Sorry for the late-ish chapter..?^^; I'm not even sure if anyone still reads this, but oh well, might as well finish it~ (Don't worry; this isn't the last chapter…) Hope you like the chapter! イ ノ キ • Inoki

Previously: "You two are certainly as loud as ever." The nasod queen flicked her hair.

The pair paused. "Eve, you remember everything?!" The Elgang started crowding around her, asking question of how she did it.

"Well, Uno Hound slammed me against a wall, like the first time and then I found Raven's li" She explained bluntly but was interrupted by the tall swordsman.

"W-Wait, Eve! Don't tell them that!"

"Why not? It was just a simple ki—" He covered her mouth.

"It was nothing."

The Elgang looked at the two suspiciously. "What was it…?"

"A ki—" Raven covered her mouth again which she struggled to rip his hand away.

"A…?" Chung questioned.

"Raven, stop doing that!" They quarreled with each other.

"Then don't tell them!"

"I fail to understand why!"

"Good. It's better that way."

"But it was just a kiss!"

Silence. Raven face-palmed and covered his now pink face. Eve still had her poker face on and the rest of the Elgang's jaws dropped.

"YOU TWO KISSED!?" They shouted.

"Yes. It's no big deal." Eve rolled her eyes.

"Eve, kisses are meant to be for the one you love…" Aisha pointed out.

"So then you and Elsword must love each other a lot?"

"N-NO! NO WAY!" Elsword and Aisha both shouted.

"Raven, Eve, how? Why? When?" Chung tried to comprehend the situation.

"Allow me to explain…" Raven started as he told everyone the incident of the kiss.

"So the surprising thing that made Eve remember was the kiss?" Rena thought out loud after hearing the explanation.

"No, it was definitely when she got hit." Chung pointed out.

"I dunno, kisses are pretty surprising if you ask me!" Elsword said, casually.

"Says the guy who just made the first move!" Aisha whacked him on the head with her staff.

"Honestly, I can't tell if it was the kiss or the hit." Eve said, pondering on the thought. "It all happened at the same time…in a way."

"I suppose it doesn't really matter, what's done is done. The end result is what counts." Raven concluded.

"Well…we're glad to have you back, Eve!" Everyone smiled warmly at the nasod girl whom returned the smile (which was rare).

"Thank you, everyone."

Looks like Eve isn't as emotionless as she claims to be. Raven thought and held a soft smile on his face.

"Camilla! Camilla, are you in here?" The girl with the purple twin tails pushed the tent's opening to the side. She had been looking for the PvP attendant all morning to discuss her new skill, 'Magic Kiss', after all, Camilla was the trainer for the Elgang's skill quests. "Hm...she's not here?" Aisha scanned the small area and noticed the desk had piles of paper on it. She walked over and examined the sheets. "Skills? Why do some of these have red X's on them..?" One of the crossed out papers had a big pink-red heart on it which caught Aisha's interest. "'H Catcher'...? I've never heard of this skill...I wonder what the H stands for..." She pondered on the thought and came to one logical answer. "HP catcher? Like it takes the opponent's health points...? Meh, whatever, wouldn't hurt to try it!" She smirked and activated the spell. "H Catcher!" A bright light blinded her for a few seconds then suddenly disappeared. She looked around and saw that nothing had changed. "Huh. Nothing? Well that was boring..." Sighing, she returned the skill and walked out of the tent.

Little did she know that the one skill she had cast...would turn into something disastrous.

"Aisha, where were you!? We're about to leave for Residential Area 3 to complete our last quest there!" The red knight appeared before the Void Princess.

"Geez, no need to be so uptight! I had some business to take care of." She replied as she prepared to enter the dungeon.

"Business? Like what?"

"Stuff with Camilla...why do you care anyways?" She muttered.

"Because..." He blushed, scratched the back of his head, and averted his eyes. "You're important to me and when you disappeared like that...well, I was kinda worried..."

Aisha froze. What...WHAT DID HE JUST SAY!? Her head turned abruptly as her eyes stared at him. "E-Elsword, are you feeling alright?! Did you eat something strange!? Did you just say what I think you just did!?" She panicked and shook his shoulders.

"Aisha..." He gazed into her eyes. "I'm serio-"

"L-LET'S GO DUNGEON! THE OTHERS MUST BE WAITING FOR US! Ahahaha..." She awkwardly ran off. Elsword's acting weird...

