rigby groaned as he lays exhausted on the steps of the porch.

"Aw, dude! Come on. I hate knowing how much time we have left. It makes it go by slower," Mordecai grimaced, not wanting to be there much more than his friend did.

"Well, stop working and take a break. It'll make it go faster," Rigby said.

"Yeah, except if I stop then this will never get done. Benson told us to get rid of the spider webs from the porch so they don't get inside. You know how scared Pops gets when he sees spiders," Mordecai said, a little peeved that Rigby is still sitting there and his broom untouched. It isn't long until Mordecai feels dragged into his own laziness. He sighs and gives in, "A five minute break and we get back to work."

Rigby just brushes it off, "Yeah. Yeah, sure. Whatever."

"You know, if I didn't cover for you so much you probably would have been fired by now," Mordecai sits back on the steps and rests his head on the side of the porch.

Rigby sputters his lips with a laugh and shakes his head, "Whatever. Benson needs me. Without me, it would look like no one was doing what they're supposed to. As long as I'm here, it makes it seem like everyone is working really hard every day. I'm doing a service to everyone."

"Sometimes I question your logic," Mordecai doesn't though. He's too relaxed right now and on the verge of sleeping, "Just keep an eye out for Benson. I'm gunna rest my eyes."

"Geez, you're too worried out Benson. Just relax. Before you know it you'll be sucking his cinnamon gumballs," Rigby laughs.

Mordecai cracks one eyes open, "One: Ew. Two: How the heck would you know what flavor his gumballs are?"

"Here's a better question: Why the HECK aren't you two doing your jobs!?" It's as if Benson snuck up behind them while they weren't looking.

This caused the two to bolt up and tumble down the stairs. They both scramble to their brooms and start sweeping the spider webs frantically.

"I should fire both of you! I give you the simplest jobs and you can't even finish them!" But just as Benson was going to rant and scold them, he sees Mr. Maellard drive up. He goes stiff and his demeanor totally changes. As his boss walks to the porch Benson gives him a friendly greeting that gets cut off as Mr. Maellard walks passed them and into the house.

"I want to have a word with you, Beanteen!" Mr. Maellard stops, looks down at the two that are working vigorously (or seemingly looking so), "…and big bird, too! Now!"

"Mordecai!?" Benson asks, sharing a look of shock with his co-worker.

"Oooooh! Someone's in trouble," Rigby whispers.

"Shut up," Mordecai punches his friend lightly, which shuts him up mainly because it actually hurt Rigby. "This is probably your fault," Mordecai says, not happy as he follows both bosses into the house.

They both sit down in front of Mr. Maellard's large desk and for some reason Benson feels obligated to defend his co-worker, "Listen, I've seen both Mordecai and Rigby's work ethics! If anyone needs a good talking to its Rigby, not-!"

Mr. Maellard cuts Benson off again, motioning to Mordecai, "Is this Rig-ball?"

"No, I'm Mordecai," he introduces himself, even though he's sure he's done it about a dozen times already.

"Well, Morbid-Cry, how long have you been working here?" Maellard asks. He should know, but Mordecai doesn't question it because the guy couldn't even get his name right.

Mordecai actually has to count in his head. He tried to go to college for a year after he had gotten out of high school. When that hadn't worked out, he found the ad for the park with Rigby. They offered a place to stay where they were going to work. "About five-six years, sir." Mordecai cringes inwardly because he couldn't believe how long it's been.

Mr. Maellard turns to Benson, "How long have you been working here before I promoted you, Burnton?"

Benson sighs because that was a long time ago. So much longer than Mordecai had worked here. He was plunged into a very unneeded and bitter nostalgia. "I was working here for ten years before you promoted me."

Mordecai's head shoots up because he can't even picture Benson being anything but his boss. He wonders why it took Benson so long to get to where he is now.

"Sounds about right," Mr. Maellard announces and gives Mordecai squinted eyes, "You're being promoted, Mordo-Ride."

"WHAT!?" Both Benson and Mordecai shouts in unison.

Benson butts in shortly after, "What do you mean!? Mordecai doesn't even finish his work half the time!"

Mordecai wasn't going to argue because he knew it was true. Besides, he didn't want to be promoted. He didn't want more work and more responsibilities.

"What's this now, Bean-Stalk!? You said you've observed his work ethic and it was better than another employee and he's had ample years of experience at the park. Besides, you stink! This park needs another set of eyes! Show him the ropes!" Mr. Maellard stands as if to say we're done here.

Benson's fuming as his boss leaves.

Mordecai can't believe what had just happened. He also can't believe that Rigby was right in his logic. Compared to Rigby, he was a better worker which got him this crappy raise. He kind of wished he was wrong.

Benson looks like a volcano about ready to erupt.

Mordecai takes the hint and heads out, "I uh… need to get back to work on those spider webs. Hahah…" His cheer is false and forced, and he disappears down the stairs.

Oh man, this was awful!

Mordecai punches Rigby's arm, causing him to flip over the railing of the porch and landing face first into the asphalt driveway. "Thanks a lot, dude! Because of you I'm getting promoted!" Mordecai throws his hands up and acts like he had just gotten fired, which doesn't sound like a bad idea right about now.

Rigby rubs his face, hoping all of his teeth are still intact. "You're welcome, but why did you hit me?"

"Do you really think I want to run around like Benson with a clipboard attached to my hand?" Mordecai crosses his arms across his chest.

"You're looking at this the wrong way, man," Rigby hops back onto his feet and rushes up the stairs again, "If you're the boss, we can have fun all day! There won't be anyone to tell us to get back to work!"

Mordecai almost believes him. He really wants to believe him. Then, it's as if a light bulb goes off in his head, "Yeah! I'll do such a bad job they'll have to demote me!"

"Suh-weet! So, just sit back and relax!" Rigby does just that on the steps.

When Mordecai is about to join him, he feels a seething heat behind him. He swallows because it's Benson. "Haha… Hey, Benson—"

Benson points at Mordecai, "You! Come with me!" His fiery eyes meet Rigby, "You! Get out of here! I don't care if you take the rest of the day off or you want to jump off a cliff—Just Get. Out. Of. Here!"

Mordecai watches Rigby scurry away and he swallows thickly. He must be angry if he just let Rigby off early like that. "Hey, um… if you want to just demote me now, it's cool. I don't mind. I really don't want this position anyway," Mordecai says truthfully, "I mean, I don't want to cause you more stress , or whatever."

Benson turns back to Mordecai slowly and looks him over. He let out a breath which causes his face to go back to its proper color, "I don't like this either, but Maellard's word is above. Even if I did want to demote you, which I do, I wouldn't be able to. So, do me a favor Mordecai if you really do want to lighten the stress load on me, do what I say."

Mordecai doesn't know how many times he's promised this to Benson. No matter how much he does want to work and stay on track, he always gets distracted. Always. "I'll give you my word. I'll try as hard as I can."

"Don't make promises you can't keep," Benson's words are heated with anger.