Chapter One: The Dream
(I don't own Teen Wolf or any of it's characters. No copy right infringement. Only right I own is staring at the sexy-ness of the show when it is on MTV or Netflix. )
A light breeze blew through the trees of Beacon Hills Reserve, the full moon glowing in the sky up above. The sound of running cut through the silence of the night as two animals run through the woods, brushing up dry leaves and dirt. A small copper red fox darted through the trees, a large black wolf on it's tail. Whines were heard from the fox as it ran, wanting the wolf to caught it. Neon blue eyes turn a blood red as the wolf increased it's pace, ready to pounce on the fox. A gun shot rung out in the forest, causing both of the animals to stop dead in their tracks. Without a second thought, both animals ran back the direction from which they come as another gun shot rung out. The wolf was now behind the fox, nudging the fox to run faster and back to safety.
The next gun shot was louder and seemed closer. A sudden loud yelp come from the fox. The fox lost all balance and it collapsed to the ground. Blood begun to stain the dirt and leaves as it had been shot in the belly. The wolf run to the fox's side and when it went to comfort the fox, it was no longer a wolf but a naked man in it's place. The man had short black hair and hazel eyes, looking about the age of twenty-four or so, his body a bit bulky but it was build enough with muscles to show he was not one to mess with. He slide down into the dirt and leaves, scooping the fox up in his arms and cradling the fox close to his chest. Small whines of pain come from the fox as the man pulled his hand over the wound, blood flowing through his fingers and staining the fox's fur. The man had tears forming in his eyes, whispering to the fox. "Just stay with me, okay?" The veins in his arm turned black as he was drawing the pain from the fox and taking it on himself. It didn't phase him for one moment.
His tears run down his face as he could just listen as the fox's heart begun to slow down, beat by beat. "Stay with me. I just found you." The fox just whined a bit sharper, licking the man's hand before it's eyes slowly begun to close. When the fox's eyes were fully shut, the man could no longer feel the heart beat. The guy kept cradling the fox until he looked up as a shadow figure stood in front of him. "Just kill me already." The figure rose a gun and all the man saw was a devilish smile on his face before the trigger was pulled.
"NOOO!" Stiles voice rung out in the empty bedroom, sweat running down his face and his hands clutching his sheets so tight that his knuckles were white. The bedroom door slammed opened and the Sheriff stormed in, gun loaded. "Son, you okay?" The voice shook him from his thoughts and he undid his fists before looking at his father. "I am sorry for scaring you. Just another bad dream." Stiles said as he cleared his throat. He swung his feet over the side of the bed, standing up to face his father. "You can talk to me you know right?" The sheriff looked at his son with concern. "I know, Dad." Stiles was now half-way down the hall to the bathroom when he heard his father said his name. "Yea Dad?" "Happy birthday." Stiles just groaned in response before slamming the bathroom. He got in the streaming hot shower and tried to wash all memories of his horrible dream. The horrible dream where he saw himself with Derek right before they were killed.
Across town, Derek woke up drenched in sweat, the last few moments of the nightmare replaying in his mind. Derek couldn't deny the feeling that the other creature was his mate but the cruel reality that were foxes were said to be wiped out also come to mind.
The werewolf let out a deep sigh before he glanced over at his nightstand, reading the time off his phone. He groaned at the sight of the time and turned off his alarm so it wouldn't ring out in a few minutes.
He set the phone back down before getting out of bed. He needed to go to work and let the memories of that dream fade into the back of his mind.
Stiles pulled into the school parking lot, a few seconds before Derek's camero pulled in after him. Stiles parked in his usual spot and watched the muscle car drive past behind him before parking in a staff parking space a few spaces away.
Stiles let out the breath he didn't realize he was holding when the camero parked. He sat in his car as he subtly watched Derek slip out and then let out Erica, Boyd, and Issac climb out from the back seats. Once he saw the young wolves met up with Scott, Allison, and Lydia who were sitting on one of the old wooden picnic tables in front of the school, he finally stepped out of the Jeep.
