A/N: Hey there, dear reader!

Thank you for being here. This is not only the first time I publish something, but also the first time I write something in English, then I ask you to forgive any grammatical error you might encounter.
Well, despite the first chapter be focused on the original plot, the plan is not being a novelization, but rather focus on what the game did not explored.
I have other chapters done, so if you like it, leave a review. Comments, constructive criticism and suggestions are always welcome. 30 seconds that you spend now can give me fuel to go for weeks :)

Last but not least, I would like to thank two people who helped the project in my little journey.
Rohh Lael, my love and my beta, which, although not like fanfics, read and helped in every chapter with care and dedication.
wintryone, for the patience, the help and for the corrections! Check her profile - Her work is amazing :)

Also, you can check the chapter's artwork here: " goo . gl/ksGIu " (This is a link shortened by google. Copy and pate it in your browser without the spaces and the quotation marks. If you prefer, you can use the link on my profile)

Okay, enough talk! I hope You enjoy it!

Disclaimer: Dragon Age Universe belongs to Bioware.

EDIT: 29-10-2012. wintryone fixed the grammatical errors. Hugs to you my friend!

"Give your soul to me

For eternity

Release your life

To begin another time with her

End your grief with me

There's another way

Release your life

Take your place inside the fire with her"

-Inside the Fire, Disturbed.

Chapter 1

The Rebel in the Alley


"The Fade has its charm sometimes."

The elf was right. Before her, the sunset was a mixture of colors on the horizon - Various shades of orange and gold mingled with the reddish sky. The view was stunning. She sat on a rock at the highest point of the hill, running her hand over her medium-length red hair thoughtfully. The wind caressed her face, like a warm breeze of summer, a rare gift in a land as cold as Ferelden. Below her was a privileged view of Denerim – the lights of the city just becoming visible and the movement of the merchants closing their tents. No sign of war, just peace.

"You know, this could be your world if you would so choose," said hoarse voice as it approached her.

"Be gone!" she replied, still looking at the city.

"Oh, but you have not heard my proposal this time." The owner of the voice sat beside her in the form of a lion, almost as tall as a human. He had a grey pelage with a mane as black as the darkest night, covered with thorns down his back, and a bone collar around his neck. His red eyes shifted from the peaceful view to the elf's face, which was attempting to show indifference to his presence.

"You want to run, but do not know where. Even if you knew you would be still trapped, forever destined to flee from the wickedness of the human heart. You say you want nothing to hold you back, but cannot stay away from your family." A malicious smile appeared on his lips. "No matter how great your desire for freedom, war and hatred will always strengthen the chains that bind your people. It matters not how much you fight. For every path that opens, three will close around you. But I can give you what you want. This can be your reality. Freedom to pursue your dreams and the power to ensure that no one will hurt neither you, nor your family," He paused. "It's a small price to pay for such a great boon..."

"No," She said firmly.

"Do not be so hard-headed child," He snarled, showing his teeth. Screams broke the silence, followed by a explosion which rocked the city. The Vhenedhal was burning beneath them, and the panic spread. Voices dear to her were calling for help, and her heart sank. Even knowing the destruction was not real, she couldn't prevent the agony spreading through her body.

"Everyone has a price," The creature stood up, walking in small circles around the little elf, leaving footprints of fire wherever he went. Half of Denerim was already in flames. "Let's see how many dreams you are able to give up to maintain this stance."

A familiar cry rang out, louder than the chaos that had spread throughout the city.

It was her father.

"It's not real," she whispered with a weak voice, as if trying to convince herself. The lion laughed hoarsely as he disappeared into a purple mist. "It's not real ..." She repeated like a mantra. She felt weak, her lungs burning. She didn't know if it was the smoke, or the trail that the beast had left when he departed. The demon suffocated her with just the sound of his vicious voice and his piercing, red eyes.


Just that thought was enough to make her feel sick; it was useless to flee, he would always find her.

The forest behind her was aflame. She could feel the heat of the fire spreading around her, the unbearable pain of her skin burning. She wanted to scream, to run away to anywhere else, just to escape from the agony; instead she held back the tears and swallowed the cry. She didn't want to give him the pleasure of witnessing her grief, begging for help.

She would never bow to a demon.

"It's not real," She repeated for a last time, feeling the fire as it touched her heels. She kept her gaze focused on the sunset - the only light that separated the day from the night.

