AHH HAA! I FIXED IT! Sorry if you read th chapter I first posted I got all messed up with the chapter uploading and you know, what can you do. So anyway this it the real chapter and I hope you enjoy.

Disclaimer: I do not own any PJO or HoO characters or copyright stuff etc. etc. All rights go to Rick Riordon blah blah blah and all the mumbo jumbo.



Does this stupid hole even have a bottom, Percy thought?

This was one of the questions that raced through Percy's mind. (which didn't hapen a lot) All Percy knew was he was falling in to Tartarus clinging to Annabeth's hand like a life line.

Oh gods she was below him and that would mean she would hit the ground first and much harder, Percy realized this and streightened his arms and legs so he fell faster, but that wasn't enough to reach Annabeth. "Annabeth, hold out your arms!" he shouted.

She did. She started falling a bit slower while Percy fell a bit faster. After a few minutes Percy had passed Annabeth and was now falling below her.

With a loud thud Percy hit the bottom of the pit. He felt something pop in his shoulder and he thought he might have dislocated it. He heard and groan abouy 5 yards away from him. "Annabeth!" He shouted. "Here" she whimpered. Percy got up and walked towards the sound. Man, it was dark in here.

He felt something on the ground and realized it was Annabeth. "Are you okay" He asked. "Depends on whose definition of okay" she replied. Percy forced a small smile, though he doubted she could see. "Where's your ankle wise girl?" he said. He reached out, and three things happened at once. 1: Percy yanked back his arm because immediately a sharp pain rose to his right shoulder 2: the darkness went away and Percy could clearly see the reddish brown color of the walls and the slight mist that hung everywhere, and 3: he heard a hiss come from just 20 yards away. (not necessarily in that order)

Annabeth's face turned white as she looked towards the hiss. On the ground a giant bulge was squirming, trying to break free, apparently it didn't notice them but Percy was sure it would soon.

Percy scooped up Annabeth and tried to run to the nearest hiding place, but as soon as he started running Annabth yelped. Recognition dawned on Percy, how could he have been so stupid. ( don't answer that ) The thing in the bulge was what was in the room with Annabeth at the cave and that was what had attached the silken thread to Annabeth's leg. It was Arachne. He felt in his pocket for Riptide but couldn't find it. Dang, it had apparently fallen out when he lunged for Annabeth at the top of the pit. Plus activating the pen would surely be noticable to a Arachne's ears. He wondered if it would even reappear in his pocket, afterall it was Tartarus. He set her down as gently as he could but she grimaced. He worked on pulling away the silk thread, but it was to strong. A glint caught his eye, He looked over and saw Annabeth's dagger. That thing still gave him the creeps, but it was the only way to get the thread off of Annabeth.

He ran towards it and picked it up. It was cold, but he ran over to Annabeth and hastily cut the thred away. He picked her up quickly and gently while balancing the dagger in his other hand, careful not to cut her.

He found a dim corner close by and concealed him and Annabeth behind a peice of the cavern wall. They were quiet and they waited until the hissing,and groaning from the giant spider stopped. Percy bent down to examine Annabeth's ankle. One of the wooden splints was gone, the bubble wrap was in shreds and her ankle was comlpletly turned around. "Oh, Annabeth" he whispered feeling guilty. He couldn't help to think that this was his fault, if he had just come to the cave a bit sooner, if he had just held on to the ledge a bit longer she wouldn't even be going throught this. " Do you remember when I told you your cute when your worried?" she said. I forced another smile. "Where's your bag?" he asked. She groaned but said "I left in the cave but it fell with us, stupid huh?". "Okay, so all we have is your dagger, shreded bubble wrap, duct tape, and 1 1/2 pieces of wood to fix your ankle" "Great" he said sarcastically. Percy carefully took off the duct tape bubble wrap and wood with one hand while holding on to Annabth's hand with the other, all the while trying to contain the pain that flared up in his right shoulder. Annabeth apparently noticed this, "Percy what happened" she asked. "It's nothing" he replies hastily still workng on her ankle. "No its not" she said. "I heard you hit the ground". "It's nothing" he says again. "Percy", and just like that he knows he can't win, she knows him to well. " I'll work on my shoulder later", "Your ankle has bigger problems". I stare in to her eys while she stares at me and I can't help to think that she still looks beautiful. "Fine" she says, clearly not done.

" Annabeth I"m going to set your ankle, so I want you to grab my arm and squeeze when it hurt" he says. Yeah he he knows thats probably a huger mistake given the fact that she has a very good grip. I grabher ankle and turn it quickly. The pain in her grip is almost as bad as the pain in his shoulder and for a second black spots dance in his eyes. Percy quickly wraps her ankle in the shreded bubble wrap as best he could then braces her leg with the duct tape and make shift splint.

"Feel an better wise girl" he asks. "Not really" she says through gritted teeth" He leans down and kisses her, the world almost stops. But like he said, almost stops, because he hears a sickening, unhuman like hiss only five to tn yards away. He turns his head, but not quick enough before Arachne rams him out of the way. Percy immediately thinks if Annabeth will be okay. "Percy!" Annabeth screams. Then everything goes dark.

TA DA! Hope you liked it, I am open to suggestions and I can take criticizm just no bad words and all that, So review and I do take ideas and try to incorpret them in my stories. So I'll try to post next Saturday or Sunday.. so see you then!