"It's an honor to meet you, little maiden."

The massive blond man bent down and took Dalias hand, pressing his lips to it. She instantly flushed and glanced over to meet Bruce's eyes. He smiled lightly and shrugged in return. Thor straightened up and grinned down at her.

Dalia had been expecting a winged helmet, although he met all her other expectations. He had to be a few inches above six-foot because the door frame was six-foot-eight and, already, he only missed grazing his head by a small length. Her eyes nearly poped out of her head when he shifted to cross both of his arms and his bulging biceps flexed in the process.

"Yes, It's nice to meet you too. Thor Odinson?"

"This is correct!" He boomed.

Bursting with questions, Dalia could hardly contain her joy. She grew up adoring many fables that people told her were false but here was Thor Odinson. Living proof of a mystical world that did exist.

Joey, who stood beside her, eyed Thor up. She almost scoffed thinking of how he would fair in a battle between them. Headlines would show "80-pound weakling: Squashed under the mighty fist of Thunder" or something less melodramatic. Shaking her head, she dismissed the thought and unable to keep her lips shut, her inner child burst through.

"What does it look like in Asgard? I'm sure it must be so bold and beautiful!"

"Aye, it is! I could never tire of its everlasting glory." Thor cried, grinning down at the woman. He glowed with pride and opened his mouth to describe the beauty of it.

"What about the Allfather? The great Odin! How long is his beard? If he really has one, that is...And Sifjar! Do you simply call her Sif? I've read so little about her but there is this wonderful piece written about her in an old booklet I have... Will you tell me of the valkyries? How magnificent is Yggdrasil?"

Thor's grin slowly faded from his face and he looked on in awe at the little female who couldn't stop chattering.

"It is as if you do not stop to breathe!" He replied, merely a quiet drone under the nonstop babble. She had began to ramble on about the Bifrost. Speaking fondly, as if it were a memory of her own. Smiling once more, he crossed his arms and continued to listen to the praises being spoken of his homeland.

Joey marveled at the sight. His newly acquainted friend had completely lost her composure. She wasn't actually having a conversation with Thor- she was talking at him. Glancing over at Bruce, he was surprised to find the man unnerved by this.

"Are you used to this?" He asked.

Bruce smiled, ducking his head shyly.

"Dalia has always had an interest in mythology. I'm not shocked that she's getting this worked up over actually meeting someone from a place she's yearned for for so long."

Nodding his head in understanding, Joey and Bruce continued to watch the scene in front of them in silence.

It wasn't long before a whooshing sound indicated that someone had just entered the room. Dalia ceased speaking and turned to her left to smile meekly at the man who had just passed through.

The man gave a little wave at Bruce and clapped Thor on his bicep as he walked by towards the glass pane. It earned him a glare from the God, who wasn't yet accustomed to the Midgardian greetings or gestures. Standing in the middle of the room, the man spun around suddenly to face the rest of the occupants.

"Tony Stark at your service." He spread his arms out dramatically and winked.

Joey beamed at him while beside him, Bruce shook his head and chuckled.

Dalia stood there, half grinning. Tony Stark, The famous electrical engineering genius, The CEO of Stark Enterprises, was standing less than half a foot away from them. She never expected she'd have a chance to meet him. Of course, she hardly expected to meet a Norse God on the same day either.

"Hi, Hey. I'm a huge fan of yours, I'm Joey. Could I have your autograph?" Making his way over to Tony, Joey began fumbling around in his vest. Pulling out a crumpled pad of paper he held it out, shakily, to the philanthropist and continued to pat down his many pockets in search of a pen.

"No, no. Don't worry..." Producing a ballpoint from his lapel, Tony smirked . "I've got one."

Shuffling over to the brunette, Bruce tentatively nudged her with his hand. The two smiled at each other affectionately. Joey appeared to be practically peeing himself with excitement as he bounced up and down in his spot. It almost looked like his words were coming out faster than his mouth could form them.

"Aw, look at him. Do you think he realizes he's rambling?" Dalia whispered.

Bruce raised an eyebrow and chuckled to himself. Taking one of her hands in his, he squeezed gently.

"And your little... spiel that you just had merely a minute ago?"

She huffed and waved her free hand dismissively. "I could keep my mouth shut if I wanted."

A grin began to form against his lips as an idea came to him. "Would you like to bet on that?"

Dalia squinted her eyes in suspicion and her lips clamped shut. Slowly, she nodded her head, determined not to say a word to Thor for the next few minutes. He was currently standing over by the back counters, tapping a large black screen with his finger like he'd seen many midgardians do with miniature ones. He, of course, hadn't known that they were smart phones and this was a TV monitor.

"Thor?" Bruce motioned towards the blond. "Would you mind introducing Dalia to Mjölnir?"

"Bruce! Unfair!" Dalia squealed.