"Hey, you feeling okay?" A voice asked her.

She turned to see that it was Raven. "Ah, Raven...haha, yeah I am! Why?"

The Blade Master walked by her side. "You just seemed...out of it. If there's anything troubling you..." He flashed a rare gentle smile at her. "You can always see me."

Blushing, she waved her hands out in front of her. "N-No, that's okay, I wouldn't want to burden you or anything..." She nervously fiddled with her bangs.

"Nonsense, Aisha- you're never a burden to me."

I didn't know Raven could be so nice! She thought and nodded. "If you say so...AH!" A bunch of flowers covered her view.

"For you!" It was Chung. He had a warm smile on his face as he presented the bouquet.

"Oh, wow! These are really pretty..." She took them and smelt the fragrance. "And they smell nice too! Thank you, Chung, but...what are these for...?"

"They're for you being you!" He laughed.

"Huh...? But I haven't done anything...?" Aisha's head was spinning. Why were Elsword, Raven and Chung being exceptionally nice?

"Well, I like you a lot so...I just thought I'd show my appreciation to you. Eheh, sorry, it's stupid!"

"Ah- no, it isn't! Not at all, really, I'm grateful, thanks!" She flashed a convincing smile at him.

"Haha, alright then. That's good."

Rena and Eve witnessed the two. "Eve...I think something very strange is going on here." The Grand Archer whispered to the Code Nemesis.

"You mean the men's behavior? I agree with you." Her eyes observed them blankly. "Perhaps it's that time of the month for them?"

"Oh, Eve!" Rena giggled. "That sort of thing only happens to girls!"

"Is that so? But isn't it possible for men to also-"

"Let's just finish this quest~!" The elf pushed the nasod into the dungeon.

"Kyaaa!" Aisha was flung backwards into Raven from Uno Hound's double lariat. "Ouch...sorry, Raven."

"No problem, anytime. But..." His golden eyes glanced at her.


"I need some mana. I wonder if your skill, 'Magic Kiss', works on people other than Elsword..." Raven's left hand tilted her head up as he moved closer to her.

"Wha-wait, Raven, I haven't even got any mana!" She blushed and panicked.

"Oi, Raven! Get your hands off of her and help fight-!" A huge rock was hurled at Elsword which smashed him against the wall. Blood trickled down the side of his face.

"ELSWORD!" The mage pushed the swordsman out of the way and teleported to the injured knight. "I don't know any healing skills but hang on!" She used a Light orb.

"Aisha..." His hand reached for her and she held it.

"Don't worry, you're gonna be okay!" She tried to reassure him. "I'll take care of Elsword, can you guys handle Uno Hound!?" She shouted to her teammates.

"Leave it to us!" Rena used Aero Strafe on the giant.

Chung discreetly glared and 'collapsed'. His breathing was heavy as he leaned on his cannon for support.

Aisha noticed the Deadly Chaser's condition and quickly teleported over to him. "Chung, you're poisoned! Have you got any antidotes on you!?" She fussed over him, trying to find some antidotes in her inventory.

He saw that Elsword was glaring in his direction and smirked. Too bad, Elsword~

"Argh! My" Raven clutched his nasod arm in pain, making the frantic mage concerned.

"Raven, try not to overdo it!" She said with a worried voice after rushing over to him.

The knight and the guardian glared at the swordsman. "Tch...that guy..." They both muttered.

"Isn't it questionable why all 3 guys are suddenly unable to fight?" Rena remarked while shooting a freezing arrow.

"Hmph. Men are useless." Eve's drills impaled into Uno Hound.

"Gah-! Ugh...Aisha..." Elsword held his throbbing head.

"Ah- I'll be right there!" She left Raven and tended to the redhead.

"I think...I'm losing...consciousness..." Chung almost fell but Aisha teleported just in time to catch him.

She could feel his breath soften as his head leaned on her shoulder. "Chung, are you alright!?"

Raven doubled-over and collapsed, still holding his arm tightly. "The...pain..." -was all he could manage to say.

"Raven!" Aisha was at his side in an instant, trying to ease the pain.

"Raven, cut the act. Your acting sucks!" Elsword shouted from his position.

"Ha...what about you, Elsword? That blow to the head didn't look too serious." Chung shot back.