"The fire? Perhaps it is an illusion. But the pain is real." His roar was filled with pleasure and satisfaction. "Pain is the only real thing, wherever you are. And I will be always in your shadow, to remind you of that." The elf felt one huge paw grasp her right shoulder tightly, digging his claws deeply into her flesh, as a reminder of his promise. The last beam of orange light had vanished on the horizon, covering the place in darkness - cutting the thin line that separated her from despair.

The lion laughed one last time.

"Kallian, are you alright?"

Kallian looked at her cousin. In the flickering, dim light from the small candle on the nightstand, she could see a hint of concern in Shianni's sleepy brown eyes.

"It's nothing, Shianni. Go back to sleep," she replied with the tone of confidence she always used when she wanted to keep things under control. "I'm fine, I just need some water."

"I told ya ..." She said between yawns "...that drinking so much wouldn't do you any good."

"Seriously, Shianni?" she said and raised one eyebrow. Kallian remembered clearly how Shianni drank three of the five bottles of ale that their other cousin, Soris, had brought as a present last night. "At least I didn't pass out and have to be carried back home like a sack of potatoes..."

"Oh, shut up."

Kallian smiled, and watched as Shianni hugged the pillow and turned to face away from her. Kallian could still feel the cold sweat running down her face, caused by the horror of her dream. She sat on the bed, pushing her face into her trembling hands.

It seems that every time it gets worse, she thought, rubbing the shoulder the lion had marked. Kallian always kept the markings hidden from the sight of others. It looked like a simple tattoo. Only she knew how much the lion claws burned deeply into her bones almost every night, and how much she suffered in silence.

No one would ever know about this. She would make sure of it.

It was always the same. Every time she wanted something in life, the demon appeared and offered it to her in exchange for her soul. The answer was always the same, and for years Kallian had watched the demon destroy her dreams before her very eyes.

She sighed heavily.

"You know, it's probably just tension." Shianni mumbled with her head buried in the pillow "I'd be nervous if it was my wedding tomorrow."

Great. The wedding. I almost forgot about that! She thought.

"Maybe you're right," Kallian lied. "If it was your wedding you'd probably be drunk for it, and it wouldn't be more than a happy memory the day after." She smirked at her cousin. "The point is… I do not want to get married."

"Your father did his best to find you a good husband. He's from a good family - and he's educated and handsome," she said with a laugh. "You know how hard it is find someone like that. You're lucky! You should seize the opportunity."

"You don't understand. All those things don't matter to me. We're talking about binding myself to a man I don't even know for the rest of my life." Kallian hated the idea of sharing her life and her bed with a stranger. "Someone I don't love..."

She never thought of finding a husband with the same effort that other woman did. Her work consumed most of her day, and any free time she had was devoted to training. Protecting her family came first, always, and because of her efforts, she was the most skilled elf in all the alienage. However, that didn't mean she wanted to give up that choice. She wanted to choose her own mate when the right time came, by her own heart, not the way they imposed it on her – trading her fate like an object.

"Love can come with time, you know?" Shianni sat up in her bed, and scratched her short red hair. Kallian positioned herself a little further back, hiding her face in shadows. If her cousin saw her in this state, drenched and exhausted, she would notice - even sleepy - that things were not right. "Look at your parents. Their marriage was arranged in the same way and they were pretty happy."

"And if don't fall in love with him, my life will be a disaster," Kallian retorted.

Shianni sighed. She loved her cousin, she really did, but her stubbornness was irritating sometimes. She considered for a moment if she really wanted keep talking about this particular subject. "Just ... try to relax, okay?"

"Sure," Kallian rolled her eyes. "Good night, Shianni."

"Night Kali."

Kallian lay down, trying to calm her heart. She was always restless after these nightmares, and usually did not sleep afterwards. Tonight was no different.

"Soris. It's still early, you should rest. Tomorrow is your big day," Cyrion said from the kitchen. "Why not take advantage of the slow morning and sleep in?"

"I'm fine uncle, don't worry," Soris said as he left, carrying a small leather bag with him.

Not long afterward, he heard a soft melody drifting through the air - the signal that Kallian was waiting. It had been like that since their childhood - Kallian woke with the sound of Soris' flute, and she would sneak out and hide herself to listen to his songs. He had always been a shy person, and his music was subdued when there was a crowd – which was why he always chose the early hours of the morning to practice. Yet when he was alone, his music was one of the most beautiful things she knew. Her heart ached from the possibility of this being the last time she would listen to her cousin play.

