Author's Note:

Hello and thank you for visiting my second Detective Conan fanfiction! I do not know if there is already a fic that is similar to this but this idea just suddenly popped in my head and I decided I should put it into writing. So, I hope you will enjoy this!

This fic is founded in the first episode after Shinichi solved the roller coaster mystery case.


I do not own Detective Conan; the genius Gosho Aoyama does.

Happy reading everyone!



Ran exclaimed as she finally arrived in the Mouri Detective Agency after spending the whole day in the Tropical Land with her childhood friend and the famous high school detective Kudo Shinichi.

"Oh! Your back, Ran!" Kogorou exclaimed cheerily and drunkenly in his usual raspy voice as he raised the can of beer he was currently drinking.

"Really! How can you make this mess, Otousan?" said Ran in annoyance as she looked around the office. It was quite exaggeratedly messy. His table was filled with empty cans, crumpled papers, used chopsticks, an empty soba box and different kinds of plastic wrappers. The floor was scattered all over of it, too.

Without any choice, she held up a trash bag and started cleaning the mess on the table. "This is the reason why mom left you and also why you have no work!" she nagged angrily.

"I only select jobs that are worth doing!" he snapped back. "Also, what happened to that young so-called detective friend of yours? Didn't you go out together?" he said, changing the subject.

"Up until leaving the amusement park we were still together. But at the end…" she trailed off as she remembered what happened earlier.

"Sorry, Ran, can you start going home without me?" Shinichi said to Ran while starting to jog away and after he finished, he started a full run, not even caring that she was crying or did not even bothered comforting her. All he cared at the moment was to pursue the man in black that he had ride together in the mystery roller coaster.

"Eh? Wait!" Ran exclaimed as she started to follow Shinichi but she stopped abruptly as her left shoe lace broke off. Her heart stopped as her eyes widened in recognition. She watched Shinichi ran away. Away from her. She involuntarily stretched out her hand towards him and motioned to grab his jacket, thinking that she could stop him. That he would not leave her behind and let her bottle in her worry.

"He's leaving…" She continued to watch him ran away with teary eyes, not able to do anything to stop him. "I don't know why… but I'm getting a strange premonition that I will never see Shinichi again. A very bad feeling."

"I wonder what Shinichi is doing right now…" she murmured, eyebrows creased in worry.

She reached for the phone and dialed for the Kudo's household number. She waited but she just reached his machine after a few rings.

"That's strange. Why isn't he home yet?" she wondered in worry as she looked at the receiver, half-expecting it to answer her.

"Relax. He probably went out to have dinner with his novelist father."

Ran placed back the receiver to the cradle. "Shinichi's parents moved to America three years ago! He is living by himself now."

"Oh? Really?" he said, dumbfounded.

"Something must have happened after he left! I'm going to Shinichi's house!" she decided as she ran out of the office.

"Oi! What about my dinner!" Kogorou exclaimed but Ran was already long gone.

She was running her way to his house. She was really worried. After that premonition when they separated, how can she stay in her house and relax while waiting for him? How can she do that? Who knows what kind of people he tailed?

She turned at a corner but she abruptly stopped as she saw two suspicious people observing a mansion. She quickly hid herself at the corner where she came from and decided to observe the two men in black who had their backs at her.

"So, Aniki, can I burn this mansion now? My fingers are already tingling in excitement," said the shorter man of the two, he had a hat and shades on.

Ran gasped in surprise, not believing her ears. She was actually witnessing a crime that was about to happen.

"Aa, you are now free to do so," replied the other man, his mouth curved in a smirk. He, also, had a hat on and his long silver hair was flowing freely on his back, his bangs hiding his left eye, only leaving his right eye to show how cold they looked.


"Hold it right there!"

The two men in black swiftly turned their heads as they heard another voice aside from their own. The uninvited third party was standing only a few feet away from them, glaring with pure hatred. Ran was already on her fighting pose. She didn't even think twice in stopping them. She would never forgive herself if she would just run away and left the place like nothing happened. Her glare dropped for a moment when she recognized the two men.

'Hey, didn't I ride the roller coaster together with them earlier?' she thought.

Both men were amused. This girl has some guts, they thought.

Vodka turned to his partner with slight anxiety. "Aniki."

"Relax. She's just a girl. If she heard everything, we can easily dispose her," replied Gin, his voice full of venom and his blue eyes filled with thirst of blood.

Ran slightly shivered to that statement. Just what kind of aura is this guy emitting? Seeing Vodka reaching for his pocket with her well-trained eyes, she believed these two men might be armed since they looked quite dangerous. She quickly made her move and before they knew it, Ran was already in front of them and she kicked Vodka's hand. A thud of something metal echoed as the gun was released from his hold and fell right to the asphalt.

They even did not had the chance to react: Ran took advantage of Vodka's slightly bent position as he hissed in pain for his poor right hand. She made a heavy chop on his neck which weakened him instantly, then made a strong kick on his stomach, which made him choke in pain and a sideways kick on the chubby man's side which made him fall. She instantly turned to his surprised companion and made a hard kick directly on his features, then, she threw several punches on his stomach and to end it, she flipped in the air and used her heel for her final blow at the back of his neck which made him crash down on the cold night asphalt.

Satisfied that the two men were only half-conscious and fully beaten up, she made her way for the pay phone booth only a few feet away from her. She quickly took and placed the receiver on her ear and dialed a number.

Ring… Ring… Ring…

The tension was building up in her. She tapped her foot impatiently as her features showed complete anxiety.

