Part 1
Tatsumi Oga wasn't very good at a lot of things. He was terrible at math. Even worse at spelling. One thing he did know how to do, however, was beat the shit out of people. But even so, with his many titles under his belt including the Rampaging Ogre, the BoB Brawler and Mad Dog Oga, he was still mortal. And mortals have their limits. And as he sank to the bottom of the river like a cement block, he feared that he had finally reached his limit.
But perhaps, first, it would be good to show how he ended up at the bottom of the river in the first place….
It all started when the dimensional transfer demon known as Alaindelon was floating down the river looking for the perfect-.
*Oga's voice cuts in* 'No, you idiot! That's too far back! Go to the week before last! That's when this mess began!'
It all started on a cool, fall evening in Oga's room. Baby Be'el was fast asleep while Oga lounged on the floor reading a manga he had nicked off of his best friend, Takayuki Furuichi and Hildegarde, Baby Be'el's surrogate mother on the mortal plain, was flipping through channels on the television. Finally she settled on a show discussing medieval torture devices and smiled as they showed a 2D animation demonstrating the different ways water was used in torture. Oga looked up at the little animated man with a tube shoved into his mouth and water extending his stomach and rolled his eyes.
If this was what she thought of an entertaining show, he hated to think of what kind of shows she would show to children. An unfamiliar pull in his gut caused him to freeze. What was is about thinking of any children the she-demon would spawn that caused this sensation? Surely any hell spawn she unleashed into the world would be just as fearsome as the Great Demon Lord and ten times as ugly. Still….
"What is this 'Halloween?'" Hilda asked yanking Oga from his thoughts.
"Halloween. I have been seeing advertisements for it lately. What is it?"
"It's where mortals dress up their brats and parade them around the neighborhood begging for candy," he replied turning his eyes back to where he left off in the manga.
"Dress up?" she pressed on.
"Yeah, you know. In costumes."
Hilda sat quietly for a moment as she thought. "Perhaps we should take the young master on this 'Halloween.'"
"Trick-or-Treating. That's what they call it," he corrected her.
"Whaaaaat? You're going to take Be'el Trick-or-Treating, Tatsumi?" Oga's older sister, Misaki, asked from the hallway.
"No we aren't!" he shouted.
"Ohhh, I remember dressing you up and taking you Trick-or-Treating," Oga's mother crooned from beside Misaki.
"Shut up!"
"What'll you dress Be'el up a, Hilda-chan?" Misaki asked.
"I don't know," she replied still unsure what exactly dressing her young master up entailed.
"Let's go pick out costumes tomorrow, then!" Misaki suggested. "We might even be able to find the idiot something to hide that ugly mug of his."
"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" he shouted stomping his foot. "We aren't going Trick-or-Treating!"
"Why not?!" Oga's mother inquired placing her hands on her hips. "I think it'd be an excellent thing for you to have Be'el-chan experience! Plus I want to see my grandson dressed up since it's been so many years since I got to dress you up, Tatsumi."
"He wouldn't even be able to eat any of the candy he got!" Oga retorted.
"I'm sure there'll be something and if not, we'll just make our own little treats for Be'el," Misaki countered.
"No!" he bellowed stomping his foot so hard that this time it awoke Baby Be'el from his nap.
The infant Demon Lord looked up at his surrogate father with teary eyes filled with sparking electricity. Oga, judging that he had about three seconds before Baby Be'el unleashed enough voltage to power the city for a month so he rushed over to the door and slammed it in his mother and sister's faces before locking it tightly.
"Baby Be'el, wait!" he turned and shouted but it was too late.
The all too familiar sensation of electricity arching through his body caused him to spasm briefly before Hilda could pick the infant up in her arms and sooth him back to sleep. Panting, he collapsed onto the floor and glared up at the demonic wet nurse who returned said glare tenfold.
"We're not going Trick-or-Treating, and that is final," he said.
Part 2
"Ogaaaa! Get down here and look at what we bought!" Misaki's voice demanded.
Grumbling, he picked up Baby Be'el and carried him down to the living room where his sister, mother and "wife" were gathered around the table. On top of the table were about half a dozen bags ready to have their contents explored.
"Tatsumi, hand over Be'el-chan so that we can see how these costumes look on him," his mother said lifting the infant from his arms.
"W-wait a minute! I thought I said we weren't taking him Trick-or-Treating!" he cried out.
"You would have the young master miss out on such an important experience as Trick-or-Treating?" Hilda inquired stepping in his way to prevent him from grabbing the baby and running back upstairs.
"It's not really that important. It's just candy," he muttered.
"Awww! Look at how cute he looks in this one!" Oga's mother crooned holding a struggling Baby Be'el up in front of Oga.