Then the tune changed. It became calmer, sweeter. It was the music he composed just for her. It was her lullaby – which he had always played ever since she was little, to keep her normal nightmares away. And it had always worked. Somehow, the sound of his flute was one of the few things that could calm her heart.

On normal days like this, it meant that he knew she was listening. Usually, after the song ended, he remained silent, waiting for her to show herself.

Not today, however. He continued playing, as if he had read her thoughts, but pretended not to know.

The Maker blesses the little things.

"Mr. Tabris, thanks for letting me stay with you!" A voice pulled Kallian from her thoughts. Soris had been quiet for a while now and the sun was higher in the sky. She lifted her head from where she was hiding and saw her neighbor at the door talking to her father.

"Oh, good morning Kali!" the woman happily greeted her.

"Hey, Ness!" Kallian called back, rising up to hug her friend. Nessa was one of her best friends, and since her parents would sometimes travel for long periods, Cyrion had agreed to let her stay with him.

Their house wasn't one of the biggest in the alienage – actually it was pretty small, with a living room, a kitchen and one bedroom - but somehow Kallian, her cousins and her father managed to live in it with no problem. Since Kallian was about to move out to live with her husband-to-be, they it would be no problem to have Ness under their roof for a while.

"Ready for your big day?" Nessa asked brightly. Kallian tried to not roll her eyes. The fact that no one could see how this idea was absurd was far beyond her comprehension.

Instead of answering truthfully, she just smiled and nodded.

"I have to go to work," Kallian said, eager to change the subject.

"Alarith said that if you show up at the store today, he will cut your pay." Nessa said, smiling even brighter.

"Oh, that would be a problem." Nessa recognized the mocking tone in Kallian's voice and smiled. "You cannot go far without money."

"Are you thinking about running away?" Nessa asked, playing along with her game.

"Of course! I have planned a dramatic escape down to the smallest detail." Kallian gestured wildly as she spoke. "Picture this: It's the peaceful morning of the wedding with everything ready and then something big, really big, happens, you know? Something involving the bridal gown, a white horse and purple fireworks." She laughed. "And maybe a dwarf wearing a red dress. Who knows?"

"Oh, thank you so very much," Soris said with a hurt look on his face. "You'll really leave me alone like this?"

"Soris, I don't want to get married." Kallian looked at him with pleading eyes.

"Don't look at me like that!" he exclaimed. "You know that is not my choice either."

Kallian sighed deeply. In her heart she knew Soris didn't like this situation any more than she did, but he was far more resigned to it than her, which sometimes made her angry.

"Oh, won't be so bad," Nessa said, her eyes sparkling. "I hear he comes from a good family and is skilled, educated and -"

"Handsome," Kallian finished for her. "And I'm lucky to have a mate as good as he is," she added, her voice harsher than she had intended. She knew that speech – had heard it way to often.

"It'll be okay Kali, you will see!" Nessa gave her a warm smile.

It didn't matter how much they annoyed her, Kallian couldn't stay angry for long.

"Okay. Look, I need to get to work." She stood up, walking toward the Alarith's Store. "I really need to distract myself," she said aloud - or I will seriously consider the possibility of escape she completed mentally "See you tonight."

That night, Kallian didn't want to sleep. The reason was the nightmare from the previous night, and she knew this, but a small part of her mind was nervous about the events of tomorrow. I'm getting married, she thought, feeling a gaping emptiness in her chest.

Her father warned her to take it easy with her betrothed. "Do not say anything that might scare him," he said. "He does not need to know that you spent your days picking locks, climbing walls and fighting the guards."

As if all that were not bad enough, she would have to give up so much of who she was. She'd have to give up the best part of her soul – her free spirit.

It was the source of her courage to keep fighting. The reason to continue to believe that she could do anything, even when all the odds were against her.

It was the only thing no one could ever take away from her.

The world could steal everything from her – her belongings, her home, her dreams, and her freedom. But as long as she kept her spirit strong, she would always stand up and move forward again and again. Always.

It was nearly morning before she fell asleep.

"Cousin wake up!"

Kallian mumbled some nonsense and turned over in her bed.

