Revelations & Finding Balance, Part 2

Also, I'm calling artistic license: I changed "Scarlet" to "Scarlett".

The next hour went by slowly, though Zack and Aubrey talked quite a bit to try and pass the time- mainly about the plans for returning things to normal for both of them: Zack's plan for himself was pretty simple- just act like himself and pretend everything was fine. Unfortunately, neither were able to come up with much on how to help Aubrey, beyond doing some reading into metaphysical and spiritual concepts, which was going to be a bit of a challenge since Zack had never really been interested in that stuff before and it might draw attention to them.

After the EEG was complete, Zack was confined to the waiting room for another hour and a half, under the reasoning that the doctors wanted to immediately review his results. Apparently the results were atypical, and they needed to determine if he needed further testing- which they would do immediately rather than send him back to his room. Irritated with the wait, and literally nothing to do, Zack was relieved to see Brichia when she finally returned to pick him up. His relief was quickly replaced with frustration when he noted that she returned with the wheelchair.

Enthusiasm abound, and bowing low, Zack spoke dramatically, "Fair maiden, I am forever in your debt! You have saved me from my prison! You needn't have brought the chair, the promise of freedom is more than enough!"

"Ready to go, Zack?" Brichia replied, with a smile.

"Am I ever! Seriously though, I don't need that. Save it for someone who does"

"You do need it, Zack. For as long as the doctors say you do-"


"No 'but's' kiddo... You take steps in your missions to keep yourself safe, correct? It's the same thing we are doing here. Its not worth risking further hurting yourself when the precaution is so simple."

Zack sighed as he relented. Brichia's reasoning was valid, but that didn't mean he had to like it.

"Try not to be too bothered by it, Zack" Brichia continued, gently, "It is only temporary".

"I know, I know"

"The sooner we get going, the sooner you can get out of it. Besides, you wouldn't want to keep your guest waiting, do you?"

Zack perked up with her response, "Someone is waiting for me? Is it Angeal?"

"Yes, Commander Hewley is back in your room and plans to eat dinner with you. Now sit!"

Frustration over the wheelchair forgotten, Zack sat with a smile on his face: he couldn't wait to ask Angeal about some of the things he had heard from Kunsel. Turning to Brichia he asked, "What's for dinner, anyway?"

"You'll have to ask Commander Hewely. He brought something in for you. It smells good, whatever it is"


"Yes, Zack "

"What were the EEG results?" Zack continued.

"The neurology staff didn't tell you? Dr. Amcid will review them with you later this evening"

"No more testing now is a good thing, right?"

"As far as I know"

A few minutes later, Zack made it back to his room to find Angeal setting up dinner with styrofoam plates and cups. He recognized the smell immediately as barbecue from one of his favorite restaurants, 'The Roasted Cactuar'.

Before Zack could say anything, Angeal spoke, "Your not going to be bouncing off the walls after one glass of soda, right? I will not be putting the nursing staff though that, if it can be avoided" Angeal asked, as he poured said soda into the cups.

"Nope! I'll be good!"

"Would you like to join us, Brichia?" Angeal inquired politely.

"No, thank you. I'm afraid I have quite a bit to do at the moment. I appreciate the offer though. Call the nurses station if you need anything, Zack. Dr. Amcid will stop by again tonight around seven"

"Thanks again, Bri!"

"No problem, take it easy. I'll see you again before my shift is over" With a small smile, Brichia walked out the door, leaving Angeal and Zack alone.

"Your the best Angeal, this smells amazing!"

"I thought you might enjoy it. Let's dig in while it's still hot"

After a few minutes eating in silence, Zack paused in his eating to look at Angeal, a smirk on his face. Angeal was mid-drink as Zack spoke, "So, I heard the cadets managed to blow up a gym..."

Angeal coughed as he choked slightly. Setting down his drink, he glared at Zack, knowing the timing was intentional. Zack was convinced that someday he would get Angeal to "spew out his nose" from laughing and drinking simultaneously. Apparently hospital visits did not protect Angeal from that goal.

"It is not humorous, Zack-"

"No one was hurt, right?" Zack interrupted, "If no one was hurt, that makes it flippin' hilarious! Shinra was practically asking for it for not fixing that line sooner. And you thought I was a trouble maker! I've got nothing on that!"

"It is a fortunate miracle no one was injured. And three-million gil down the drain is not humorous, its expensive. Not to mention, they are now sharing the SOLDIER gym, and everyone is rightfully frustrated with that. And if you ever, intentionally or unintentionally, cause that much damage to any property because of carelessness, or a prank, I will personally string you upside-down from your toes and hang you in the weights room until the stupidity has fallen out, understand?"