Oga didn't blame Baby Be'el for wanting to get out of his "grandmother's" grasp. The little sailor boy costume she had forced on him looked awful and it brought up many repressed, horrible childhood memories. The other costumes weren't any better than that first one. There was a biker, a super hero, a pirate but the costume that made Oga fall to the floor in a fit of laughter was the angel wings and halo.
"Fine! If you think you can do so much better, then you go out and find a costume for him!" Misaki shrieked kicking Oga in the gut as he rolled around.
"So explain to me, again why you decided to drag me away from the lovely lunch I was having at the café, please?" Furuichi asked as he and Oga walked down the street.
"I told you, dumbass, so you can help me pick out a damn costume for the brat!" Oga snapped.
"But why do I have to come along!?" he demanded.
"Because you looked like you were having too much fun at that café watching the waitresses walk around in their little maid dresses," Oga replied.
"Dah!" Baby Be'el agreed as tears of sorrow poured down Furuichi's face.
"Oh? We're here," Oga said suddenly stopping.
Furuichi temporarily forgot to brood as he looked up and examined the store. It was decorated for Halloween with witches and pumpkins took up most of the space in the displays including a guillotine with a witch's headless body still on the block and her head in the basket covered in blood which caused Baby Be'el to clap and cheer. The sign above the window displays read "Super Halloween Megastore" in giant letters with fake cobwebs and spiders crawling over them.
The interior was packed floor to ceiling with Halloween costumes, props and decorations. Everything from fake cobwebs to tombstones and even a display of fake knives sticking out of a mannequin which made Baby Be'el laugh even harder than before. Oga and Furuichi didn't worry about the joy seeing all these gruesome displays brought the naked infant, however, a group of middle school girls trying on fairy and angel wings backed away a little when they passed by.
"What kind of costume are we looking for, again?" Furuichi asked.
"I don't know. Something that the brat will wear without ripping it off in the middle of the street," Oga grumbled picking up a plastic pitchfork and matching horns. "Hey, look, Furuichi." He grinned maliciously and held up the pitchfork. "I am the Lord Satan!"
Furuichi laughed and then picked up a foam sword from one of the shelves and held it in front of him.
"You may have power, Satan, but I am a warrior of light!" Furuichi said in a deep voice.
"Die!" Oga snarled and swung the pitchfork at Furuichi causing the foam sword to break.
"Great going, asshole! Now we're gonna have to pay for that!" Furuichi snapped.
"It was just an accident," Oga mumbled. "Brrr, why'd it just get so cold in here?"
"I don't know… maybe-."
"Lilly! What have I told you about freezing people in public!" an angry voice shouted from the next aisle over.
The two boys crept around the corner to see a girl about their age looking down scornfully at a little girl with bright green pigtails and tear-filled eyes. The girl also had pigtails twisted into braids on either side of her head, except they were a bright shade of blue instead of green. As the girl looked up at her, she continued to wobble her bottom lip from behind a silver pacifier and let crocodile tears well up in her eyes.
"Don't you dare give me that look, missy. Just because you have the ability to freeze people solid doesn't mean you're allowed to use it willy nilly," the girl scolded.
That's when the two boys noticed the solid block of ice behind the little girl containing the group of middle school girls all frozen, literally, with various looks of surprise on their faces.
"Dah?" Baby Be'el said suddenly and crawled his way down Oga's back to the floor.
"Hey, what? Baby Be'el!" Oga said as he watched the baby crawl his way over to the girls.
The little one noticed Baby Be'el crawling towards her and immediately stopped the crocodile tears.
"Bah?" she cooed.
"What is it, now?" the older girl asked looking behind and spotting Baby Be'el.
They now saw that the girl was a foreigner with piercing grey eyes and a blue bandanna covering the lower half of her face like a desperado out of the wild west even though she had been speaking fluently in Japanese to the girl now crawling towards Baby Be'el.
"Lilly, what is this?" she asked.
"Bah…," the girl replied.
They stopped a few inches apart and examined each other. Oga noticed that had the girl's hair been shorter and her pacifier been gold, she would have been a perfect copy of Baby Be'el.
"Oh?" the older girl muttered looking straight at Oga and Furuichi.
Oga stepped out from behind the shelf with his fists shoved deep into his pockets and one of his most intimidating looks on his face. The girl stared back with a mixture of confusion and curiosity.
"Who are…?" she began asking.
"Bah!" the little girl cried out and threw her arms wide.
"Dah!" Baby Be'el mimicked embracing the little girl.
The other girl smiled and looked back and forth between the babies and Oga. "Well, I'll be damned."
Now it was Oga's turn to smile. "Lilith."
"What's going on, here?" Furuichi asked from behind the safety of the shelf.