"Kallian!" Shianni shook her harder this time.

"... Sleep!"

"You overslept!" Shianni pulled at the covers. "Come on, Nelaros has arrived!"

"Who?" She asked, sliding her legs over the edge of the bed.

"Your betrothed, of course! What world do you live in?" asked Shianni.

Kallian growled in response.

"Weddings are so much fun. There is music, decoration, food. And I had a sneak peak at your husband-to-be. He is as beautiful as they said!"

"You can have him if you want him." Kallian mumbled. She stood up, rubbing his eyes. Staying awake was a difficult task.

"Do not be stupid. Go get ready, and we will be waiting outside!" Shianni left, faster than Kallian's slow sleeping mind could process.

Kallian sighed.

Today was going to be a very long day...

And she was right.

The day began with some human nobles trying to cause trouble. Vaughan, the Arl's son, had tried to take some of the women for his little party. Shianni had knocked him out, and the episode had ended with the man being carried out of the Alienage unconscious.

Humans always caused this kind of trouble, and no one ever cared. They were not allowed the right to defend themselves. Any elf that was caught carrying a weapon was killed. Of course, this did not prevent any of them from keeping a pair of concealed weapons or from knowing how to use them. The Valendrian Elder, on the other hand, believed in diplomacy over the sword, and always tried to mediate the problems with reason.

Kallian shared part of Valendrian's pacifist standards, but refused to fully believe in anything that did not guarantee safety. It had worked sometimes, she admitted to herself. But how many nights had she spent tending the broken bones of her Elder when the only responses to his gentle words were punches and kicks? She knew that attacking every human like they were no more than an animal would not solve their problems. But abandoning her weapons? Never.

"I dance according to the music," she always said. "Be nice to me and I will be nice to you. Cross the line and you will be one dead bastard."

It was not the simplest path however, especially because it was easier to find a gold coin in the middle of Denerim's Market district than to find a nice human.

When she was alone, her rebel blood always spoke more strongly than any good sense. She always retaliated against everything the others did to her. She had some scars because of that, but they were well worth it. However, when there are others involved, her protective instincts always had the last word.

The way she managed to keep her family safe was to stay out of sight - out of the human's way. They eventually had some trouble but somehow she always managed to reverse the situation. But this time, she was not feeling very confident.

Kallian and Soris met Nelaros and Valora – his betrothed - after the incident with the Arl's son. Shianni was right, her fiancé sure did have a pretty face, but that did not make the idea of marriage any easier. They talked only briefly before leaving to prepare themselves.

"I swear in the name of any God you want that if I hear someone else talk about running away they will have a bride missing at the altar," Kallian whispered to Soris when she was sure they would not be overheard.

"Oh no," Soris exclaimed, pointing to another man standing in the doorway of Alienage. He had a peaceful expression on his face but seemed somehow intimidating - and it was not just because of the two swords he carried on his back.

"Another human!" she sighed, placing her hand flat across her face.

"I think we should talk to him. Take him out of here before somebody does something stupid," Soris said.

Kallian nodded, and came forward to speak to the visitor, ready to get in his face, if need be. This guy is dangerous, I should be careful, she thought.

But his reaction disarmed her.

"Good day, serah. I believe congratulations are in order." He bowed and greeted her with a friendly smile.

Kallian frowned. How polite. Is he really human? "Thank you." She bowed slightly. "But I must ask you to leave. We only want to avoid trouble," she said formally, loosening the grip on the knife she always carried tied tightly under her dress.

"What are you talking about?" He said, innocently.

Kallian crossed her arms, and raised her eyebrows. "Do not pretend you don't know what I'm talking about," she said in challenge, her eyes never leaving his.

"I do understand, but I have no intention of leaving." Despite the words, his tone was not threatening; however the thread of determination that Kallian heard behind his quiet voice put her on alert.

"Ser, I will politely ask again. Please, leave." Kallian took a step forward.

"And yet, I still refuse. What now?" he replied.

Kallian squinted. It was clear that he was testing her but that was not what worried her. He had a different kind of brightness in his eyes. Is he making fun of me? she thought. Soris shifted the weight of his body from one foot to the other almost as often as he drew a breath.

"Kallian, shut up!" Soris whispered, trying to pull her away by her elbow. Kallian pulled away, and made a gesture with her hand for him to stay back.

