This is actually my one of my first fanfictions and whenever I try to write them they just sound so great in my head and then they just come out horrible but let me tell you that I can do better than this and that I will improve, too. This is also my first Teen Titans fanfic and StarX suddenly stuck and now I made the fluffy scenarios in my head all serious and yes, this will have chapters. Let me know how I'm doing. Related songs on my Tumblr, tagged/fanfic Sorry for the long author's note, hope you like this fic!

She didn't even know what she was doing anymore.

But she just wanted more.

Couldn't even tell if this was love or lust.

It's 3 A.M. It was a hot summer night in July. One of those nights where it would be hard to sleep, and you can only hope for a wonderful dream.

But all she could think about was his hands all over her.

Before all of that, she had to make sure the boy wonder was asleep.

It really was amazing how he forced himself to bite off more than he could chew.

This night, though, he slept with drool on his pillow and his mask on, despite the sticky heat.

She knew he probably really liked her, but…

He doesn't have "the time" for her.

For something more.

And for that, she didn't feel horrible for leaving for the night.

He was waiting for what seemed like hours.

So once the red-head was in sight, he pins her against the wall.

He really misses the taste of her.

He lifts his mask halfway and just kisses her on her damn mouth and tastes strawberries an sugar and he loves it so much.

He wanted more from her.

But he can't risk a mistake.

She pulls the rest of his mask off his head and tangles her fingers in black hair and lets the taste of smoke and tea sink in. He pushes his tongue in and licks her lips as she slightly flew up to wrap her legs around his waist. He rubs gloved hands against her skin, feels her stomach, feels whats shown of her thighs, and slips off her boots. Her hands move down to his chest and then down to pull his top off to forget the black he wears and all she really wants is more of him.

So much more.

So, was it love or lust?

He smirks as he runs rough and pale hands up her back and takes her breast plate in his grasp and pulls it apart. He drops it to the floor and then licks her jaw line and loves the sweet scent of orchids and strawberries and then puts her earlobe between his teeth. That's when she pushes him to the floor, her lips all over his neck and she only stops to take her short purple top off to reveal a pale green bra.

She comes back to his lips and she just wants more of him, so so much more and only wished to never stop this.

Was it love or lust?

She tugs at her skirt and then kicks it off when it reaches her ankles, followed by lip biting and him flipping them over and tugging at his pants.

Then he licks her, starting from her navel and up her jaw, and then soft kisses on her ear and then he reached her lips.

And then he just… stops.

He just looks at her, his thumb stroking her cheek.

What was he doing?

She wanted more of the kisses, more of him.

She pouts and his small, sweet smile fades into a frown.

"What's wrong?" he asks.

Did he not see that she wanted this to last longer?
Why did he stop?

Didn't he want more, too?

Isn't that what they met up for?

Instead, she shakes her head slightly.

"Nothing. Do not worry," she said with a kiss on his jaw.

"I- I must go now. I do not wish for anyone to be aware of my disappearance."

"Will you be back tomorrow night?"

"That would be glorious."

She stands up and pulls her clothes on, suddenly eager to get out at this point.

Right before she leaves, he kisses her lightly on her lips.

"See ya tomorrow, cutie."
With a smirk, he walks away from her, out of sight, and she just stands there, asking herself if this was love or lust?