He couldn't help being nervous. After his shower earlier that morning, he come to find out the medication he takes to remain under the wolves' radar was too low for him to take his daily shot. After a mild panic attack and my father comforting him, he was reassured by his father that he would swing by Deaton's that day to pick up more and he will inform the school to allow Stiles to leave early if needed.
"Stiles!" Scott's voice ring out as he spotted him and waved over. Stiles sighed before planting a smile on his face and walking over to the group of teens. "Morning." Stiles said as he hiked his backpack strap a bit higher on his shoulder. "Morning smell different?" Stiles froze when Scott sniffed the air. His mind quickly run through a list of excuses. "Yea...I run out of my body spray this morning. Sorry if my natural scent bother you." He responded, trying to lay on the sarcasm at the end.
"It smelled nice actually." Issac piped up from his spot on the rear of the picnic table. Stiles let out a mental sigh of relief. "Yea maybe you should just stop doing the spray, it smells like chemicals anyways." Erica added as she glanced over at Stiles before returning to her daily kissy face time with Boyd.
The school bell rung before anyone else could comment. Stiles watched as the group wandered in, himself staying a few steps behind them. He spotted Derek watching as he passed the front office and his nose was noticeably twitching.
He quicken his pace as he split from the group to get to class. Luckily this year his classes were all honors so he didn't have to worry about the wolves detecting anything else. He sat down and tried to focus on the teacher's lecture.
His focus was barely there by third period. He could hear the sounds of the pencils being moved across paper and the birds singing in their nest across the street. The multiples sounds were giving him a headache. Finally the lunch bell rung and he bolted out of the classroom, heading for the nurse's office.
"Stiles where are you going?" He stopped when he heard Issac's voice behind him. He slowly turned and looked at the young wolf. "Yea sorry dude I have a raging headache and was going to see if the nurse has anything. I will meet up with everyone after." Stiles told the half-truth, hoping it was not questioned. Issac just nodded before he casually nuzzled Stiles' neck. Stiles tried to relax as it was normal for Issac to be affectionate in this way. Issac and Stiles has almost a mother and son bond even though Stiles was no woman and Issac was not his child in the slightest. Normally he wouldn't mind the affection but today was not that day. He subtly rubbed Issac's back with his hand before stepping back. "Thanks pup. Don't worry about me. Just a stupid human headache."
Stiles waited until Issac wandered towards the cafeteria before remaking his journey to the nurse's office. He told the nurse about his headache and asked about calling his father. After a brief call with his father, the nurse filled the form to allow him to leave school early. Stiles thanked the nurse before heading to the front office.
He nearly forget about Derek working there until he stepped into the office to find the Alpha staring at him through the man's thick blacked framed glasses. Stiles always thought those glasses made Derek look like those librarians from his late nite pornos he watched when his father was not home. Stiles cleared his throat before he stepped up to the front desk. "I have a pass to leave school." Stiles slide the paper across the desk towards Derek. Derek didn't stop staring at Stiles for a good minute before taking the paper to read.
"Headache huh?" Derek said as he read the paper. "Yea..." Stiles responded before looking down at his feet. What seemed like hours was only a few minutes as Derek looked away from Stiles to sign his name on the form before sliding it back towards Stiles. "Feel better." Derek muttered before Stiles grabbed the paper and quickly left. Stiles could feel the wolf's eyes on the back of his skull as he left.
He still felt those eyes as he climbed into his Jeep and drove back home. It was not until he unlocked his front door and shut it swiftly behind him, that the feeling of those eyes were gone. Stiles saw his father left his medication on the kitchen counter but he was no strength to take it. He stared at the small viral before walking up to his room. He plopped down on his bed and stared at the ceiling before he heard his phone come off. He sighed before opening his phone to read a text message.
Dad: Remember your party is at SV tonight. Did you tell them you were going away for your birthday yet?"
Stiles groaned before typing a response.
Stiles: No but I have it handled.
Stiles put his phone on the bed next to him after sending the text. He stared at a ceiling a few minutes more before closing his eyes, trying to focus on his heart beat and nothing else.