This is the first chapter of a fanfic requested by Dragonmaster789, (I hope it turned out okay.) I really enjoyed writing it, and I hope you'll enjoy reading it. ^^
Disclaimer: I don't own anything, except my Oc (Ionette), Dragonmaster789 owns Ocs (Viper, Airazor, Ravage, Navi, Nightshade and Blaze) and the rest is owned by Hasbro.
Rating: Safe T, with a bit of cursing in Cybetronian and someone making a pass on someone.

Some time ago, a prodigy, one who could understand metal and its forms, was sparked. The coloring of her armor, blue with hints of lavender, was like her mother's, her wisdom the same as her mother's. But upon the discovery of something most forbidden her father killed the femme that had sparked the child prodigy and tried to extinct the sparkling as well. But the child escaped her father's grip and disappeared. Still some, more courageous ones, say that in a certain light, the silver of her father's armor would glister among the gentle lavender -thus, she'd be found.

"Viper! Hey, down here!" A female voice called from a dark pit by the femme's feet.

"Hunh?" The lavenderish-blue Cybertronian kneed by the edge and looked down. The small moon they were on was barren and only occasional dust vortexes swept the ground.

"Yeah? You found it yet?" Viper asked.

With a sigh the voice answered, "I would've if someone had shown the light as promised."

"Oh, sorry!" Viper smiled and hit her front lights on her chest. "Better?" She asked and looked at her friend with a small twinkle in her lavender optics.

The bit older femme nodded slightly and moved a couple of boulders away.

"It was here", she mumbled and examined the prints on the wet clay.


"You heard me, Viper. Someone beat us to it, and by the looks of it, not even by a solar cycle." The black and silver femme said and climbed swiftly out of the hole.

"I bet their ion trail is still warm", Viper smiled and picked up a scanner. She walked a few steps to every direction searching for the trail the other femme stepping aside whenever Viper came close to pumping into her.

"Yup, they took off here and headed towards the Garran system", the lavender-blue femme stated, "They really didn't try to hide their exhausts in any way. Quite foolish."

"Or cunning. It might be a trap." The older femme muttered silently.

"Come on, Ionette! You think everything is a trap!" Viper exclaimed slapping gently at her friend's shoulder. "You should learn to take it easy. Being all grim won't get you anywhere."

Ionette looked at her old comrade and friend behind her left-optic-covering mask. Her silver optic flickered quickly stating she took the advice as a joke.

"It got me this far", she answered and transformed to her jet alt-form.

"Whatever, think you have enough energy to carry me too?"

"I do", the silvery-black jet said, "if you haven't put on weight since the last flight."

The grounder gave her a venomous glare and jumped onto her wings as the jet took off following the ion exhausts.

"We there yet?" Viper asked as she clung to the flyer beneath her as some meteor ruble shot past her helm.

"We're getting close", Ionette mumbled and looped around a large meteor, "I think they're heading to the Garran Pass –rest stop."

Viper pondered a bit before replaying: "Isn't a known pit stop for many dirt-under-the-armor Cybetronians?"

"Yeah, a lot of black market stuff. A good place to find a job these days."

"Ionette, are you saying you don't like my company or the work we do?" The lavender-blue femme scoffed and jumped off onto the landing plaza.

"No", her friend sighed and transformed.

"Good, let's go find our relic", Viper smiled victoriously and headed to the bar door.

The door opened with a woosh and immediately a thick smell of high grade, burning metal and other unidentified things hit the girls' scent receptors.

"Smells like home", the younger femme said with a grin on her faceplates.

"You burn LME in your place?" Ionette asked and arched an eyebrow fanning the smell away with her servo.

"Oh, you mean Liquid Metal Energon? No, I don't do drugs, they mix up my speed sensors."

"That's the only reason?"

Viper looked at her disbelievingly. "You know how much I love to race. Anyway, let's get the job done, I have a project to return to."

The silvery-black jet nodded and looked around. Her optic skimmed through the crowd before starting towards a group of mechs on the far corner of the bar. Viper hurried after her.

The jet stopped next to the group, folded her servos and eyed them quickly. Everyone returned her gaze.

"What ya want?" One of the mechs, a big dark green flyer, growled.

"Just the Pre-Golden age relic you're hiding behind your back", Viper said and pointed at the mech as to strengthen her point.

"I don't got no relic and if I did, I wouldn't hand it to such fragile creatures. Now run along to your spark parents and leave the big boys to their business."

