The wolves suddenly stopped and stared at her, they couldn't hurt a human for no reason. Though,Iris didn't know that she assumed they were just as dangerous as the vampires out in the clearing, she grasped Alec's hand from behind her whó's unneeded breath formed onto her neck she felt a strange pulse go through them as if they were in the same body,it was a rush of adrenaline and excitement. She liked the feeling,though she didn't usually like people touching her especially her scarred arm and hand moslty because she was afraid they would hit her but Alec only stared in wonder at their laced fingers and the wolves who looked around as if they were birds searching for food.

Iris clutched his hand tightly,though to him it was soft and light he liked the feeling of warmth in his hand, so delicate he could feel her pulse thumping against his thumb. It was almost to him like a private,intimate moment, he had never felt anything like this it was as if her pulse was owned by him and no one else was allowed to know it existed. Though as the wolves began to whine and growl at eachother, her grip loosened and soon enough the large leader of the pack ran off into the opposite direction and the rest followed with their heads down lowly.

As their huge figures dissapeared Iris quickly let go of Alec's hand and began to walk forward a little and stood on her tiptoes trying to see if they really were gone, Alec felt the ghost of her hand in his and smirked at the fact she couldn't see properly without standing on her tiptoes, he watched her for a moment and then gave in crossing his arms across his chest ''They're gone, your gift is very advanced for a human'' He said thoughtfully, licking his lips as she exhaled lightly, he shut his mouth and didn't breathe in for her heart sped up at his sudden voice her heart pumped blood which smelt so delicious he could barely keep himself from drinking her.

Iris spun around slowly and met his eyes, once again her green and blue eyes drew him in quickly but her lips were another thing, they were pink and plump and were curved into a small innocent grin and Alec for that moment wanted nothing more then to press his own against them relishing the taste of her, he wanted to trace her scars again he wanted to whisper gently to her and be hers. He never had feelings like this for anyone,though of course all of the female vampires were beautiful they seemed all the same to Alec and the fact that a human made him feel this way unnerved him though.

''And you are strange for a... vampire'' She murmered softly pursing her small lips, teasing Alec just a little more. Alec smirked again chuckling, turning around to walk in the direction of the rest of the Volturi though they were long gone by now, he glanced over his shoulder slightly ''Hurry up little human, we can play games later'' He murmered,hearing the harsh crunches in the snow as she ran to catch up with him though he was being as slow as he could with a deliciously scented human, as she ran her heart pumped blood and adrenaline throughout her veins,once she stood bedrudgingly next to Alec he glanced at her and saw her cheeks were painted a rosy colour.

She was cold,Alec had that feeling in his chest again as he looked at the goosebumps forming on her skin like hills on a pale ground, the feelign overwhelmed him and he took his long dark cloak off and placed it on her skinny shoulders and she flinched away at the sudden contact. He watched her as he moved away, frowning as she still remained tense as they walked side glancing him as if he would suddenly lash out and hurt her, though after all he did give her a reason to. Soon she settled into it, though she was still cold, Alec smirked at the cloak that looked like wings against her tiny figure. ''You're really cold, i'm glad i'm not like this all the time'' She scoffed,pulling the cloak closer to her ALec stared at her for a second, licking his lips flipping his hair smirking ''You will be soon'' He murmered, she turned to him with wide eyes, making her appear like a lost deer in the forest, ''Why else do you think Aro accepted to take you to Volterra? Stupid human lives..'' Alec mused, looking at her strangely.

And suddenly she snapped, as if someone flicked a switch again and she was running away with wide eyes dashing away like a dear in headlights. Her golden locks flew behind her as she bolted away, Alec's anger and hunger over took him and chased her the hunter inside of him becoming clear';it was simple, vampires chase humans that run. He felt his muscles tense as he ran around her, his hand clenched digging his nails into his granite hard skin. He stopped infront of her, making her nose hit his chest hard he preyed she didn't bleed or it would be game over. She let out a hissing noise and held her nose delicately staring up at him with huge blue eyes.

