Title: Life Force

Author: Fighter1357

WARNING: Spoilers… kinda… And this was written really fast. You have been warned.

Book/Series: The Mark of Athena/ The Lost Hero Series

Status: Complete

A/N: I blame my panicked mood right now. I just finish MoA today... AHHHHHHHHH! OMG! *GROANS* WHY, UNCLE RICK!?

Disclaimer: I own nothing.


Such a fragile, trifle thing in a gods eyes.

Something that could snap like a twig beneath their foot, something that they never thought about. That is, until their own died. No, not their own by the means of a god, but by their child. A Demigod.

Poseidon felt Percy's life force suddenly deplete rapidly. He felt something in the sea gone, something lost, like it was simply gone in a flash or that it was merely hanging on by a thread of life. A connection for a phone signal that couldn't be reached. He felt that tie that kept his with his son, his greatest son, suddenly snap. He felt something in his him stir and for a split second, his headache was gone. He felt his body become relaxed and calm. Neptune disappeared from his mind and he was once again the Greek god of the Sea.

Not that he ever really liked or even preferred the Romans, insignificant clownfish, but he did like the sense of power they held. But even then, his Roman side still yearned to see his son, Perseus. His Roman side still thought of him as a son.

That's when he felt it. His connection with his son suddenly left him, like he'd lost a signal from a tower, and he felt… empty. He felt his chambers in Atlantis become colder, he felt the water chill. He felt a sense of urgency to rush toward where he felt the life force deplete, or fade, because even though it was almost gone, there was something, something in him.


His heart hardened and his face froze over. Stupid Zeus and his stupid rules. He wanted to forget the Ancient Laws, he wanted to forget his brother, he wanted to rush toward his favorite and only son who he loved (who also dearly reminded the god of Sally) and protect him from Gaea. He knew that Percy didn't really need protection, but his son… his son… might die. Oh, his other children had died, or had been on their way to death. But Percy, Perseus, was different.

He was a true son of the sea god.

And when that force had suddenly lifted from Poseidon, he knew that something had gone wrong. Percy, his son, didn't just die, wouldn't just die. Not like that. He wouldn't fall so quickly, the boy was too stubborn, too free-willed. The sea did not like to be restrained. It was almost as if the life force that kept Percy was taken by a riptide. The current that takes you by surprise. How ironic. How… morbid. The fact that Percy would be taken by his own blade was a horrible thought. It made the sea god feel cold to the core. The fact that Percy would just become ripped away from him made him, a god, want to cry.

Percy couldn't die. No matter what, it was his son, the savior of Olympus. He would be a legend. The best hero of them all. He would be great. And his life force, had yet to fall.