Ring… Ring…

"Onegai, Otousan. Please pick up the phone already."

"Hai, Mouri Detective Agency."

Gratitude filled her when her father finally answered the phone. True, he sounded quite drunk but she did not care! She was about to reply when something hard and metal hit her behind the head violently. Gin was standing right behind her; he held a metal pipe in his right hand while his other hand was holding his stomach. A triumphant grin was evident on his face as his visible eye filled with lust of violence as he watched her slowly dropped the receiver and crashed on the floor, barely conscious.

Gin took the receiver and placed it on his ear.

"Moshi, moshi? Oi, who's this? What happened? I heard something loud! Oi! Are you alright?! Answer me! Oi!"

Gin smirked and hung up the phone. "Guess there's nothing to worry about."

Vodka limply approached him as he looked at the girl on the floor with hatred. He was, also, touching his stomach in pain. "This girl is quite troublesome."

"Aa," agreed Gin. "But how stupid of her to think that we were unable to stand and move anymore after what she did." He smirked as he looked down on her with hunger. "Did she really think that we are that vulnerable? People like us will not easily die."

Vodka pointed his gun at her. "This girl had already caused enough trouble. We should kill her."

"Wait." Gin held the gun's barrel to stop Vodka and the latter gave him a questioning gaze. "Someone might hear if we shoot."

"What are you planning to do with this girl, Aniki?"

"Just follow my league," replied Gin with a dangerous glint in his eyes.

They opened the mansion's gate and door. Then, carried Ran's body inside the mansion and placed her in the living room quite carelessly, her head hit the concrete quite hard which she earned a painful hiss.

"What now, Aniki?"

Gin retrieved a box from under his coat and opened it, revealing a number of capsules and a cylindrical metal object which was filled with water. "We use this. This is a new poison that the Organization developed. After what she did, I want her to suffer by taking this lethal poison. This was made for a slow and nice death. Once the poison is consumed, there is no way this would be detected in the body. This has not been tested to human beings yet so, let's test this to her."

Vodka let out a maniac smile and nodded in agreement.

Gin forced the capsule in her mouth and let her drink some water so that the capsule would enter her body.

"As she slowly struggle for life, flames would be dancing around her mercilessly, leaving her nothing but to wait for her long awaited death," Gin remarked.

Vodka chuckled. "That's a good one, Aniki! I would love to see that!"

"Unfortunately, we can't. We don't have time to waste. Let's do the deed and leave immediately."

Both men hurriedly went out the mansion to do their crime while Ran, on the other hand, had already felt the first effects of the poison. To start, she gasped as she felt a spasm of pain in her chest. Another pain struck her chest and she let out a pained moan. She felt her whole body getting hot and let out another gasp as the painful pounding in her chest continued.

The fire had already started and it was quickly devouring the mansion. She was catching her breath and the beads of sweat that was forming on her forehead were rolling down her cheeks. She heard screeching of tires, a sign that the two culprits had already left. She felt her heart constrict and everything just went black.


Kudo Shinichi was leisurely walking back to his house with both hands at the back of his head and a disappointed expression was painted all over his features.

"Taku. If they did not have a car, I would have confronted the both of them easily," Shinichi murmured in annoyance as he remembered what had happened after he tailed the other man in black. He had witnessed a black-mailing transaction. The two men were black-mailing a business man to give them a million dollars in exchange for a video that they had taken of the illegal smuggling that their business had done.

He was just about to confront them when they went away in their car.

He sighed. Well, at least he felt much better after he had eaten and satisfied his hunger. He turned at a corner and he let out a startled gasp at the horrible scene in front of him.

A huge fire was devouring a mansion quite swiftly, leaving an ugly cloud of black smoke to the peaceful night sky. He recognized the mansion. The owner of it was the person he had seen that was being black-mailed earlier. A connection immediately hit him.

"Could it be…?" Not wasting any more time, he made a run for the pay phone booth and dialed the number of the fire station.

Inside the mansion, mainly in the living room, a small girl, probably a primary school student slowly opened her eyes as she slowly made consciousness. She felt pain at the back of her head which she immediately held for comfort. She slowly sat up, using her free hand for support. Confused since she felt her whole body so weak, also, she felt her surroundings quite warm.

Her eyes were now fully open and her mind was in alert as she realized the place where she was being consumed by fire. Her eyes widened as she felt pure fear building up within her.

I have to get out of here! Her mind shouted at her. She stood up and coughed at the smoke that was forming in mid-air. She frantically searched for the door. There! She saw it! She ran for it and desperately opened the door, thankful for finding it open and the fire had not yet devoured it. She went out the door, leaving her jacket behind obliviously, and the gates and without even scanning the place for help, she just ran straight to her north, not noticing the teen that was inside the pay phone booth who was reporting the current incident to the fire department.

Her quick and small footsteps echoed as she ran. She did not know where but she just wanted to run away, away from that burning mansion, from that nightmare. She finally stopped after a few minutes of running. She leaned on the wall; her breath was picking up on her as her heart raced in fear. Her pupils dilated as her mind was struggling to think.

Where am I? She wondered as she looked around. The night was quiet and still. Stores were surrounding her from either side and the road was empty. Not a car or even a soul was seen or heard aside from her and her quick breathing.

She did not recognize the place. And it hit her. She not only did not recognize the place.

She even did not know who she was.

The next file will be delivered soon!

Author's Note:

Thank you for reading! So, what do you think? Please send me your comments, suggestions, feedbacks, and reactions! I am very eager to hear from you! 'Til next time!

October 4, 2012