His eyes flickered with anger and bloodlust, they flickered from red and black and he quickly grabbed her soft skin pulling her arms to his chest making her green and blue eyes watch his flickering back and red ones. SHe whimpered at the sudden movement, he felt her pulse quicken beneath her and the monster inside of him come out ''You will be a vampire, and you will come with me'' He said forcefully, into her face, which was full of shock, Alec wondered why his chest hurt so much when she looked away or down at the ground beneath them.

In a swift moment he was suddenly ontop of her, his hand resting on her small back so it didn't get wet in the snow his gloved crunched into the snow behind her head carelessly, her soft pale face looked up at him as if he were going to kill her or worse her eyes flickered with fear. Iris's cool breath was on his neck, she gulped as he looked down at her lips then back up to her eyes with a smirk as her heart beated irregularaly ''I think it's time to introduce you to my gift la mia Iris'' He said with his faint Italian accent that he'd aqquired over all of the years of being in Volterra and around Aro.

Iris sucked in a breathe as his mist floated from him, wrapping around her like a blanket her mind began to feel strangely fuzzy and her head lolled back against his arm her locks touching the snowy ground her lips parted as everything went black. There was no thinking here, no monsters in her head, no movement and no being there, it was perfect; like death. To anyone watching them they would assume that Alec and Iris were doing the worst, Alec had to admit he liked the way their bodies touched and the way she was cradled into his arm with her head back.

He carried her in a bridal style, she was so light she felt as if she were ashes ready to fly away and scatter with the slightest wind. Her slow heartbeat thumped against him, her blood slightly brushing past his pale dead arms. The rest of the Volturi had already taken the private plane back to Volterra, so Alec was forced to sit first class in a plane filled with humans. He had done it before,though, it was very uncomfortable.

He finally arrived at the airport or around the boundaries of it anyway, he looked at Iris whom had begun sweating on her forehead and twitching more so, he gently shook her in his arms and her eyelids fluttered open quickly, blue and green swirling into his red ones, her heart stuttered,her eyes filled with shock and she leapt out of his arms like a cat who had gotten wet for the first time. She whimpered as he smirked,reaching for his cloak for it was sunny and warm now. She rubbed her eyes then her eyes flickered with fear and annoyance, pouting ''What-what was that mist thing?'' She asked incrediously, oh how he loved to hear this humans chirping voice float into his ears, Alec only smirked again as she shrugged the coat off and gave it to him hrriedly as if it held a body of fire.

Alec scoffed, ''That 'mist thing' is my gift, i can make your senses away, i can make you feel-'' ''Numb'' Iris finished off for him, she looked at him as if he were vodka and she was an alchoholic, much like he had when he had smelt her scent. It was strange,the look in her eye made her seem hungry for his gift, lust. He nodded thoughtfully and began to walk towards the airport. Once they were inside, every set of eyes turned to them, typical humans Alec thought mierably. He glanced at the usual conversations ''his hot'' ''sex god'' ''oh my god look at him'' from the teenage girls, new ones from the older people mostly ''what a sweet couple they are'' he liked that one very much, and ones he didn't like at all by hormonal males ''check her out'' ''god,she has scars but still...'' ''i'd do her if that bastard stepped away from her'', Alec then droned them out glancing at the human who tottled by him wherever he went.

She was attractive though, her long blonde curls were even lighter in the sunlight, her face was less tired then before it looked youthful. She looked around 14-15, she ahd a small smile curved onto her lips as she looked at everyone who returned it. She looked like an angel if Alec was being honest. He had an attraction to her,one he hadn't had with anyone ever, and he would be damned if he spoke of it. Alec offered her something to eat as they waited for the plane and sat down, she declined much to his dissapointment for she was too skinny for her own good.

Finally the plane arrived, and soon they were in luxioury well at least Iris was. Alec was gripping onto his seat as he smelt all of the humans on the plane so deliciously. He sat right beside Iris in the white chairs designed for comfiness, Iris sat watching the mini tv screen on the back of the seat infront of her some strange cartoon was on that she stared up in wonder,as if relaying childhood memories. The hostess would come by every so often, seeming as if one of her top buttons were undone each time she came to check on them, Iris finally wanted a glass of water to drink and they waited for a while.

