Hey there fanfiction world :) I am now presenting the story I promised: Watching A Very Potter Musical. original name, right? I already have the the next chapter typed up, I just need to go through it one more time. It should be up tomorrow. Ignore the shortness of this, I didn't want to start the musical until next chapter.

**IMPORTANT** This story takes place in 6th year, and Ron, Harry, and Ginny didn't go to the Burrow for Christmas break.

Disclaimer: I do not own Starkid, their awesome musicals, or Harry Potter.

It was Christmas break at Hogwarts and the Golden Trio and Ginny were each sitting in the Gryffindor common room doing their separate things. Hermione was reading, Harry and Ron were playing a game of chess, and Ginny was doing some homework. Well, at least that was what they were doing until some random being in the universe performed a very nice piece of magic causing the four to disappear in a very cliché flash of bright light. Over in the Slytherin common rooms, Draco Malfoy, who was sitting at a table thinking of how he was to dispose of Dumbledore, vanished in a cliché flash of light as well. In the Headmaster's office, Professors Severus Snape and Albus Dumbledore were discussing Draco's plot to kill Dumbledore, when they too disappeared into the bright light.

Far away from the castle where the people mentioned were just in, there is a room where time stands still. And this room is where those people were dumped. They all landed on the conveniently placed couches in the room, except for Malfoy, who landed on the floor, an inch from the couch.

"Where are we?" Hermione asked as she sat up, blushing a bit. She had landed on the couch, sprawled across Ron's lap. "What happened?"

"Not sure," Harry said as he helped Ginny sit up.

"Professors, do you know why we're here?" Ron asked, the first to notice the teacher and headmaster.

Before one of them could answer, Malfoy sat up, clutching his head and groaning. He got up carefully, using the coffee table next to him as support before sitting on it.

"Will someone tell me where I am?" he said rubbing his head.

"We don't know, Malfoy," Harry said, looking around.


Ginny, who had gotten up and started to look around for a way out, saw a piece of paper sitting on a chair in the room.

"Look," she said. "A note."

Hermione rushed over and picked it up.

"Read it aloud please, would you Miss Granger?" Dumbledore asked, with a twinkle in his eye.

"All right," Hermione said. "It says:

Dear people I have sorta-kinda-maybe kidnapped,

I have abducted you and brought you here because…well, actually, I just brought you here for entertainment for myself and others. You are going to watch a musical. It is an extremely amusing musical called 'A Very Potter Musical.' You see, I am from a different universe, where Harry Potter is a very famous fictional series. The fandom is quite large. So large, it was made into eight movies, has its own theme park, conventions, and products, as well as parody musicals (yes, there is a sequel to this one). So now, you are to watch these musicals in a set of videos. I have the musical set on a continuous playlist, so don't worry about skipping a video. I'm sure you'll want to know where you are too. You are in a room where time stands still. I created it myself. A rather impressive and exhausting piece of magic. There is a fully-stocked kitchen and five different bedrooms, each with its own bathroom. They should all be labeled accordingly. Also, you will not remember this event until after you turn 19. By then, all the events that have happened in the musical should have already occurred in your world.

I hope you enjoy!

"Wow," Ron said after a pause.

"'Wow' is right," Ginny agreed.

"Why can't it be a musical about Voldemort," Harry grumbled. "I'm sure his life was just as interesting."

"Oh another bit of writing just appeared!" Hermione exclaimed, looking at the note. "It says:

P.S. Before I forget, there is no magic allowed in this room. I'd rather not have any messes to clean up. Who knows what you people will do to each other. Also, don't worry about doing dishes after your meals. Just place them in the sink; it's charmed to wash them. Though cooking the meals is up to you. The musical will start as soon as you're all settled. Have fun!

"All right, I suppose we should get going on this. I want to get out of here as soon as possible. I do not need to be around Gryffindors any longer than necessary." Malfoy said when Hermione finished.

"Let's just get this over with." Harry said. He walked over to the largest couch and sat down. Ron sat to his left and Hermione sat next to Ron. Ginny plopped down next to Hermione. Snape and Malfoy took the other couch, while Dumbledore took the chair. They turned towards the screen just as the music started and the words 'A Very Potter Musical' appeared.

Please Review!