"Uh, hello? See this red on my head? It's blood, not hair." He pointed out.

"You sound pretty casual saying that."

"Oh, and what about you, Mr. I'm-losing-consciousness!?"

"I have to agree with Elsword on that one." Raven joined in.

"Hey, what happened to being in pain!?" Chung yelled.

"Well, with Aisha being by my's all better now." The swordsman taunted.

"Ha! Well, she's not by your side anymore, in fact, she hasn't been since this whole argument started so where the heck is she...?" The knight noticed the girls had finished the boss.


Aisha held up her staff, threateningly. "We could just knock them out and ditch..."

Eve placed a hand on the Void Princess's shoulder. "Or I could give the three of them a shot with high-technology nasod equipment to make them feel better." Moby and Remy's spears turned into long, sharp, pointy needles.

The guys were silent in fear. "We're sorry, we won't do it again..." They bowed their heads. Girls are scary... They thought.

"It's fine, just don't do it again..." Rena's kind smile turned maleficent. "Okay...?"

"Of course, but..." Elsword fell onto Aisha. "I really am injured..." He said weakly.

She gasped and tried to support his weight. "He's lost too much blood!"

"Elsword, how are you feeling?" Aisha lifted the tent flap and walked in with a tub of hot water and a wet cloth. She felt responsible to nurse him back to full health.

The bedridden knight groaned as he tried to sit up slowly.

"Not just yet." Her soft voice stopped him. "Rest a bit more." She soaked the cloth in the water and prepared to change his bandages. The boys have been acting weird all morning...could it be from that spell I cast before? The mage was deep in thought. That seems to be the only thing I can think of since it's only happening to me but...what type of spell was it exactly..? it seems harmless...hmm...'H Catcher'... Elsword's voice jolted her out of her thoughts.

"Aisha, Aisha!" He had one hand holding his head and the other one fumbling around, as if he was blind.

She ran to his side and grabbed his hand. "I'm here, it's alright! What's happening?" It seemed her touch had calmed him down.

"Aisha...I...I can't see..." His hand brought her closer as he tried to see her face.

Oh no! Has the damage to his head affected his eyes..!? She panicked. She took his head into her hands and stared intently into his eyes while asking about his condition, clearly very worried. "Elsword, are you alright!? Can you see me!? At least just a little!?"

Elsword placed his left hand over her right and leaned into it. "Aisha..."

She felt her face heat up and her heart rate increase as the redhead slowly moved closer to her- lips centimeters apart. Aisha began to have her doubts about his eyesight. "Y-You're not really blind, are you!?"

His breath sent a shiver up her spine as she could feel it as he spoke. The knight smirked. "Nope."

Aisha immediately blocked the kiss with her hand, causing him to kiss her palm instead. She pushed his head away and ran out of the tent, embarrassed. What the heck does he think he's doing!? Was that real or is something up!? I just don't get it!

Suddenly, a hand grabbed hers which halted her running. She turned to see it was Chung. "Chung, what are you...?"

The blond prince blushed slightly. "You...seemed upset. Do you...want to talk it out?"

His kindness swayed her. "Thank you, Chung. Really...but I'm fine, so there's no need to be concerned!" She tried to give him a convincing smile.

"But I am concerned!" He made a bold move and pulled her into a tight hug. "You don't need to fake it...I'll listen."

"Hey, hold it, lover boy." A strong nasod hand grabbed the boy's scarf and pulled him away from the blushing girl.

"Raven-!" She was about to thank her savior...until he swooped her up, bridal style, and started running with her in his arms. "Hey, let go of me!" She struggled against him but he didn't budge.

"Don't worry, I'm not one of them!" The swordsman smiled at her, reassuringly.

"One of them...?" She thought for a moment. Elsword and Chung were being strangely affectionate...H catcher...could it be!? HEART CATCHER?! Aisha gasped. "IT'S A LOVE SPELL! Raven, Elsword and Chung are under a love spell!"

The half nasod was still running and laughed. "Ahaha, as I am too."

"Wha-!?" He gave her a quick peck on the cheek which earned him a slap.

"SNAP OUT OF IT!" So Raven's under the spell too! He lied to me... She threw her minion, Angkor, onto the blade master and made her escape. What should i do!? What should I do!? What should I do!?

"Aisha! Aiiiiishaaaa!" Elsword was out of his tent, in the forest, looking for the void princess.

