"There is nothing more dreadful than a habit of doubt."


A tiny, red haired streak shot down the Helicarrier's hallway. "Clint, hurry up! They're going to catch us!" She giggled.

The short, blonde boy laughed as he raced to the girl's side, their socked feet quiet against the ground. "I'm coming!"

"Psst! Over here," A black haired, green eyed boy whispered. The two stopped, and he beckoned them over to the corner where he was hiding.

"Thanks, Loki," The girl whispered. "Where's Thor?"

Loki pointed to a corner a few feet away. "Bruce, Tony, and Thor are hiding there," He muttered.

"Shh! He's coming," Steve called quietly to his friends. The kids immediately shushed their giggling and whispering.

"Kids, come on out!" Phil Coulson called. He sighed, checking down the halls and around corners. Where had they gone this time? Fury was going to be pissed off if he couldn't find them. This was the third time that week, after all.

Those kids, all around 6 years of age, were SHIELD's greatest assets. It depressed some of the agents to think that their future lay in the hands of little children. There was nothing they could do about it, though.

Steve Rogers, the oldest at 7 years old. Blonde, adorable, and impossible not to love. He was the ringleader of their little group of kids, appointed after a vote that had ended with a Skittle fight. He had been caught in a terrorist attack when he was five, and after they had dumped literally mounds of chemicals on the people in the room, Steve was the lone survivor. SHIELD had found him in the dust of the building.

Natasha Romanoff, known to the group as Tasha. Red haired, green eyed, and completely mischievous. There was not an innocent bone in her tiny body. She was 6 years old, and the smallest of the group by far. She was also the only girl. She had been kidnapped when she was littler, by a group that called themselves the Russian Red Room. Tasha had been rescued by SHIELD not soon enough.

Loki Odinson and his brother, Thor, were the enigmas of the little group. They had simply appeared on SHIELD's doorstep, in a flash of light. Judging by the scientists research, they weren't human, but they couldn't tell much else. Loki was the prankster, and the third oldest. He was the one that persuaded everyone that they were innocent little children, that nothing was their fault. All he had to do was blink his big green eyes and everyone loved him. If Loki was the brains, Thor was the brawn. Thor had a hammer that he always carried, and he loved it to death. As the second oldest, he had plenty of sway in their group. He was always up for a fight.

Bruce Banner was the shy one. Self-proclaimed, no less. He was always in a corner, trying to stay away from as many people as he could. When he got angry, though, everyone gave him a wide perimeter, all to himself. Tony Stark was the only one who didn't really care about getting him angry and risking being on the receiving end of the "HULK SMASH"-he was either stupid, or brave, or both, the others had decided. They were both unique in their own ways. Bruce had been playing with Tony's father, Howard, when something had flashed green and gone terribly wrong. The four year old had been cursed with the big green smashing machine named the Hulk. Tony, on the other hand, had been kidnapped and held for ransom. Afterwards, he had needed a thing called the 'Arc Reactor' to stop his tiny heart from being pierced.

Last, but not least, Clint Barton. He loved heights, and was Tasha's best friend. He was one of the harder ones to find when Phil had to go on a search for them, because he could fit into any place. He had been found in a circus by SHIELD, with a cruel ringleader and a talent for shooting things. He had been brought back to the Base around the same time as Tasha, and the two had instantly clicked.

"Ah-ha!" Coulson looked around a corner, and found Loki, Tasha, and Clint. They giggled, putting their hands up in mock surrender.

"Tony's over there!" Clint pointed behind them.

"Aw, Clint!" Tony whined, coming out with Bruce and Thor. "Cheater!"

"I am not a cheater," Clint replied.

Steve laughed as he came out of hiding. "Hi, Phil!"

"Hello, Steve," Coulson said in a dry voice. "Alright, kids back to your room."

Amid much giggling and grumbling, they went.