Thomas didn't like his last name. In fact, he hated it. It reminded him of so much anguish, so much unwanted memories. So thus, Thomas went by numerous last names. All meaningless, but that was the point wasn't it, to blend in, to become someone else, to get away from who he truly was.


The word cut into him like a hot fire poker. Quick, fast, blunt, the word had such a nauseous effect on him. He hated his last name. He detested it.

Thomas Wayne pulled the thin but deadly piece of kryptonite out of Conner. He set it on the metal tray lying on the table. He let a deep breath escape his body, and rubbed his tired eyes.

Conner threw his head back against the cold, metal chair. He recognized the distinctive taste of metal in his mouth; blood. Conner couldn't take much more of this. What if everything this crazed young man said was true? What if his father was truly gone? Conner closed his bloodshot eyes, and took in a long breath of air, and slowly exhaled.

"….Why are you torturing me?"

Thomas Wayne slowly turned around from the metal table

"Why ? Well, it's my job Conner. This is what I am paid to do."

Conner smirked softly, and sucked in a gust of air, trying to push the pain away from his mind.

"And whoever pays you to do that?"

Thomas swiftly grabbed the bloodied green sharp and raised it up against Conner's neck.

"That's none of your goddamn business now, is it?"

Conner closed his eyes, trying to control the intense, nauseating urge to vomit.


Thomas stepped back from the Superboy, and walked over to the metal table, setting back down the green sharp of crystal. He leaned slightly against the wobbly metal table.

A few seconds of silence pasted throughout the wide, cold room.

"Lex Luthor."

Superboy closed his eyes, and shook his head. Of course. Of course it was that bastard. No surprise at all there.

"Well no surprise there.

Thomas closed his eyes, removed himself from leaning against the cheap, metal table, and started pacing the room.

"Do you think I enjoy this? Do you really believe that this, is what I would love to be doing with my time ?"

Conner just stared at Thomas.

"Look kid, we all do things to survive, to continue breathing. This is what my life is, what it's become. Do you think I enjoy this ? Do you think it gives me joy?"

"I am sorry, but I really don't feel bad for you at all."

Thomas smirked and walked towards Conner.

"You and I kid, we aren't that much different."

Conner twisted his face in confusion, "You and I are nothing alike."

Thomas chucked and started walking around Conner.

"You are a byproduct of CADMUS correct? A clone?"

"….Yes why?"

"You're a clone?"


"Mhm, well what if I told you Conner, that you weren't the only clone?"

Conner just stared off into the distance; he just wanted to be out of here, back in Metropolis.

"Conner, young man, look at me when I am taking to you!" Thomas grabbed the piece of Kryptonite, and sliced through the ropes, and easily grabbed Conner, throwing him across the room.

"Conner you and I, are both clones, both byproducts of other individuals and their game, you and I, we are just pawns."

"You really are a clone?"

Thomas smiled slyly, "Would you believe I am a clone of the big bad BAT."

DUM DUM DUM ! Hey, if you haven't seen the new trailer for MAN OF STEEL, check it out now on YouTube !