"Elsword, should you really be out of bed?" The nasod queen appeared behind him.

"It doesn't matter about me, have you seen Aisha?" He brushed off her question.

"No...I haven't. Why don't you ask the others?" She suggested.

"Hm..." He saw someone not too far in the distance. "I think I will, thanks!" Elsword approached the blond boy. "Chung, have you seen Aisha?"

"Have you?" Chung glanced at the redhead.

"Well, what do you think? I'm looking for her, so of course not!"

"I saw her run out of your tent- looking upset. What did you do to her..?" He shot a glare.

"What!? I didn't do anything!" They both noticed Raven wandering around.

"Raven, where did you hide Aisha!?" The deadly chaser had a deadly look in his eyes.

He merely shrugged. "She got away from me."

"Got away from you!? What did you do to her?!" Elsword grabbed the swordsman's collar.

"Nothing that you need to know. Why don't you point the finger at pretty boy over here?" He ripped the redhead's hand away.

"You're accusing me now? I was just showing some kindness and support!"

"So, forcibly hugging her is kindness and support?"

"Well, when you put it that way, not really, but-"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait, what!? You HUGGED her!?" Elsword now grabbed Chung's collar.

"Haha...jealous?" He taunted.

"No fair, I was so close to kissing her!" The knight balled his fists.

"Ha! Is that all? I actually got to kiss her." Raven bragged.

"What...did you say..?" Elsword pointed his sword at Raven while Chung had a pistol aimed. "Where exactly...did you kiss her?" They both had a murderous intent.

"Just on the cheek." The blade master placed a hand on his hip and smirked.

"Damn you...!" The three men drew their weapons and went at one another.

Clashes and gunshots could be heard from the distance which scared the Velder villagers. The girls also heard these sounds and went to go check it out. Are the guys fighting each other!? Those idiots! They all thought.

"Haah! Take this, Raven!" The sharp blade was swung with great force.

"Over here!" Bullets flew past in the blink of an eye.

"Not so fast!" The blade deflected them easily.

"Would you guys just cut it out!?" Aisha yelled from the top of a tree.

They stopped and pointed at each other. "But, Aisha, he-!"

"Why're you pointing at me!? Aren't you the one who sexually harassed her!?" Elsword charged towards Raven.

"Weren't you the one who started it!?" Chung fired a cannon ball.

"Well, I don't know about Elsword, but from what I saw, you were the one who started it, Chung!" Raven's Nasod Core threatened to slice the guardian.

I should stop them, they're acting like children! "Binding Circl-"

"Wait just a moment!" Three roses were shot at the men's feet which stopped them. Red for Elsword, white for Raven and blue for Chung.

Roses...? They all thought.

Rena and Eve were in another tree- Rena had fired the roses and lowered her bow. "Listen, you three! You're all acting ridiculous! So, to solve this..."

Aisha's hopes rose. Has Rena thought of a brilliant plan to get me out of this stupid love story!?

"The first guy to successfully give their rose to Aisha, gets to be with Aisha!" The beautiful elf announced.

"WHAT!?" The void princess stared at the grand archer. WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!? Her eyes said it all.

"Well, Aisha, Eve and I came up with this plan after Eve found out about the love spell. Apparently it should wear off over time so this is a good way to delay them!" Rena shared after jumped to Aisha's tree.

"Fine!" The guys accepted.

"By the way, if any of you try to somehow cheat, which I don't think is even possible in this sort of 'game', you will be tied up and cannot see Aisha for the rest of the day. My nasod scouts are always watching you..." The code nemesis shot them all an icy glare.

"So...Aisha." The elf placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Hm...?" She innocently listened.

"I would start running if i were you~!"

"Huh...?" The mage saw that the guys had started climbing the tree. They're like a bunch of monkeys... "I-I'm getting out of here!" She levitated to the next tree.

"Hahaha! Good luck, Aisha!" Rena shouted and left with Eve.

"Wait, Aisha!" The trio shouted.

"Like hell am I waiting for any of you!" She continued running.

"C'mon, I'm telling you...!"

"Please, Aisha...!"

"Listen to me...!"

"Accept my rose!" They said in sync.

Ooh, so much romance in this chapter! Sorry for the long wait and thanks for reading~ Will be continued in the next chapter :)