Angeal's words were light in tone, but Zack could tell he was being dead serious.

"Point taken" Zack responded, with a smile.

They were a quiet a moment longer before Zack spoke again, "In all seriousness though Angeal, what is going to happen with this cadet class? Kunsel said they are doing terrible. When I sat in on the lessons a month ago, I could tell there was no way they'll be ready for the term exam in December, let alone the final at the end of the year- they're to far behind and are not taking the classes seriously enough..."

"Those that cannot meet our expectations will fail. It will be extremely costly for the company and the program to lose so many, but I know Sephiroth will not lower the standards- not that he should, anyway"

"Man, that sucks..."

"*That* is an understatement... on another note, I wanted to ask you: why did you lie to me earlier?"

"Holy crap! You were right, he did know!"
Aubrey exclaimed.

Told ya'. I know Angeal pretty well Aubrey, he's not just my mentor, he's a good friend.

"I'm going to elect not to answer, in favor of preventing more lying" Zack replied.

"Zack..." Angeal sighed, frustrated, "Did you talk to the doctor at least?"

That'll work...


"Yeah, we'll get the EEG results soon, hopefully" Zack supplied, relieved.

"I'm confused, what is 'working'?"

From my response, he'll infer I'm keeping something health related from him, that'll upset him since I trust him with just about everything, but I don't have to lie to him again...

"But you didn't talk to the doctor. He'll know your lying..."

I'm not lying though. I did talk to the doctor, while he was here. His question didn't state when, it just asked if I did.

"It implied 'when he was not present'"

Nope. It *could* have implied when he was not present. It did not define when specifically, nor did the earlier conversation.

"Hopefully they'll have some answers" Angeal replied.

"Is he mad at you? Can you tell?"

Not mad, I don't think. But frustrated, and probably a bit hurt.

"Kunsel said things have been crazy lately, and you look tired. Are you alright, 'Geal?" Zack asked, noting the massive amount of papers in Angeal's briefcase.

Angeal followed Zack's line of sight and sighed. That paperwork was going to take him all night.

"You could burn it" Zack teased, looking back at his mentor, "If you don't have it to begin with, there is no way you'll need to do it, right?"

"That would be dishonorable, Zack"

"Psht, it's dishonorable that they're giving the three of you so much to do. I'm sure some of it can be loaded off onto some of the other firsts. They don't have to be stationed here to do stuff that is electronically filed anyway"

"One would think, but apparently that is not how things are going to be run"

"That sucks. How are Commander Rhapsodos and the General handling it? Kunsel mentioned the SOLDIER floor is a mess..."

Angeal didn't respond immediately, and when he did, his tone was grim, "The SOLDIER floor has reached a new level of chaos with everything that has been going on. Commander Rhapsodos, General Sephiroth, and myself have had our hands full with all of the additional work, and trying to schedule so that I have time to come see you. There's been an influx of intel and mission requests the last two weeks and-"

Angeal was interrupted as his PHS beeped with an incoming message. Angeal was silent a moment before sighing, "Zack, I need to get going. I'll be back this evening, alright?"

"Everything okay?"

"Yes, its just an unexpected meeting that is occurring in the next hour that I need to prepare for. I'll see you later"

"Alright, see you then"

Angeal left in a hurry, sending messages on his phone all the while. Zack sighed. His poor mentor was way too stressed, and the sooner he got out of here, the better.

Forty-five minutes later, Angeal found himself in front of Sephiroth's office door. Before he had a chance to knock however, Sephiroth called him in.

"Were you able to procure reports from all of them?" Sephiroth asked, as Angeal sat in the chairs before him, handing him the reports. Sephiroth began looking through them, as they spoke.

"Yes, though they were not very pleased with the short notice. Can you tell me what this is about, please?"

"I have received a meeting request from Heidegger regarding Fair's health-"

"What!? Why-"

"The executives do not like the idea that a SOLDIER can be hospitalized for nearly two weeks-"

"But Zack-"

"Let me finish, Angeal: The executives do not care for the reason and want him back to work. Heidegger mentioned he would like Fair released to active duty as early as tomorrow morning- a request that is entirely unacceptable, and is the reason I had you obtain the reports. My hope is to make him aware of severity of Fair's current situation, and the catastrophic outcomes that could result if he is returned to duty too soon"

"So the only way they can order Zack into duty is by pulling the seniority card, against all professional recommendations"

"Correct, and I will make sure Heidegger knows it, and all of the legal implications associated with such an action. I'm not going to risk Fair's health, or the safety of anyone working with him due to that man's nonsensical notions regarding a SOLDIER's healing capabilities" Sephiroth was quiet for a moment, watching his friend carefully, "I cannot make any promises on the result, Angeal..."

