Just Out of Reach

By: Liv-x-Case-Benson & livsgirl

Chapter 35: Complete

Casey grabbed her stomach and started pacing again. After about the fifth time of her phone going to voice mail she gave up trying to reach her. For her not to answer her repeated calls told her that whatever Olivia was working on was important and that she couldn't be disturbed. She flipped her phone open again and hit speed dial three and waited for a familiar voice to answer.


"Alex, it's Casey," she said through clenched teeth. "I need you to come over. I can't get a hold of Liv."

Alex's senses perked up by the panic in her voice. "What's the matter?"

"I'm having contractions and Liv isn't answering the phone."

"Has your water broken?" she asked, grabbed her coat and leaving. "I'm on my way, don't worry."

"My water hasn't broken yet. I just want to be cautious and wanted a ride to the hospital without calling an ambulance."

Alex nodded. "I'm almost to your house now. Where are you? Upstairs? Downstairs? Have you fallen?"

"I'm pacing my kitchen," Casey said calmly. "I have not fallen and one person freaking out is enough. Take a deep breath for me, Alex."

Alex hung up, leaving the car running. She opened the door. "Casey."

"Right here," Casey called back as she doubled over.

Alex ran over, helping her stand up. "Easy, Casey, easy. Your doctor has been called and is waiting for us. Just try to relax for a second, then I'll walk you out, okay?"

"Ok," Casey said taking a few deep breaths.

"It's going to be okay. Lean on me if you need to."

"Thanks," Casey answered as she leaned against Alex. "Have you been able to get a hold of Liv?"

Alex sighed. "Unfortunately not, but I've set the guys to work finding her. Are you ready to go yet?"

"I am. I wish she wouldn't turn her phone off. She knows I could go into labor any moment. I swear sometimes if I didn't love that woman so much I would leave."

"Yeah, I know the feeling. Come on," Alex said, helping her out to the car.

Casey allowed Alex to help her into the ER and tried to prevent from breaking her hand when a contraction hit. She couldn't help but smile when Alex was in her true form and started barking orders to everyone there. What made it even funnier is that no one questioned her and instantly started to jump at every command.

Alex sighed, sitting Casey in a wheelchair. "Ah Dr. Jones. Where would you like us?"

"In this room right here please," he stated motioning for her to enter a room to their right. "I will have a nurse come in and examine her ok?"

Alex helped Casey onto the exam table. "It's going to be okay Casey."

"Will you keep trying to get in touch with her?" Casey groaned as another contraction hit. "I really don't want to deliver these babies alone."

Alex nodded. "Yes, but, no matter what I won't let you be alone, ok?"

Just as she said that, the detective walked in, going directly to the bathroom to wash the dried blood from her hands, drying them before walking to her side. "Casey!"

"Do I want to know why you had blood on you?" Casey asked as she reached for Olivia.

Olivia held her hand, while she wrapped her arm around her. "Probably not. Are you okay?"

"Honey, I am in labor and my contractions keep getting closer and closer together and not to mention the pain is getting worse. Put the fact that I COULDN'T GET A HOLD OF YOU on top of all that and I would have to say no."

Olivia sighed. "I'm so sorry honey. I-I didn't think this would happen right now, but I'm here. Alex, do me a favor and call her parents please? Here's the number," she said, handing Alex a slip of paper before lying in bed beside Casey and holding her close. "It's going to be okay. I promise."

Alex slipped out of the room and quietly made the call that Olivia had requested. She would have to admit that she was a little stunned at the sharpness in Charles's tone when she informed him who she was. Once she informed him she was calling for Olivia and that Casey was in labor, he curtly said thank you and hung the phone up."Hey," Alex whispered slinking back in, "I got a hold of them they are coming. Do you guys need anything else?"

Olivia nodded. "Maybe some ice chips and a cold cloth. What do you think, Case?"

"I think I want some space and get the nurse back in here!" Casey growled, but then felt bad for taking it out on Olivia. "I'm sorry."

Olivia nodded, "Alex, grab the nurse, would you?"

Alex nodded and quickly left the room. She stopped at the first person she found that was wearing what looked like a lab coat. "Are you a doctor?"

"I am miss. Can I help you?" The doctor asked assessing the woman in front of her.