Iris was done watching the movie and was becoming restless,catching Alec's eye every so often. Which now had blue contacts on them. When the waitress came,she carried a large tall wine glass with water and ice cubes, Iris licked her lips thirstily as she said thank you to the hostess,it was all very ironic to Alec. As soon as the hostest left, Iris began drinking the large drink relishing the way the cool water rushed down her dry throat, Alec watched with amusement watching a drop fall from her lip and dribble down her chin, she had drunk it so quickly...his innapropriate mind began wondering on what else she might ''drink'' so quickly. He shook his head disgusted by his thoughts and turned away hastily shifting his position in the chair.

After waiting many many,daunting torturing hours the plane finally announced it was landing in abround 10 minutes,Irishad fallen asleep again and her head lolled to the side of the seat facing Alec. Her face was scrunched up, reminding Alec of a rabbit and her forhead sweating,she let out a shaky whimper as her nightmares ate her up, Alec swiftly touched her arm making her jump in an instant. Her heart beat quickened as she looked at him like a frightened kitten, he smirked a little insides dying to know what nightmares plagued her, probably of him...

Once they got off the plane, they headed outside of the airport Alec dragging Iris like a chew toy. Once they were a little out of sight and in the shade Alec whipped out his phone in vampire speed,it still bewildered Iris how he moved so quickly, he spoke in a too quick manor for her to properly hear anything. ''Where are we going?'' She asked aloud, remembering the Italian accents she had heard when they arrived like thick blend. Alec scoffed as he hung up the phone, ''Volterra. It's where the Volturi reside, in Volterra castle, humans can be so passive and naive barely any of them realise what we are until its too late, and they're dinner'' He heard her heart rate pick up like he wanted it to and smirked, good he had scared him.

Iris let out a gasp her fingers flying up onto her lips ''Volterra...Seth said that his friends and himself have enemies over there. You don't think he is one of the-'' ''Who's Seth''? Alec cut in mid sentence, a growl bubbling up in his chest rising into his mouth, the way she said his name was almost effectionate and he did not like it one bit. Of course this Seth was male, and she obiously knew him well enough to talk about him like that his mind did strange flips as he imagined her with someone else,much less someone that knew about the Volturi.

He hated the small grin that was planted on Iris's face as he heard of this ''seth'' again. She licked her lips,''Seth is my friend we hang out together in the forest sometimes but i havn't seen him in a month not since... never mind. His from the Quilette people, do you think his a-a vampire? His skin isn't white like yours, and he doesn't try to eat me'' Iris babbled on,a childish giggle escaping her lips merrily. Alec let a harsh laughter escape his lips as he waited for Felix to hurry up and pick them up, he couldn't risk being seen especially not with Iris for she would slow him down, it would all be easier if she could be immortal. ''Quilette? That's an insult to vampires, they're merely the feral mutts you saw back at the clearing'' Alec said with his nose turned up in annoyance, so she hung around with the mutts,that would be interesting things to fight about.

SHe let in a sharp intake of breathe which sounded like shock, her different coloured eyes wide with fear ''You didn't kill him did you?! His tall-ish and his about our age and he has small eyes and-'' ''I am not your age in the least, and no we only killed the mutt with the little hybrid girl, though if he was there he didn't recognise you'' Alec muttered ignorantly, hoping she would forget all about her little past with the mutt and whatever else she was hiding, a flash of hurt slapped across her face as she pondered that then shook her head smiling ''He couldn't forget me, he told me he 'imprinted' on me, he said it was some kind of friendhsip thing with the tribe?'' Iris asked innocently, she had no idea what was going on she assumed it was a friend thing, but by the look in Alec's eye it wasn't.

He was suddenly infront of her pinning her feeble arms onto the wall angrily, fire blazed through his eyes and he let out another sharp laugh ''Imprinting on someone if your a mutt isn't just a friendship, think about it this way, in a few years you'd be carrying his puppies if i hadn't come and taken you'' Alec said into her face,who's eyes lost all focus and mixed emotions flashed through them, barely any of them Alec could make out. She stared up at his almost purple looking eyes and frowned, ''You're wrong''! She shout-whispered,making sure he heard the hurt in her voice, Alec snarled viciously ''Am i really?'' he asked sarcastically, still pinning her against the wall, they just stared at eachother with the same anger in silence.

