This is my first ever AVENTURE TIME fanfic, so please review!

And even though Fiolee is definitely my favourite pairing, I like Marcelee, too :3


Marceline was on her way home through the forest, her umbrella held over her head, when Magic Man jumped out at her from behind a tree.

The Vampire Queen snarled, "What are you doing here?"

"I am here to offer you," he exclaims, "Marceline the Vampire Queen, a chance to visit a parallel universe!" Magic Man made some dramatic hand movements that just made Marceline give him a sort of 'WTF?'look.

"And what's in it for me?" She asked, smirking to hide her curiosity.

He smiled suspiciously, and said, "How about a chance to visit a whole new world?"

Marceline wasn't buying it. "There is a catch, isn't there?"

Magic Man gave her a sneaky look. "There sure is!" He shouts. And with that, he grabbed his magic wand and then aimsit at her. 'Abracadabra!'

Marceline didn't feel any different. Nothing looked any different either.

Magic Man had vanished.

Here one second.

Gone the next.

No magic poof. No firework explosion that you'd expect from him. Hejust vanished.


This wasn't happening.

It just wasn't.

It couldn't be, right?


"Is this some kind of prank?"Marceline shouted to nobody,"This isn't funny,you know!"

No answer.

Silence. Only the occasional bird chirping.


Again, no answer.

"HELLO!" Marceline screamed at the top of her lungs.

She was all alone. Maybe she was the last person left in all of Ooo.

Magic Man couldn't actually send her to a parallel universe, could he?

But how was she supposed to get back?

He wouldn't just leave her there, would he?

What would happen if she got stuck there?


Too many questions. Just too many. And not enough answers.

Marceline wandered around for a bit until she floated just outside the cave her house was in.

She stood there for a bit, hesitant. Would it still be there? Or would her home have disappeared like the Magic Man?

She didn't want to find out, but she had to.

So, the Vampire Queen trudged on wearily until she was floating on her doorstep.

Marceline sighed in relief. It was still there. Still there; just like always. She turned the door knob and entered. But something was different. Something was very wrong.

It was the same as always. But it wasn't. It… It smelled different. Not like her home. Similar… But not really the same. More like a guy's place.

That was it. It smelled manlier.

But why?

And something else.

She'd thought it looked the same, but now she realised that it didn't. Again, similar, but different.

It was messier, too.

She floated into her bedroom. It was here that she saw the most

of dramatic changes.

There were clothes lying around; not her clothes. No, that was definitely not her shirt. And those were definitely not her dirty socks lying on the floor.

They smelled nothing like her dirty socks.

But what bothered her the most, even more than the messiness, or the smell, or even the clothes, was sitting on the end table beside her bed.

A bottle of deodorant; Men's deodorant. Why in all of Ooo would she have a bottle of Ladies-Man's Musk in herhome?

It was wrong.

It was all wrong.


Pwetty pweeeeaase?