The Big Bang Theory

Sheldon and Amy:

Sheldon walked up to his apartment, it was a normal day, Leonard was by his side and he was thinking about how he hadn't seen Amy in a while. To his surprise as they got to their apartment Amy was sat outside the door reading. "Amy?" Sheldon said, confused, "What are you doing here?"

"Oh hello Sheldon, I needed to give you something so I though I'd come by" Amy replied cheerfully. Amy stood up so that Leonard could get round her to open the door, they all stepped inside, Sheldon still looked confused. "So..." Leonard looked around awkwardly, "I'm gonna have to leave you guys on your own, sorry. I promised Raj I'd help him set up his new TV."

"Okay Leonard, that's fine." Amy replied, still oddly happy. Leonard left quickly after and Amy reached into her handbag, she pulled out a small silver box and a bottle of champagne. "H-how did you fit that in there?" Sheldon asked, he sat down, in his spot and looked Amy up and down. "Well, what's in the box?" Amy sat down and passed the box to Sheldon, she was so excited, Sheldon had never seen her like this before. He opened the box and was stunned at what he saw, this was better than what Penny had got him last Christmas, "Amy? How did you get hold of these?"
"Well, I know it's your birthday soon so I thought I'd get them as an early present for my boyfriend" Amy smiled as she said this, Sheldon winced.

"These, these are amazing... the original ears that Leonard Nimoy wore when he was Spock, Thank you Amy, I-I really do like you" Sheldon was stunned, he was feeling some kind of warmth towards Amy. He lent over and hugged Amy but he knew it wasn't enough, this was the best present he had ever received so he did something he never thought he would do and kissed her, nothing fancy, no tongue just a kiss. Amy was still smiling, life was pretty good. She opened the bottle of champagne, went and got two glasses and poured them. Sheldon wasn't thinking straight, he had just kissed his girlfriend for the first time and it felt good. A little champagne wouldn't hurt, right?

3 glasses of champagne later Amy and Sheldon were kissing again, this time was with tongue. Sheldon didn't know why he'd denied himself this pleasure for so long and Amy was just euphoric.