"Yes, you can come with me," Alex ordered as she grabbed the doctor and lead her back to Casey's room. "Guys, I thought I would skip the middle man and go straight for the boss." Alex said entering the room dragging the doctor with you "This is doctor…?"


"Dr. Smith."

Olivia nodded. "I don't suppose you know Dr. Jones, do you? Or...maybe you could help us?" she asked as Casey hugged her tightly as another painful contraction hit. "It's going to be okay, Casey."

"Actually, I am his new partner, so if you will allow me to check her real quick and then I will go and find him for you ok?"

Olivia nodded, getting up and standing beside her. "Okay. Don't worry, Case. I'm not going anywhere."

"Ladies, let me ask you, were you planning on trying to delivery these babies naturally?"

Olivia thought a moment. She didn't remember discussing that with Casey, which was strange considering they'd discussed every otter topic under the sun concerning the twins. "Uh, Casey, I think this was the one thing we never discussed..."

'That's ok. If this is how it's going to feel, then I want drugs and lots of it. Starting now."

Olivia nodded. "Okay. We'd like the meds."

"I'll let the nurse know, but ladies one thing you need to start thinking about is a C-section. A good percentage is born through a C-section and that is usually the best way to have multiple births."

Olivia nodded. "We understand and we'll take that into consideration," Olivia said as Dr. Smith left, looking to Casey. "What do you think?"

"DO you really want to know?" Casey growled in frustration.

"Hey Liv," Alex said stepping up and whispering in her ear, "I'm thinking you may want to rephrase what you're saying to her. Pregnant women in labor have been known to get violent."

Olivia nodded. "I know that, but with this being such a high-risk pregnancy. I figure it's proper to ask. If you're absolutely sure, I'll be with you every step of the way."

"Just letting you know before you get yelled at more or thrown out of the room," Alex said heading for the door. "If you need me, I will be in the waiting room."

Olivia nodded. "Thank you Alex. Casey, whatever you want to do I'm behind you. We just never really discussed this, so I figured I should ask."

"I know," Casey whispered motioning for Olivia to come back to her. "If the contractions stay the way they are and if it's the safest way to deliver the girls that is what I want."

Olivia walked back over, taking her hand. "I know, but you know how much I want to help you through this."

"I know you do," Casey said with a smile. "Just be here with me and that is all I need."

Olivia smiled. "Do you want to try natural or do you want the C-section right away?"

"I think C-section would be best with all the complications we have already endured."

The detective nodded. "You're right."

"Ok ladies," Dr. Jones said entering the room, "we have a room for you in the maternity ward now and we're ready to move you."

Olivia nodded. "That's fine, but we've decided, with the complications Casey's had in the past, we'd like a C-section."

"I will get an OR ready and get you two ready for the C-section."

Olivia nodded. "Am I allowed to be in there with her or not?"

"Barring any complications you are allowed in there with her," Dr. Jones informed the apparent impatient Olivia.

Olivia nodded. "I'm sorry I'm so tense. She's just early and I didn't expect this at this time, but I'm as excited as ever."

"Just relax, its common with first time parents," Dr. Jones said laying a hand on Olivia's shoulder. "I will have a nurse come in, in a minute and prepare both you and Casey for the procedure ok?"

Olivia nodded, taking a breath as she sat back beside Casey, stroking her cheek. "I'm sorry it took me so long to get here."

"It's ok. What perp were you questioning this time?"

Olivia sighed. "Escaped pedophile from Rikers that I bloodied up. He started a riot and ran. We found him hiding out in a warehouse."

"Not that I care, but how bad did you rough him up?"

"Bad headache and a bloody nose. I made sure not to do too much damage," the detective said.

"That will help in the case?" Casey said laughing as she grabbed her stomach. "IAB get called in?"

Olivia smiled, resting her hand on Casey's belly. "Yes, but I'm on leave as of now. I'll be on very light desk duty when I return. I tried to leave earlier, but he was just being a prick. Elliot's taking care of him under Cragen's supervision..." she said, rubbing her belly. "I know, I know girls," she whispered, "you're excited to meet us, but you're really giving Mommy a hard time. It'd be better if you didn't kick so much."

