So I recently read MoA, and decided I wanted to do some things in other people's PoV (mostly Percy or Annabeth's).


So, obvi, there's spoilers in it. If you haven't read MoA, I don't know why you're wasting your time reading fanfiction! READ THE LEGIT AUTHOR'S STUFF! GOOOO!

So yeah.

You guys remember the whole scene after the Percy vs. Jason eidolon thing? With the whole 'eidolons raise your hand' this is that scene in Annabeth's PoV. It starts at Piper returning from Topeka 32 and ending at Percy waking after eidolons leave.

So, yeah.


Suggestions for other parts of ANY OF THE BOOKS to do in ANYONE'S PoV are accepted. I kinda wanna do the whole 'stable' thing in Annabeth's PoV and people's reaction to the end in their PoV, but I accept requests! ANY BOOK, ANY POINT OF VIEW!


Disclaimer: If I owned PJO or HoO, I would know what happens next! AAAARRRRGGGG!


Annabeth was worried. What was taking so long? What was at Topeka 32?

"Guys," She heard Leo shout. "Is that a black pegasus?"

"Black pegasus?" Annabeth asked. She had only met one black pegasus, and it was Blackjack, Percy's horse. Sure enough, when she looked up she saw the familiar dark, winged shape of Blackjack the pegasus in the sky.

She was even more surprised when he landed, because on his back was Piper, and an unconscious Percy and Jason.

"What happened?" Why was Percy's shirt smoking?

"Long story, we should get them to the sick bay," Piper said, sounding exhausted.

Hazel and Frank stayed to help Blackjack, while Annabeth and Leo helped Piper carry the two boys to the sick bay. How many times was this now that Annabeth had had to care for an unconscious Percy? Far too many.

"At this rate, we're going to run out of ambrosia," Coach hedge mumbled.

That was an understatement in Annabeth's opinion.

Piper and Leo discussed setting course for Atlanta, which seemed odd to Annabeth, but odd was a good adjective to describe this entire quest.

As was perilous.

And deadly.

And...Annabeth decided to stop thinking about that.

I noticed a huge lump in the back of Percy's head. "What HIT him?" She asked sternly.

"Blackjack," Piper replied simply.

"WHAT?" Annabeth demanded. Why would Blackjack hit him?

Piper explained and Annabeth felt her breath catch as she talked about the eidolons controlling them.

Nonetheless, Annabeth had to keep from sighing audibly in relief when Percy woke up. He kinda glanced at her and the two of them smiled slightly. 'Here we are again,' they both seemed to be thinking.

Piper redescribed their battle. jason flinched.

"Knocked out in two days. Some demigod." He looked over guiltily at Percy. "Sorry, man. I didn't mean to blast you."

Annabeth had to keep from laughing. That's what he was worried about? Percy had been shot and fired at so many times. He's even been struck by lightning before.

Percy laughed a little, probably, again, thinking the same thing as Annabeth. "Not the first time. Your big sister got me good once at camp."

"Yeah, but...I could have killed you."

"Or I could have killed you."

Were they seriously arguing over who could have killed who better?

Jason shrugged, unconcerned. "If there'd been an ocean in Kansas, maybe."

He did not just go there.

"I don't need an ocean-"

"Boys," Annabeth stepped in, but mentally sided with Percy. "I'm sure you both would have been wonderful at killing each other. But right now, you need some rest."

"Food first?" Was Percy ever NOT hungry? "Please? And we really need to talk. Bacchus said some things that don't-"

"Bacchus?" Annabeth said as she raised her hand. The roman version of Mr. D? And Percy managed to NOT get turned into a dolphin? She told them to meet in mess hall and ten minutes. "And please, Percy..." she said, "change your clothes. You smell like you've been run over by an electric horse."

In the mess hall, Piper played storyteller again, telling everyone of the tale of Bacchus and Topeka 32. She did not fail to mention how close Percy got to SERIOUSLY annoying the god. Percy seemed unconcerned by this.

Annabeth was relieved, and frightened, when she realized that the eidolon's were behind Leo's attack on the Romans. That was the cold chill she's been feeling.

She kind of tuned out for awhile, speaking up to say "But the Roman's don't know that. And why would they take our word for it?"

"We could contact Reyna. She would believe us."

Annabeth bit her cheek and glanced at Piper, noting the way Jason spoke Reyna's name. The familiarity was present. To make matters worse for himself, Jason turned to her and said, "You could convince her, Pipes. I know you could."

Annabeth looked at Piper sympathetically, remembering Percy's clueless years, especially with Rachel. After that, the conversation kind of veered in different directions. None of which Annabeth found herself speaking up in, although, she did help explain the tale of the twin giants, remembering that Piper had seen the giants in her blade.

Her heart went cold when discussion turned to two sacrifices to raise Gaea. Piper told everyone about how Gaea wanted her to choose which, of Percy or Jason, would die. She was shocked and scared when she saw Percy set down his pizza, lean back, and say "Oh..." That was never good. He stared forward.

Annabeth grabbed his arm, concern striking her. "Percy?"

He began muttering. "Oh, bad. Bad. Bad." He raised his head, but his eyes found Hazel and Frank instead of Annabeth. This made her feel an irrational amount of jealousy.

"You guys remember Polybotes?" He asked them.

Annabeth remembered Percy's tale of him and that Polybotes was created to oppose Percy's father.

Hazel spoke. "The giant who invaded Camp Jupiter. The anti-Poseidon you whacked in the head with Terminous statue. Yes, I think I remember."