"I know, and thank you, Seph"

"I'll need you on standby in the hall. If Heidegger wants a retelling of anything that has happened, or the differences Fair has displayed, it would best be delivered from you"

"Right. Will it just be you and Heidegger then?"

"I have requested Lazard's presence as well... speaking of, come in, director"

The office door again opened, as Lazard entered, "I trust your mastermind has come up with someway to dissuade him, yes?" Lazard questioned, not bothering with a greeting.

"Statistically speaking, were this conversation to take place with almost anyone else, I could say definitively the result would be favorable. This is however, Heidegger, and few things dissuade that man when he has set his mind to something, regardless of what material is presented"

"What angle will you use?" Lazard questioned, glancing at the clock- they had ten-minutes until the scheduled meeting.

"It would be highly ill-advised to go against documented professional opinion, and the legal ramifications should anything go wrong would be massive, detrimental to the program's development, with high monetary cost"

"Logic, medical advocacy, and company investment; Strong points, though I don't expect him to listen"

"We will see," Sephiroth said firmly, "We are scheduled to meet in room 66609, so it would be wise to head out"

The 66609 conference room was massive in size and expensive in decoration. Meant to be a source of intimidation, Heidegger eagerly waved his executive's privilege to schedule use of the room.

"Sephiroth, welcome! And Lazard Duscerius! I wasn't expecting to see you here... " Heidegger began, as Sephiroth and Lazard entered the conference room. To Sephiroth's dismay, Heidegger was accompanied by another executive: Scarlett. "Good news for me I hope? We need Fair back in the field!" Heidegger continued, looking towards Sephiroth.

"Good evening, Heidegger. Scarlett. " Sephiroth stated taking the seat across from Heidegger, passing him a packet of paper.

"What's this?" Heidegger questioned, gruffly.

"Reports from Fair's doctors, evaluating his condition as early as this evening. Not one of them recommend his release for anytime within the next seven days, or for him return to work within the next three weeks. All classify Fair's current condition as high risk to both himself and others. Fair is on the road to recovery, though the estimated date for release from the hospital is yet to be determined. He is not ready to return to work"

"So start him off on simple team based missions," Scarlett added, "If he's not violent or psychotic, he should be just fine-"

"Fair has been hospitalized for thirteen-days, and has only been conscious and coherent for the last two"

"I have it on good authority General, that Fair was up and about three days after the mission." Heidegger interrupted, "That's more than enough time for him to return to work"

"Fair awoke, and suffered a breakdown shortly after. The doctors were required to drug him, to return him to a stable state. Fair was not himself, and did not recognize anyone around him. A similar incident was repeated two days ago as well. Should something like this happen on a mission, Fair, anyone he is working with, and any civilians nearby would be in significant danger"

"Incidents that are exaggerated by an overwhelmed nursing staff, I'm sure. Most of the civilian population are rightfully terrified of SOLDIER: I'm sure it's not as bad as they perceived" Heidegger said as looked up from the reports. Continuing he added, "I fail to see, General, how the doctors can claim him unfit for work, due to 'emotional instability related to physical trauma' but have not diagnosed him with psychosis of any kind, or any other aliment, for that matter. It sounds to me that Fair is perfectly fine, if not slightly traumatized by the incident- which is something we have counseling for"

"Everyone gets a bit upset when they are injured," Scarlett interrupted, "Get him a therapist, and get him back in the field"

"Perhaps you missed Sephiroth stating that Fair did not recognize anyone around him, Scarlett. That goes well beyond 'a bit upset'," Lazard interjected, "As his union rep., I can tell you that you would be directly violating Fair's rights and employment contract by returning him to work. His contract mandates that he must have approval from all of his care-team leaders"

"I thought the SOLDIER contract required only half of the team's signatures?"

"That is during war-time only- for extreme circumstances- and also requires the signature of the CO the individual will be serving under. We are currently not in war-time and Fair is not immediately needed in the field"

"I fail to see what the difference between the two is" Scarlett continued, "If he can return to work in a more stressful and dangerous environment, then he can do so now as well"

"The difference, Scarlett, is that the war-time policy is only used when the SOLDIER cannot be replaced in the field, and is needed immediately. Death rates among those individuals are significantly higher than any other SOLDIER, and are not standard policy for that reason"

"It's not like we are sending him to Wutai, Lazard. If the doctors do not have a specific diagnosis for him, and an accompanying reason why that prevents him from returning to work, then I want him back to work tomorrow" Heidegger stated firmly.