'Beep Beep' Came a horn from a car right behind them next to the pavement, they both spun around to see Felix in the car his big muscles showing in the light as he leaned over the passenger seat to look at the pair of them, wiht eyebrows raised and a boyish grin on his face he asked, ''Do you want a lift or has she already got a ride huh Alec''? Felix asked teasingly, Alec scowled at his companion and got into the passenger side. Iris slowly made her way into the small back bit of the sports car, it was a black one and though it wasn't a porsche or a lamborhgini it was an awesome car, the music Felix was playing blasted in her ears as she let out a giggle ''Can i keep this car''? She asked, immediatly flying her hands over her mouth hastily forgetting all about their bloodthirsty existence though Felix laughed heartidly ''Can i keep you''? He asked in an amused tone, Iris blushes the colour of red roses and looked down embarrassed.''Seriously kid, if you like my car i already like you better than Demetri, which is saying something because his my best friend'' Alec was gripping the stupid seat so strongly it should have broken.

Finally they were at the castle, and they all got out and stepped into the entrance, the sandstone brick walls inspired Iris as she walked beside the two vampires. A strange clicking sound coming towards them alarmed Iris and she immediatly sunk back behind them, though the pair only both planted grins on their faces, Jane Volturi stepped out from the shadows and embrased her brother,then eyeing Felix and then Iris, her eyes didn't seem to have emotion except pain and anger. They suddenly all walked past a reception desk, where the receptionist gave them a greeting and a smile they dully returned it.

They opened to french large doors, sunlight pierced through the high top roof, there were marbe everywhere, 3 thrones were placed up on 3 sets of stairs where Aro stood looking at them with intrigue. Felix and Jane glided their way over to the side lines with their head bowed respectfully, Iris stood petrified at the prescence of the man with so much power, Alec shoved her forward hissing, Aro clasped his hands ''Ah, Iris so glad you survived, your gift seems very intelligient for a mortal, may i ask how did you aqquire such an extraordinary gift''? Aro asked,his high pitched voice sending echoes throughout the silent room, all Iris could hear was her breathing. She didn't want to tell him infront of all these people, though he extended his hand as if for a handshake and suddenly was infront of her gripping her wrist tightly, her breathe hitched and fear ran throughout her body.

Suddenly,she wasn't really in that room, she was in her memories replaying them like a knife. The screams,the pain,the deaths they were all so real even then they played as if they were a film beneath her eyelids. Suddenly it all stopped up until the moment Aro had grabbed her hand, he let go quickly his hands extended up to his mouth in a form of shock ''My my, forgive me dearIris, i had no clue they were so dark, of course you will stay here until we change you into a vampire which is whenever you choose. Would you like anything, we will get Chelsea to buy you whatever you need'' Aro spoke quickly, she realised he had seen what she had been through and it felt off that someone else knew everything but she shrugged it off, ''Th-thankyou and if you could buy me an ipod? And some clothes would be nice but i-i didn't bring any money with me...'' Iris glanced up hopelessly at Aro who shrilly laughed along with the rest of the vampires in the room, it somehow didn't seem so cold in the room as she heard Alec's little chortle.

Aros long silky black hair slipped onto his other side as he inclined his head to Alec wondersly ''Not to worry dear, we are very very rich you see. Hmm Alec i suppose you would like to be her guard then? Very well take her to her room and keep her company for as long as she wishes'' Aro said at the nod of Alec's head, Guard? Iris wished she kenw about all of this. Alec's hand was suddenly on her back lighly, moving her foward with each step. They were suddenly in an elevator the doors hadn't shut yet and they both simultaneosly glanced at eachother Alec with a smirk and Iris with a pout ''so I'm stuck with you''? She asked in dread, he only smirked wider and added with a chuckle ''For a very long time'' He said just as the doors closed.

Óh my stomachs tied in knots

I'm afraid of what i'll find if i see you again tonight

oh oh

And i can't live without you now

oh oh

And i can't even live with myself

oh oh

- Stomach tied in knots- Sleepign with Sirens


Thankyou so so so much to reviews! sorry i took so long, review again if you like\hated it 3 :)