"I had a dream," Percy admitted. " When we were flying to Alaska." Annabeth's frown deepened. FLYING? "Polybotes was talking to the gorgons, and he said-" Percy paused, seeming reluctant to continue. "He said he wanted me taken prisoner, not killed. He said: 'I want that one chained at my feet, so I can kill him when the time is ripe. His blood shall water the stones of Mount Olympus and wake the Earth Mother!'"

Annabeth was struck with the awful image of Percy lying on the ground, helplessly bleeding to death. It horrified her in ways she could not put into words.

She missed some of the conversation until the Mark of Athena was brought up. She tensed. "Piper, you told Leo to set our course for Atlanta."

"Right. Bacchus told us we should seek out...what's his name?"

"Phorcys." Oddly, it was Percy who answered.

Since when did Seaweed Brain know stuff? It actually bothered Annabeth a little. She wouldn't admit it, but she enjoyed explaining stuff to Percy, being the smarter one. "You know him?"

Percy shrugged casually and went on explaining his relevance and relation.

Then, Leo pretty much jinxed the whole thing. "Anyway, we should reach Atlanta by noon tomorrow, unless something ELSE goes wrong."

How many times had she thought that, and then thing got worse? "Don't even say that." She muttered, unsure if anyone even heard her. "It's getting late. We should all get some sleep."

"Wait." Piper said suddenly. "There's one last thing. The eidolons-the possessing spirits. They're still here, in this room."

Annabeth's breath went cold. The spirits who possessed Jason and Percy, HER Percy, we're still here?

"Piper is right." Hazel agreed.

"How can you be sure?" Annabeth asked, but felt guilty after she remembered hazel had gone to the Underworld the hard way (although, the way Annabeth had gone there wasn't exactly easy).

"Everybody listen." Piper said, and Annabeth was pulled from her trail of thought, her full attention was now on Piper. "Eidolons, raise your hands."

Annabeth glanced around. No one moved.

Leo laughed, but it was forced and nervous. "Did you really think that was going to-" he cut out as his expression went blank. His hand raised.

Annabeth felt like crying when Percy and Jason did the same. She looked at Percy and saw the expressionless gold eyes. They were a painful reminder of-

No, she wouldn't go there again.

Frank scrambled far away from Leo. Annabeth just stared at Percy, hoping desperately it was just a new trick he learned, but knew it wasn't.

"Oh, gods, can you cure them?" She asked piper.

Piper, herself, looked terrified, but steeled herself and faced Leo. "Are there more of you on this ship?"

"No," he said in a voice that was deep and cruel, and not Leo's. "The Earth Mother sent three. The strongest, the best. We will live again."

Anger appeared on Piper's face. "Not here, you won't. All three of you, listen carefully."

Jason and Percy turned to her in synch.

"You will leave these bodies."

"No." Percy said in a voice so filled with cruelty, and void of his humor and loyalty, that it sent a stab of pain at Annabeth's heart. For a brief moment, Annabeth pondered what would happen if she was forced to fight Percy. What would happen? Could she even get herself to do it? Would Percy snap out of it?

"We must live."

Frank clumsily reached for his bow. "Mars Almighty, that's creepy! Get out of here, spirits! Leave our friends alone!" As awkward as Frank was, Annabeth had found a liking towards Frank. Besides, if Percy made friends with him then he was bound to be a good guy.

"You cannot command us, child of war. Your own life is fragile. Your soul could burn at any minute." Leo said.

Annabeth was confused, but Frank looked like he had been physically struck. He prepared an arrow. "I-I've faced down worse things than you." He tried to threaten. "If you want a fight-"

"Frank, don't." Hazel stopped him as she stood. She looked as fearless as a thirteen year old possibly could.

Jason drew his sword, and Annabeth feared that Percy would draw his.

"Stop!" Piper shouted.

"Listen to Piper." Hazel said, pointing Jason's sword, that appeared to become too heavy for Jason to carry. It fell with a clang and Jason sat down.

Percy growled and it hurt Annabeth. The real Percy would NEVER make a sound like that, especially directed at a friend. "Daughter of Pluto," he said, each word was like a stab at Annabeth's chest, "you may control gems and metals. You do not control the dead."

Annabeth feared that Percy would start attacking. She stepped toward him, thinking that maybe she could snap him out of it, or at least restrain him. The image of Percy, with his cold gold eyes, fighting against herself flashed in her mind again. That would be a cruel battle to repeat. Already she had fought a friend with cold, gold eyes. She had no desire to do it again. Before Annabeth could reach Percy, though, Hazel stopped her.

"Listen, eidolons," Hazel said, no fear in her voice. "you do not belong here. I may not command you, but Piper does. Obey her." Then she sent a reassuring glance toward Piper.

"You will leave these bodies," Piper said again, pushing all her power out it seemed.

Jason seemed to be fighting against her power. "We-we will leave these bodies." He repeated.

"You will vow on the River Styx never to return to this ship and never to possess any member of this crew."

Leo and Percy hissed.

"You will promise on the River Styx."

The three eidolons paused, fighting her power. Then, in creepy synchronism, they all spoke: "We promise on the River Styx."

"You are dead."

"We are dead."

"Now leave."

They all slumped forward as the eidolons left.

Annabeth shouted Percy's name as he fell forward, in his pizza she might add. She didn't pay much attention to the others. Percy was her main concern.

Percy groggily opened his eyes and looked up at Annabeth. She felt a tsunami of relief when she saw his beautiful sea-green eyes, as loyal and kind as ever.

Not everything precious was gold.

Sea-green. It was a color Annabeth would never again take for granted.