"That is not an option" Sephiroth replied.

"You have no reason to keep him from work, general!"

"I have plenty of reasons, Heidegger: First and foremost, Fair is not well. There are times when he is not himself, does not recognize anyone around him, and does not act in a manner consistent with his training. Commander Hewley, Commander Rhapsodos, and I have witnessed this, and it is extremely dangerous for both Fair and anyone nearby. Second, there is physical evidence to prove something is wrong: it is showing up in Fair's test results, several of which are significantly atypical. Due to this, despite not knowing what specifically is wrong, none of his doctors are approving him for any type of work. Third, the responsibility that the SOLDIER program takes going against even one of Fair's care-team's instructions places the program in a dangerous legal position: According to his contract, like all SOLDIERs, Fair himself cannot take legal action against the company, for any reason. His family however, can. As can any other individual negatively impacted as a result of his return. Even if a legal case were to amount to nothing, the PR alone would deal an irreversible blow to the program itself. I cannot and will not approve his return, without the appropriate approvals"

"The approvals are excessive," Scarlett supplied, "and are based off of unenhanced civilian standard practice. Fair is not a civilian, and is enhanced, therefore the approval system does not need to apply to him"

"Regardless, Scarlett," Lazard interrupted, "Fair's contract and the SOLDIER union policies, state otherwise. You cannot go against either"

"Actually, I believe we can" Scarlett replied with a small smile, "Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I do recall there being a clause that states the president has final say and can override all personnel contract matters, as needed"

"I can't say I recall that clause being used before, and this is not a matter that needs to be taken to the president"

"I'd beg to differ, Lazard: this is a drain on company resources, and a poor mark on the SOLDIER reputation. Why don't we give him a call and find out?"

"This is ridiculous! What part of not having the appropriate approvals, do you not understand?"

"The part where the doctors failed to actually diagnose him with anything!"

"Both of you quiet down, I'll call him now" Heidegger interrupted, as he began to dial the conference room phone. The phone rang a couple of times before it was answered.

"President Shinra speaking"

"Mr. President, this is Heidegger. You're on speaker phone with myself, Scarlett, Lazard, and Sephiroth. We're in a bit of a disagreement on the policy for discharging SOLDIERs from hospital care and the subsequent return to work. We would like your direction on the matter. Do you have a moment?"

"Are the standard procedures in any way unclear or have all of you been hit by a confusion status? I fail to see how following the directions set for you results in a disagreement. I don't pay you to disagree. I pay you to perform your job"

"The standards conflict with company interest in this case, Mr. President. " Heidegger continued. A sigh could be heard on the other end of the line.

"I want those reports in the next hour. If they are late, you can count tonight as your final day of employment!" President Shinra spoke to someone. A meek 'yes sir' could be heard in response. "Now, what is the issue?" President Shinra asked, returning to the conversation.

"Second class SOLDIER, Lutenient Fair has been hospitalized for thirteen-days. The care team has yet to diagnose him with anything, and he's not violent or psychotic. Despite not displaying any specific illness, due to standard practice, he is not permitted to return to work" Heidegger replied.

"This is the kid that was caught near the explosion, when clearing that site outside Junon, right? Head injury, broken bones? Those should have healed already. What's left to diagnose?"

"The results of Fair's tests have been atypical enough to warrant significant concern, despite the physical damage appearing to have been healed" Sephiroth cut in.

"But not enough to diagnose him with anything, specifically" Shinra continued.

"The pattern of symptoms do not line up with any known ailment, Mr. President, however individually and together they suggest a much larger issue at work. The responsibility that the SOLDIER program takes going against even one of Fair's care-team's instructions places the program in a dangerous legal position. In the reports obtained this evening, all of Fair's doctors classify Fair's current condition as high risk to both himself and others. Between the reports, personally witnessing Fair's current instability, not having a specific diagnosis to work his training around, and the liability of returning him to work too soon, as his commanding officer, I cannot approve Fair's return"

The line was quiet for a moment, as Shinra processed Sephiroth's comments.

