Hey guys, I'm back to sporadic updates! Instead of working on my numerous stories that aren't even half-finished, I decided to just dump some story fragments here. Let me know what y'all think.

Azulaang Drabble

*Aang has returned to the Air temple that he and Azula now share, after an urgent message from Fire Lord Zuko arrived begging his audience with the Avatar*

"So let me get this straight," Azula began, her golden eyes sparkling with mirth. "Zuzu still thinks I plan on overthrowing him? That's rich!"
The Airbender just nodded, his cloudy grey eyes intensely studying her beautiful face.

She was practically beaming as she continued, "Let's see... I'm going to be the mother of an entire nation, and the wife of the only person stronger than me in the entire World!" The Avatar walked up behind her, and took in the scent of her raven hair.
"So... I can take that, or go face up to my father's failures, and take back the crown by force. Which will, undoubtedly lead to a civil war." She leaned back into Aang's embrace and seemed to mull it over in her head, one finger tapping her chin. She silkily replied, "Eh... No thanks."

They joined one hand over another, on top of a barely visible swell in the Princess' abdomen.
"Tell my brother he has nothing to worry about. My place is here... with you."

She didn't have to turn around to feel that goofy grin on his face. Or that kiss that was on her neck.

Life was good.