"They listen to you," Casey whispered as she entwined their fingers. "They know your voice and listen to you."

Olivia leaned over, hugging her close. "So does Mommy. It's going to be okay. I'm here now."

"Ladies," a nurse said entering the room, "my name is Monica and I am here to escort Miss Novak to the OR for the C-section. A nurse will come in, in a minute and prepare you Miss Benson."

Olivia nodded. "Can you give us a minute?"

"Please make it quick. We need to get her to the OR."

Olivia nodded, kissing her quickly and hugging her gently. "I'll be there as soon as I can. I love you...all three of you."

"We love you too and they can't wait to see you," Casey whispered as she leaned up the best she
could and kissed Olivia.

Olivia leaned down to kiss her. "Everything's going to be fine."

Casey smiled at Olivia and offered up a small wave as the nurse wheeled her from the room. She caught sight of Alex in the hallway and waved to her and with a nod of her head motioned for her to go to Olivia. She knew she would need someone to lean on while they were preparing her before she could join her in the OR.

Olivia sat back in the chair, sighing.

"Scared, nervous or both?" Alex asked walking in and seeing Olivia leaning back in the chair.

Olivia looked over. "Both. I just...we had so many problems before and now I-if something happens..."

"Olivia, in your line of work, you always have to look for the bad in everything. You're waiting for the next guy to jump around the corner and kill you. Unfortunately, that carries over in your personal life as well. This is one of those times. For once, sit back and relax and wait for something good to happen."

The detective sighed. "You're right. Someone should be coming in soon with some papers for me to sign before I go in. It's just hard. I really hope things are great for everything."

"It will be," Alex said pulling Olivia to her feet. "Just think in under an hour you will be holding your little girls. The wild detective Benson will be a mother."

Olivia smiled. "Yes, I will be. Beautiful and healthy."

"That's more like it," Alex said laughing as a nurse walked into the room. "And it looks like your escort to your wife and children has arrived."

Olivia smiled, hugging Alex. "Are there papers to sign?" she asked the nurse. "Or some kind of preparation before I join her?"

"No papers to sign Ms. Benson," the nurse said with a smile. "When we get to the prep room you will need to don full PPE. Gown, boots, gloves, mask. At no time during the procedure can you take the mask off or any other pieces of PPE ok?"

Olivia nodded. "Yes, I understand. Take me to her."

"Then follow me."

Olivia tried to focus, but failed miserably. Upon going in, she donned all the attire, making sure everything would stay. "Where can I...?"

"Just relax ma'am," the nurse said as she donned a mask. 'Your wife is right through here."

Olivia nodded, following her through the doors.

"Let me explain what is going to happen," the doctor said looking up and smiling. "We are currently administering a epidural block. Once that is in effect, I will make a small incision right above her pubic bone. From there, I will open the placenta individually and you two will finally get to meet your daughters."

Olivia nodded. "Sounds great," she said, going to stand beside Casey, taking her hand. "Yes, Case, it's me. If I don't wear all this, then I can't be in here with you," the detective responded when the ADA had eyed her a bit suspiciously.

Casey just nodded as she gripped Olivia's hand tighter.

Olivia leaned in, kissing her cheek through the mask, holding Casey's hand in both of hers. "It's going to be fine."

"I love you," Casey whispered.

"I love you too. Just think, soon we'll have our two perfect little girls," Olivia said.

"I know," Casey answered squeezing Olivia's hand tighter.

"It's going to be fine, Case," Olivia said.

"Ok ladies," the doctor said stepping in to the room, "are we ready to start the procedure?"

Olivia nodded, kissing Casey's cheek. "Yes. I think we are."

"The epidural should be in full effect within a few minutes and once that is done we will make the incision and you two ladies can meet your daughters. Now is the chance to ask any last minute questions if you have any."

"How long will it take for her to heal? How long will she be in the hospital? Will she be able to feed them naturally?" Olivia asked.

"Barring any complications Casey should be released within three to four days. It will take six to eight weeks possibly even longer for her to heal and there is no reason why she can't breast feed if that is what you two ladies would like to do."

Olivia nodded. She knew how Casey wanted to feed both of them. It created an eternal bond between Casey and the girls. She would want to hold them and love them, just like Olivia would. "Good. Do you have any questions, Case?"

