Hi everyone! New story! I LOVE the hunger games, am a huge fan and would love to know what you guys think of it! so pleaseee review :'D

Although I never thought I'd ever be leaving my home, District 12, I never knew that making the worse decision of my life would eventually become the best decision of my life.

District 2 was home to the incredibly famous school of performing arts, and although this meant I'd be leaving my family and only friend, Gale, this also meant that I would be getting the biggest opportunity of my life, to perform around the country and do what I love - singing.
My singing career began when I was 8, when I had performed at the school show in District 12. I didn't get a standing ovation, I was only a beginner, but my music teacher had her eyes on me, and soon I was thrust into extra singing lessons, acting lessons and other performance extracurricular activities that I went along with. Miss Harriet had always dreamed that one of her students could get to the top level of performing and receive that scholarship to District 2.

Her dream was accomplished.

Nobody could believe it when it was announced. Nobody has ever received an opportunity like this. We just can't afford it. And seeing as District 2 is one of the most privileged districts of all 12, we wouldn't last a month living there alone, even with a year's wage to cover it. But this scholarship covered living costs, as I'd be living in a hall, only sharing a bedroom with one other person, and food costs, and also covering the tuition. I couldn't say no.

I wish I had, at the time, when the day before I was meant to go, Gale decided then to declare his love to me.

Worse decision of my life. Having to say goodbye to him.

"Don't go, Catnip. Please, I don't know what I'll do without you." We were alone, in the woods, and I thrummed the string of my bow, sighing.

"You know I can't, Gale." I muttered. "Is this really what you want? For me to turn down the opportunity of a lifetime so we can be together? For me to pop out babies while you go work in the coal mine? We'd die before we had a chance. We can barely find any game as it is, with winter coming along. How do you expect me to provide for my family if I don't take this offer? Even now, it'll be one less mouthful to feed once I'm gone." Tears sprung to my eyes.

"I won't let us die. I won't let yours or my family die."

"Good, thank you. But I'm still going to 2." I stood up, ready to turn, and then Gale grabbed my arm, pulling me down, and I fell on top of him. He pulled my lips to his. I shoved against his chest, pulling myself back up. My mind was reeling, but I had run out of time. We had only caught a squirrel tonight, it won't do. I'll have to starve until I get onto the train tomorrow.

I didn't think about that kiss until I was alone on the train.

I knew it was going to be difficult, but I kept telling myself to be strong. I knew I could perform to the best of my abilities. Only now, the competition was stronger.

I pulled my suitcase through the main gates of the school. This place was massive! Enough to hold at least a few hundred or so students... hopefully more chances of making some friends at least. I groaned to myself as I went up to the main desk. People were walking from all directions. All young, and aspiring students. I began to feel out of my league here.

"May I help you?" The lady at the counter asked politely, smiling at me.

"Yes, I'm Katniss Everdeen?" I tried to be polite back, but my throat felt tight, and I could barely speak. Was this feeling nervous?

"Ah yes, we have you key right here. Your room would be down the hall, then you have to cross the path until you reach the dorms building. You must also use this key to enter that building, and every other building you enter, so keep it with you at all times. There are simple directions to your room." She handed me the key and I thanked her.

As soon as I found my room I noticed that one bed was taken, and so I took the other bed on the other side of the wall. It was en-suite but didn't have any cooking area, seeing as we were catered for. From what I could tell, I was rooming with another girl, as she had photos all over her side of the wall. I went closer. A blonde girl, smiling. Different locations, different people with her, and from what I could tell, this girl must have lived in District two all her life, as there are photos of her and her friends swimming, owning expensive items that I couldn't dream of, like the camera it was taken with. I shook my head. I hoped that the girl was nice.

She came in when I was unpacking my things.

"Oh my gosh!" She gasped. "Wait...are you Katniss?"

I nodded. "Yes, and you are?"

She stuck her hand out, beaming at me. "I'm Glimmer. I was only told just that you were coming today, so I was going to clean up."

