Note: Hey.

This is the first part, of this fiction and I am thinking of writing the other part soon, you'll understand why if you read (bacause I want a happy ending that's why, god! I couldn't wait to say it).

So.. I don't own any character, I just love changing the pairings.

Summary: Pansy asks Draco to write a letter to Harry and never send it, just to make sure that he will be honest about his feelings. When things go as planned she tries to find the letter and send it to Harry.

Pairings: Hermione/Pansy , Ron/Lavender , and some feelings between Harry and Draco.

"Dear Harry

Here I am, writing you this letter, knowing that you will never read it, it was Pansy's idea, she told me that it will make me feel better by telling you.. pretending to telling you about how I am feeling. She said that this letter will give me a chance to be honest with myself for once. Well I am sorry because I am not good at revealing feelings and dealing with it.

Anyway I think that this is a stupid idea, but I have to write anyway because I don't want to lie to her and tell her that I did when I never gave it a chance, and I want to prove her wrong, that this shit never works.. I mean come on!

Back to my life before school, before meeting you.

As you know I am an only child and my father made sure that I will never have contact with kids like your friend Know-It-All, so my parents used to arrange play dates with people who share their beliefs.

I was fine with their beliefs, I mean.. They used to be the only beliefs I knew and I never thought that there are many people who disagree with them.

Later I heard about you, the miracle child and oh if you know how much I wanted to talk to you and know how you did it, how you lived when the wizard that my dad told me that we should be loyal to him even after he's gone because one day he will come back and we will be there to help him gain his powers back tried to kill you.

My first school year finally came and I met you, but things didn't go as planned, you refused to be my friend and I hated you for that, I swore to myself that I will make your life a living hell, that I will make you wish that you died that night.

You saved our school time after time and I stood there watching you. At first I was sure that you was faking it, no one is that good! Then I started considering that you have some hero complex and I learnt to deal with that and I never stopped trying to annoy you.

Soon, our master came back and I became like my dad, a mark on my arm was the proof, I loved it at first, then I started regretting it, I saw what they did: killing, torturing muggles, wizards, house elves, me, your friends..

I saw you that day, dead in Hagrid's arms, I couldn't believe it and I didn't want it to be real, I wanted to wake up from this nightmare and I was fighting back my tears.

You can't imagine my happiness when I saw that you wasn't dead, I stopped myself at the last second from running to you and hug you, never let you go again.

First: I remembered that a war was going on around as.

Second: I was surprised that I cared about you.

Third: You will think that I am insane and you will mock me and push me away.

You won and I was happy for you, but sad because I can't talk to you.

Here I am suffering on this school year, I am sorry for everything, I wish I could change things, I am also in love with you now, yea.. love..

I can't believe that writing this letter made me cry. I have to go now, I have classes with you.


Pansy and Hermione wipe away their tears as they finished reading the letter Draco wrote two weeks ago after finally finding it in the room of requirements.
"I told you that he loves him too Hermione".
"Oh sweety, I can't believe that you made him write that, I am happy that Harry's feelings are mutual"

"The letter was your idea love, that's how you told me that you had a crush on me. We should give this to Harry"

"Draco will kill you"

"No he won't he loves me"

Hermionefrowned and Pansy smiled.

"Oh come on! Not that way! I am his best friend, read that letter again if you forgot that he wants Harry"

Hermione laughed "Ron won't like it, us then them"

"He'll deal with it like he did with us, don't worry about him, where is he anyway?"

"Snogging with Lavender ..Probably"

They ran hand in hand to Harry's room, they gave him the letter without telling him what it was, they both kissed his cheeks and left him to have a moment with the letter.

Part 2 will be about Harry's reaction, about Draco's when he finds out that someone sent his letter xD!