"No none. I'm just ready to get this over with."

Olivia squeezed her hand. "We're ready."

"Then, Casey, you will feel some pressure," the doctor said as he began to make a small incision. "It will pass in a minute."

Olivia kissed her forehead, holding her hand tightly. "We're almost there, baby."

"Ladies, say hello to baby number one," the doctor said as he removed the first baby and held her up to show the ladies.

Olivia smiled, propping Casey's head up on her arm. "She has my eyes," she whispered. "And she's just as beautiful as you."

"Is she healthy? Is she ok?" Casey asked with tears in her eyes.

"The nurse will take her and weigh her and measure her," the doctor said handing the baby off to the nurse that was waiting. "She will be able to answer all those questions in just a few minutes."

Olivia smiled. "Good. She looks healthy."

"In a minute, ladies, you can meet baby girl number two," the doctor said as he went back to the procedure.

"We're so close. One more," the detective said, kissing her cheek.

"Ladies, welcome baby girl number two to the world," the doctor said holding the little girl up for them to see before handing her off to the waiting a nurse

Olivia smiled. "She's beautiful, isn't she sweetie?"

"Just like her mother," Casey said looking up at Olivia.

Olivia winked. "Yeah, just like her."

"I meant you, my love," Casey said straining her neck to try and see the babies.

Olivia smiled, kissing her gently. "Don't worry. The nurses have to check them and weigh and measure them. It's going to be fine."

"I want to hold them," Casey said catching a glimpse of one nurse with a baby that was being weighed

Olivia nodded. "We will. Soon. Just let everyone do their jobs. You did great."

"Will you go over to them? I would feel better if you were over there."

"Are you sure, baby?" the detective asked. "Why?"

"Positive," Casey said as she attempted to push Olivia in the direction of the babies. "I can't see them and I want to know they aren't hurting them. I know you will protect them."

Olivia smiled, walking over to the babies, smiling at them. "Anything I can do?"

"Just stay out of the way so we can work," a nurse said smiling up at Olivia.

"Has one of them been cleared yet?" the detective asked.

"We are almost finished with baby one and then we will take her over to the mother."

Olivia nodded. "Okay," she said, walking over to sit beside Casey. "They're almost done with our first little girl."

"Olivia, go back over there stay with them until they are brought to me."

Olivia nodded walking back over to wait beside them, making sure to stay out of the way.

"Do you ladies have a name chosen for the babies?" The nurse asked looking up at Olivia as she tightly wrapped the little baby in a pink blanket.

Olivia smiled. "Serena for one. Alexis for the other."

"What would you like baby one called?"

Olivia smiled. "Alexis."

"Would you like to take Alexis to meet her mom?" The nurse asked as she cradled the baby.

"Actually, could I...?" Olivia asked.

"Absolutely," the nurse said placing the baby in Olivia's arms.

Olivia smiled, holding little Alexis gently and securely as she walked over to Casey. "Hi baby girl," she cooed, sitting beside Casey. "You're so sweet," she said, kissing the top of her head before handing her to Casey. "Here's Mommy."

"Hey sweetheart, we've been waiting to meet you," Casey cried as she gently took the baby from Olivia. "I love you."

Olivia smiled, kissing both of their cheeks "I love you too," she said, going over the wait for their second little girl.

"Ma'am I take it baby two is Serena?" the nurse said as she bundled the baby up in preparation of handing her to Olivia.

The detective nodded. "Exactly."

"Well, Mama, here is baby Serena just as healthy as baby Alexis," the nurse said handing Olivia to bundled up infant, "congratulations."

Olivia smiled, holding little Serena close to her, kissing her cheek and her tiny hand that was sticking out from the blankets before, gently, sticking it inside as she walked over to sit beside Casey, snuggling the baby close. "Hi baby girl."

"They're both healthy?" Casey asked smiling up at Olivia.

Olivia smiled, sitting beside her on the bed. "Yes, they're both healthy. I have Serena, so you have Alexis."

Author's Note: So what do you think?

Reviews: ladybugsmomma, Kikilia14 & tummer22

Please read & review!

Liv-x-Case-Benson & livsgirl