Ionette tilted her helm down a bit which hid her visible optic and drummed her clawed fingertips against her upper servo.

"That meant to scare us?" Another mech spoke out.

"No", Viper said and shook her helm, "but this is!" She drew her sword and placed its tip on the green mech's throat.

A nervous chuckle rose from the mech. "Ladies, ladies, let's not be too hasty! Whatever your employer is paying you, I'll double it!"

"Double?" Viper muttered.

"Really now?" Ionette asked switching her weight around, "And I thought we were in a hurry."

"Well", The lavender-blue femme mumbled, "I would need another Velocitronian semi chemical positron engine…"

"And getting twice the amount of screechons would be… acceptable." The silver-black jet agreed.

The green flyer glanced at the girls and gently pushed the tip of the sword aside. "Well, it just happens to be that I am in possession of two said engines, top quality too, if I may say."

"Oh, would you please go lick someone else's tailpipe? You're making me want to slice your spark chamber right out of your chassis." The jet growled and watched as the energon escaped from all of the mechs' faceplates.

"Right, my bad, ma'am." The big mech hurried to say.

"Better…" Ionette mumbled and looked at her friend giving an accepting nod.

"We'll take your offer. Give us the two engines and 1 million screechons and you can keep the relic", the grounder smiled.

"And your sparks." The jet added.

"1 million?! Are you crazy?!" One of the mechs, a slender brown jet this time, shouted and unlatched his wing blade. Viper flipped her sword and slashed the mech's blade into two. The jet looked stunned at the handle of his ex-sword. Someone from the group gave a low whistle.

"I wouldn't try if I were you", Viper chuckled and rested her sword on her shoulder. A fear filled, silent atmosphere clung over the group and some of the other low-ranking warriors had turned their optics from their high grade to the scenario being played in front of them.

"Um… High grade anyone?" The big dark green mech muttered holding out a cup.

A sigh escaped the silvery-black jet's lips.

"Can you believe the nerve?!" Viper shouted over the roar of the Velocitronian engines.

"Easily. If you haven't figured it out already, you are quite an attractive femme." Ionette mumbled leaning against the back wall of Viper's lab.

"Yeah, yeah! I know, don't give me the lecture about discreet behavior. I'm a scientist, for Primus's sake! It's not in my programming to smile and giggle sweetly when some mech makes a pass on me."

The jet tilted her helm and scoffed lightly. She watched as Airazor, one of Viper's first creations and friends, handed the grounder tools from the tool box before answering: "And that shows. I'm amazed that you can actually find anything from this… scrapheap."

"Well", Viper said sliding away from under the ship, "I have been trying to get the Scrappie up and running."

"Scrappie?" Ionette arched an eyebrow.

"Aha, this ship. All of the inner functions are already online. All I needed was an engine."

"And you got two."

The lavender-blue femme grinned happily. "Can you believe our luck? These things are rare to come by."

"And still you complain about the green mech making his move on you?" The older femme asked now lowering her servo on the outer shell of the space ship.

"I'm more into lean curves and speed, not cargo ships defying the laws of science."

"But a mech who can compete with your fighting skills would be nice, eh?"

Viper answered with a laugh. "You know me too well. For example, you remember that slick air squadron commander back on Cybertron before the war started? Just thinking about him makes my energon run hot!"

Ionette's face drew dim. "But Viper, you weren't even…"

"Old enough to think about crushes? Ha, that's exactly what they said about me and science. And look what I have done! Take Ravage and Airazor for instance", The smaller femme said pointing at the two bots working nearby, "They're fully operating, capable of feeling and forming speech, and I built them way before you had even let go of your spark parents."

"Low blow, Viper. You know I grew up on the streets and alleys of lower Kaon."

"Just emphasizing my point. I'm sorry 'nette, I didn't mean to hurt you." The lavender-blue femme said placing a servo on her friend's shoulder.

The jet leaned against the ship and sighed: "I hate when you call me that… Apology accepted."

Viper smiled cheerfully and grabbed the taller femme by the servo. "C'mon, let's go for a test flight!"

Scrappie shot past the Rings of Regulon 4 on a steady course. The blue ship glistered in the shine of the Regulan Nebula it was passing.

"Nice, isn't it?" Viper asked proudly. "Just listen to the engines! And can you feel how stable Scrappie is? Do you wanna see the blasters?"

