
"You're going to have to go back to school sometime."

"I don't plan on it being today."

"Jared," Sam growled.

"I'll go tomorrow."

"Tomorrow's Friday."


"You're going next today. People have been assuming you've been sick. Your "sickness" is gone and you have to try to resume a normal life."

I sighed and placed my hands on the table, "Fine, I'll go next today!"

"Fine. Don't blow it off. I'm sending Paul with you."

I leaned the chair back on its back legs, "To be quite honest I don't think he'll go."

Paul reached over with his leg and kicked the chair back, causing me to tumble onto the floor.


"Kim, it's time for school!"

I groaned and pulled the sheets over my head.

"You missed yesterday! You need to go. Next week is spring break, you'll make it."

I peaked at the window. Awesome, another grey day in La Push.

"Come on Kim, you can do it!" My door opened.

"Go away Aiden,"

"Oh come on Kimberly," Aiden sat down on my bed, "High school isn't that bad."

"You graduated three years ago!" I grumbled.

"Thank goodness,"

"See? You hated it!"

Aiden kissed the top of my head, "Go shower and I'll take you to school."

I sighed and threw the sheets off.


I downed breakfast and made the mad dash for school.

"Nice timing." Paul grinned.

I flung my locker open.

"You do know that if you woke up earlier you wouldn't be in such a rush for time?"

"Shut it." I grabbed my history book, "If Sam is so eager for us to have a "normal" life, then why isn't he here?"

"Emily," Paul said.

Emily. Of course.

The minute bell rang, "You might want to consider getting to history. Mr. Moore isn't the one to skip over his tardy students."

Was I just going to have to rush through this day?

I managed to push myself through Mr. Moore's classroom door. For some reason, the room always smelled like stale cologne.

"Nice of you to join us Jared." Mr. Moore commented from behind his computer.

I sighed and rushed to my seat.

I rummaged through my bag, searching for a pencil. After about a minute I gave up.

I turned to the girl next to me, intending to ask for a pencil. The words that were ready to spill got stopped in my throat. Everything around me became blurry. I wasn't being held to earth anymore. Gravity wasn't enough to keep me here anymore.

"Mr. Cameron, if you could please get what you need from Miss Conwell and turn back around."

"Miss Conwell's" eyes were locked with mine, only they were full of confusion.

I felt like I was falling. Or floating. It was one of the two. But it was only me and her. No one else in the world mattered. Just her only her.

And finally I crashed. I turned back around in my seat, heart pounding, unable to comprehend what had just happened.


I made a curtain of hair. There a few snickers when I looked at Jared. His eyes were literally wild. With what, I wasn't sure.

I felt my face grow warm. Yeah, I liked Jared. But there wasn't any possible way that he could feel the same way. I wasn't anything special. Just . . . NORMAL. That one word should be tattooed on my forehead.

I didn't really pay attention in history much. My mind wondered from why Jared was staring at me to the missed phone call from my father that was still on my cell phone.

I tapped my foot against my desk, doodling on my binder. Mr. Moore was droning on about World War Two.

Eventually, I gave up doodling and just stared at the clock.

I managed to sneak a glance at Jared. His fists were clenched on his desk, his eyes pointed down.

I swallowed and turned my attention back to the clock. I couldn't tell if he was frustrated or just plain pissed. But I didn't wait to find out. As soon as the bell rang I gathered my things and headed to my locker.


I flung my locker open, ignoring the voice.

"What in the world was that all about?" I looked over at Olivia.

"Liv, if I knew I would tell you."

"Why do you seem so upset?"

I looked down the hall, making sure he wasn't coming, "I don't know if you notice this, but the whole thirty one kids just saw the most embarrassing moment of my life."

She tossed her reddish brown hair over her shoulder before following me to Liv, "Why is it embarrassing? He's knows you exist now!"

This has been sitting on my computer for a while. So, I decided to go ahead and publish it. I hope you guys like it! So review and let me know why you guys thought!

Lots of Love