Title: Yellow's My Color

Rating: M

Pairings: Sam/Dom, Brian/Mia

Disclaimer: I do not own either of the Fast and Furious franchise or the Transformers Trilogy.

I reached for Dylan as he hit the pillar. That couldn't happen. I lunged grabbing the pillar with both hands only to be pulled back just before I could grasp it.

"Dylan no!" I yelled.

"You think you can win this Sam. You think you are a hero?" Dylan asked condescendingly.

"No," I yelled, pushing past him, using all the strength I had left. "No, I am just a kid protecting my family." My hands clasped the pillar and felt the shock through my system. I tried to release my hold, feeling Dylan fly away from me in that instant as sparks flew.

I felt like my body was being crushed, sucked into a small tube. Then the world went black as it let up, it felt like my body was floating in space.

I was bracketed out of the darkness as I hit something hard, tumbling, then falling back, rolling and coming to a stop. "Wha-" I tried to speak, understand. I saw some taillights; they were speeding off, away.

"Oh my god! He hit someone. He hit someone." I heard someone screech. I knew that voice –Mikaela. Why was she here? I felt my brain go fuzzy again, the edges blurred and then blackened.

I woke up to my mom sobbing over me. Everything hurt, hurt so much. She wasn't helping, I needed, "Mom." My voice was barely above a whisper. "Mom," I coughed. "St-stop."

"Judy honey, you're hurting Sam." I heard my dad. "Sam, are you okay? Doctor, he can't breathe. Doctor!"

I realized then that I really couldn't, it felt like my chest fell in on itself.

There was a flurry of motion around me, "His lung collapsed, he needs an OR stat."

The world blurred out of focus once more.

I could hear Mikaela again, her voice was hoarse. "We were at the park, by the lake."

I opened my eyes, my vision was cloudy. It looked like Mikaela was taking to a police officer.

"Can you describe exactly what happened in as much detail as you can?" The officer asked.

"Sam pulled up to the park, my boyfriend Brad, my ex-boyfriend, h-he and his friends were hanging out. Partying really." She held back a sob. "Brad went to go check to see why Sam and his friend were there. They decided to leave once Sam smarted off to them. I asked Brad if I could drive, he said something condescending to me. I grabbed my bag and was beginning to walk off. I was walking by Sam, and his car, and I think that he maybe was going to ask if I needed a ride. I looked back at Brad, I think I smirked and I could tell he was mad. Sam said something – I don't, I can't remember. Then Sam stepped back from his car, he was going to walk around it, towards me. Then a black truck hit him, Brad hit him." Mikaela was breathing hard now, "My fault, it's all my fault."

I closed my eyes. So that's what happened. My life sucks. I went through a war, I died and was infused with the all spark, which still acts up every once a while, and now I'm forced back into the past. Probably in a different dimension as that is part of what those pillars do. I let the blackness take hold once more.

I woke next to my mom hovering over me again. "Judy, what is it?" My dad asked as he heard her gasp.

"He is waking up, my baby is waking up." I looked back at them. They had been crying.

"Ma, I'm fine." I looked to my dad, "What happened?"

"You have been in and out of surgery. Mostly it wasn't invasive so very little scaring." My dad was avoiding the full answer.

"That's not – What happened pops?"

"You were hit by a car at the park, he is on trial, or will be for trying to kill you." I gave my dad a blank look, expecting more elaboration. "It broke your arm in two places, also your face, it crushed your face, and they did reconstructive surgery. You won't look bad once the swelling goes down, but you won't look hey same, not entirely. Your lung collapsed, that's why you have been out so long, and you were in a medical induced coma."

I looked at the stricken face of my dad, and my mother's emancipated form, "How long?"

"Four months."

I fell into darkness.

It took months of rehabilitation, and longer than that to finish home schooling. I also looked for them – the autobots. They weren't in this universe. I was free, and caged all at the same time.

More than once I wanted to scream.

I needed to find a new way to live, a new life.

It was then that I found it, street racing. I was born for this world.