"If may interest you to know, Mr. President," Heidegger said after a moment, "the cost to the company for Fair's hospital stay has amounted to over fifty-thousand gil- a number which is significantly climbing with every day he remains there. Not only that, the longer Fair remains, the more significant the lowering of the SOLDIER stats for the marketing campaigns- and we are already low on our recruiting numbers"

For a few minutes, typing and mouse clicking could be heard over the speaker phone, followed by a frustrated sigh from the president. A moment later, he spoke, "You have three weeks to either determine exactly what is wrong, and the necessary actions to return him to full duty within the four weeks following, or to remove him from the program. During that time, Fair is to only work with individuals of equal and greater rank than himself, and is to only take missions to remote areas. I'll email his care team with orders to have him released by three p.m. tomorrow. Weekly reports are to be made to Heidegger, who will forward any relevant concerns to me. By the end of this month, I want a proposal for revised SOLDIER care plan, with budget and hospital stay caps set a twenty-five thousand and five-days. Understood?"

There was a course of "Yes, Mr. President", ranging from significantly pleased and smug to irritated and defeated. The speaker phone disconnected before Heidegger spoke again, "I'll expect your reports by four p.m. on Friday's, general. At minimum they are to outline Fair's accomplishments during the week, who he was working with, and if a diagnosis is made, what it is, how it was reached, and what Fair's future in SOLDIER will be. Understood?"

"Of course"

"Then we are done here. Good day, gentlemen. Scarlett"

It was quiet for a few moments as Heidegger left.

"It's a pity your plan backfired, General" Scarlett stated smugly as soon as Heidegger was out of site. "Though I'll admit, your dedication to your men is admirable"

She rose from her place and walked behind Sephiroth's chair, running her hand from his shoulder to his collar, along the lines of his silken office shirt, "Perhaps I can persuade the President for you, for an exchange?" she added, as she played with his collar suggestively.

"Keep your hands to yourself, Scarlett" Sephiroth added, as he pulled her hand away from his collar, "I am not interested"

"Kya ha ha! Always one for principle! Don't worry, it's not like we'll get into trouble"

"I am not interested" Sephiroth repeated firmly.

"What, do I need to put on a white coat and safety glasses? I can do sexy science geek, if that's what turns you on"

"Not. Interested. Now, if you will excuse me, I need to return to work" Sephiroth again repeated, as he stood up to walk out. Scarlett stopped him with a hand on his chest.

"Don't you want to keep Fair safe?" She whispered in a low voice, "We can do that together" she continued, pressing her chest into Sephiroth's, "we just need to pull a few strings"

"I do believe the General has made his opinion on your advances quiet clear, Scarlett" Lazard added, annoyed.

"Oh, f*** off Lazard" Scarlett replied harshly.

"General Sephiroth? Director Lazard? Something has come up that requires your attention" Angeal's voice called from the door.

Scarlett sighed, frustrated, "Another time, general. Another time". As she left the conference room, she threw a hard look at Angeal, and Genesis behind him, who replied only with an unimpressed look in response.

Once Scarlett was out of site, Sephiroth spoke again, "Your timing is impeccable, Angeal. Genesis? What are you doing here?"

"Attempting to avoid systemic and premeditated murder of our most recent cadet class"

"Any new incidents we need to be aware of?"

"No major property damage or personal injury, if that is what you are inquiring to. You can read about the rest in the report tomorrow..." Genesis paused a moment before a smirk graced his face, "Care to share the details behind your most recent encounter with the trollop?"

Sephiroth glanced towards Angeal, hoping for the more reasonable of his two friends to cut in before Genesis continued with his pestering. To Sephiroth's dismay, Angeal also had a slightly amused look on his face.

"It is not funny..." he replied firmly, glancing between the two.

"Actually, it is rather hilarious: Her psych profile does say 'has an unhealthy obsession with machines and weapons of mass destruction' and, well, you are you, so..." Angeal responded.

"'My friend, the fates are cruel'" Genesis added.

"Do I even want to know how the three of you got a hold of an executive's profile without my express permission?" Lazard cut in, before the they could start arguing.

"Probably not" Sephiroth responded, still glaring at his two friends.

"Right. Well, since we are done here, I am going to return to my office- I'd like to get out of here at a decent hour tonight. I'll have the approved mission requests on your desk first thing tomorrow morning, Sephiroth." Lazard said as he got up, "Oh, and if you could copy me on those reports, I would appreciate it"

"It will be done. Thank you for making time for this today"

"Not a problem, I'm sorry I couldn't be more help"

Sephiroth spoke to Angeal as Lazard left, "How much did you hear?"

"Only Scarlett harassing you after the conference room door opened. What happened?"

Sephiroth's face fell slightly as soon as Angeal asked, and Angeal knew immediately that the results were not anywhere near what they had hoped for.

"Am I correct in guessing the meeting was about Fair?" Genesis questioned.

"Yes. Let's head back to my office, I'll explain more there."

Thanks for reading! Reviews are really appreciated!