I looked around. Looked fine to me, but she huffed as she picked up a coat that fell on the floor. "I'm really sorry, I should've been prepared."

I shrugged. "It looks fine."

She frowned. "What district are you from? I'm from here, so my brother tends to come up almost everyday to visit me, or just check out the girls here." She laughed, then waited for my answer.

"Er, 12." Shock appear on her face.

"No wonder you didn't notice the mess.." She muttered, then gasped. "Oh! I'm sorry, that was rude of me."

I shook my head. "It's fine. This is just a big adjustment to me. I've never had my own bed."

She gasped again. "Oh my gosh! You're so deprived! You could use that line to hit on the guys."

I gave her a confused look. "Huh?"

She nodded excitedly. "Or when you act. The sad, born from a poor area act." She smiled. "No offense."

She then proceeded to go through my clothes. She muttered a lot of 'oh dear's and 'this will not do'. Some she just threw onto the floor.

"Ugh, we need to take you shopping. This one's on me. I feel bad just looking at you."

I didn't even have to answer before she was dragging me out of the room and out into the city.

"The beach is just down the road, which is amazing. We need to get you a nice bikini."

A few hours later and we had everything I apparently needed. She threw my old clothes in the bin.

"You won't need those." She winked at me. She then proceeded to tell me all about the district and the school.

"Class starts next week, and we have to be punctual or we may be locked out of the class entirely. We have to do at least one performance that is beneficial towards the school and forms start going round soon, so its first come first serve. I want to do the dance show this year. Last year when I watched it it was so beautiful."

"Well what involves singing?"

"The play, but I don't know what it will be this year. Last year it was Oliver. That was great too." She smiled, then her head jerked to the door as someone knocked. "Crap, that must be Finnick. COMING!" She climbed off her bed and opened the door, and a handsome face with a cheeky smile popped his head from behind the door.

"Hey gorgeous Glimmer." He grinned. I just sat there with my mouth hanging open. I remembered to shut it before his eyes fell on me. "New friends, sis?"

Glimmer grinned. Finnick looked nothing like Glimmer. Glimmer had bleached blonde hair and blue eyes, and Finnick had bronze hair with sea green eyes.

"Er, you two are siblings?"

Finnick laughed, and put his arm around his sister. "Yeah, many people do get us confused, thinking we're boyfriend and girlfriend."

Glimmer smacked his chest. "Yeah, but I got my Mom's good looks, obviously."

Finnick scoffed. "Please, every one of your little friends are in love with me. I must be going right somewhere."

Yeah, right. But when he turned his attention back to me I think I melted inside. Crap. Gale wouldn't be happy about this. I looked away from Finnick. I will not bow down to his level. I will not like him.

"Finnick, save it for one of the other girls, Katniss...has a boyfriend." Glimmer blurted out. My head snapped towards Glimmer and her eyes told me to go along with it. So I nodded and looked back at Finnick. He ran a hand through his hair and sighed.

"Damn, well I'm going to find that girl who was following me around the other day. Katie?"

"No, Finnick, that was Clove."

"Clove...oh right, her. Er...see you girls." He walked off and shut the door behind him, and I sighed.

"I'm sorry. Just...Finnick's a bit of a player."

"I can tell."

"I don't want him to hurt you, like he's hurt a lot of girls at this school already. Never mind the district. The idiot has found ways to woo girls, like volunteering to give swimming lessons for the people who have come from districts with no sea or pools."

"Dammit." I cussed. I am obligated to go to those lessons, cause I'm from district 12, and they don't know I know how to swim from the lake. But going outside borders is illegal without permission. So I had to pretend I couldn't swim."

"Oh yeah, you're from 12, so watch out for him. He tries to make you feel like the most important girl on the planet, then cuts you off for another girl who turns up."

"Don't worry, I'm not like other girls."

"I hope so."

That's it for chapter one! What did you think? lemme know!