Ionette shifted on her seat. "Maybe next time, you wouldn't mind slowing down a bit? There are limits around inhabited planets…"

"Seriously, Ionette. When have you paid attention to other life forms beside yourself? You sure the long flight from the barren moon to the Garren Pass didn't exhaust you too much?" The lavender-blue femme asked worriedly and looked at her friend. "Your faceplate is paler than normally…"

"I know it is, because you're not paying attention while FLYING! STEER LEFT!" The jet snapped pointing at an incoming laser blast.

The ship looped left around it and regained its course.

"Ha! Easy!" Viper exclaimed not noticing the older femme clinging to the seat beneath her with dear spark.

A chirp from the back caught the grounder's attention.

"Ionette, take the wheel. There's something wrong with Navi!" She shouted and rushed to the lab side of the ship.

"What?" the jet mumbled and grabbed the controls. "But we're in the middle of a fight!"

"Don't care!" Viper answered back and closed the hatch. "Do what you do best!"

The jet looked at the closed door. "Who's Navi?" She thought before an explosion outside dragged her back to the starting battle.

Scrappie was caught between two fighting ships. The other, white with silver, red and green stripes here and there, was constantly firing at the dark blue, almost black jet-shaped ship.

"Well, this is nice…" Ionette mumbled and steered out of the battle zone. She flew the blue ship behind some floating debris and engaged the autopilot.

"What in the pit is going on?" The silvery-black jet asked as the lab door slid out of the way. She was met with an interesting sight.

Viper, as well as Ravage and Airazor, were all holding a small, no bigger than one of Ionette's fingers, robot in their palms and gently rubbing their backs.

"Don't make me ask again…" The jet mumbled and turned around not being able to bear the sight.

"Oh, Navi was just a little scared of the racket outside. And when I calmed Navi down, both Nightshade and Blaze got jealous and Ravage and Airazor needed to help me out. How's the battle?" Viper said gently cooing Navi as she answered.

"Fine, it's not about us. What are… those… they?" Ionette asked pointing at the tiny being in Viper's arms.

"Minicons, and good friends of mine." The lavender-blue grounder smiled. "They help me out with my research."

"I'll leave you to your… tender moment. I'll try to get us to a safer place." The jet turned and walked towards the controls.

She never got to them.

A warm breeze swept over the smaller femme's faceplate and the ground felt soft.


Viper's optics came online slowly and she needed to squint a bit first due to the bright light.

"You okay?" A deep, raspy male voice asked.

"I think so… Where… what happened?" She said and rose to a sitting position just to be pushed down by the three minicon-siblings jumping to hug her chassis. "Oh! It's great to know your okay as well!" Viper laughed as the small 'bots chirped and beeped in joy.

She turned her lavender optics to look at the mech beside her to be met with clear blue optics and a white mech.

"What a cutie…!" The femme gasped and quickly turned her blushing face away.

"Uh.. Thanks, I guess." The mech said and cleared his throat. "Uh, sorry about your ship. I didn't mean to shoot you down. The 'con played a trick on me."

"What?" Viper uttered and rose up from the dusty ground.

A pile of bend, burning metal and leaking energon met her gaze. There in front of her was Scrappie, completely ruined, inseparable from the mech's ship.

"Ravage! Airazor!" She yelled and sprinted towards the smoking debris. A servo shot around her waist and pulled her back.

"Don't be a fool, kid! It's gonna blow!"

"Let me go! I need to save them!"

"There was no one in there when I went to get you out!" The mech grunted and pushed the femme to the ground as the flames hit the energon tanks.

The mess went up with a loud kaboom and cindering pieces of metal fell over the two bots.

"No!" Viper cried out and fell to her knees.

The mech stood silent next to her unsure of what to say. Tears started to form on the femme's lavender optics when a snarl rang in the stillness.

"Ravage?" Viper whined as her cooling systems hitched for air. A shadow shot past the survivors. "Airazor?"

Round the burning heap of metal a feline-shaped bot came running with a falcon just overhead it.

"Guys! You're okay!" The small femme exclaimed and hurried to hug both of them.

"Well, this just warms my spark", the mech chuckled at the scene.

"Sorry for shouting at you.. uh…" Viper started.

"The name's Wheeljack. And you?"

"Viper. Nice to meet you!" The femme said smiling at the taller mech. "Um, you wouldn't happen to know where we are?" She asked looking around the dusty canyons and sand dunes.

"I do, kid", the white mech said opening his com-link, "welcome to Earth."

There's the first chapter. Comments, reviews, requests, ideas -all are welcome. ^^