"I'm sure you must have noticed that I am fully armed and equipped. A fight between us would be rather one-sided," he said. "As I said, I have no intention of Leaving, unless you want to force me to go?" He smiled.

"If necessary, yes," Kallian said.

"Maker preserve us," Soris said, torn between staying to fight and running for help.

The stranger laughed. "I did not come to fight with you. However, I found such bravery somewhat interesting. Don't you think, Valendrian?"

They were so tense that they hand't seen the Elder approaching. Valendrian and the stranger greeted warmly. "I would say that the world has more use for those who know how to hold their blades," Valendrian glanced disapprovingly to Kallian. "It's good to see you again, old friend!"

"Andraste have mercy, I thought I would die," Soris said quietly, silently thanking the Maker.

"Do you know him?" She crossed her arms, as the tension dissipated.

"Yes, child. This is Duncan, Grey Warden Commander of Ferelden," Valendrian said, and placed his hand on Kallian's shoulder. "Duncan, I beg you to forgive this child. As you see, there are certain things that happen in the Alienage that causes some resistance toward your people."

"I understand, my friend. Actually, I was rather impressed by her determination," Ducan said, and smiled at Kallian.

Valendrian sighed, "There's a fine line that separates bravery from stupidity." He gave her another reproachful look, which caused Duncan to smile again. "But tell me, what are you doing here?"

Duncan explained that Blight had come to Ferelden and the Grey Wardens had been summoned by the king to fight the horde of darkspawn at Ostagar. Valendrian remarked that the timing for such a discussion was not appropriate, and both agreed to leave the matter for later. After instructing them to treat Duncan as his personal guest, Valendrian walked away. Soris muttered something to Kallian and after a brief nod to Duncan, he went to join the others. Kallian on the other hand, approached the Warden again.

"Look ..." She said putting a lock of hair behind her ear "It isn't personal... I mean..." It was difficult to find the words. She didn't want to apologize to a human; however it was not right to leave things as they were.

"What made you change your mind so fast?" Duncan had an amused look on his face.

"I'm not a savage," Kallian said. "I just acted that way because I thought you were a threat. And if you are not here to cause any problems then I have no reason to.. . you know." She scratched her neck awkwardly.

"Apology accepted, child." He smiled. "I wish you the best on your wedding day." With another bow to her, Duncan walked away.

Kallian looked back. They were all gathered around the altar, and probably only required her presence to begin. With a long sigh, she hurried to her place.

Valendrian opened the ceremony with the usual stuff about Andraste and the bonds of marriage, before moving on to the representative voice of the Chantry.

Vaughan and his men, who had returned with an escort of twelve guards, however, suddenly interrupted the wedding. They were surrounded.

"We're having a party, but we don't have any woman," Vaughan said, his mouth curved in a sadistic smile. "We need a bit of fun."

"Milord, we are in the middle of a wedding! Please!" Her mother tried to intervene, but one of the men pushed her aside.

"You can dress your pets, but do not tell me this," he turned around, his finger pointing his surroundings, "is a real marriage." He looked around. "Take them!" His eyes were suddenly fixed on Shianni. "You…"

"Don't you dare touch me, you pig!" Shianni hissed, and took a step back.

"Leave her alone!" Kallian shouted and sliced into Vaughan's arm with her small dagger. She put herself between him and Shianni. Vaughan howled in pain, and motioned for the guards to act. Three guards immobilized her after only a small scuffle, each holding one of her arms and the third lifting her head so she would have to look at Vaughan. He approached and punched her hard in the stomach.

"Kallian!" Shianni shouted.

The other guards immobilized Soris and Nelaros before they could react. Kallian coughed, gasping for air.

"We cannot forget the beautiful bride," Vaughan said, holding her chin. "We'll have so much fun together." He laughed evilly.

"Not in your wildest dreams, shem!" She lifted her legs and struck his stomach with both feet, as hard as she could. Her abdomen screamed in protest, but the adrenaline was enough to feed her will to resist and keep her body moving. She would not give up so easily.

"You're annoying me, little knife-ear," he said and approached her again. Before Kallian could do anything, He punched her hard in the face.

Her vision blurred. She could taste blood in her mouth. If she hadn't previously experienced the pain of bones being broken, she would say he had fractured her jaw. She could feel movement around her, but her mind recorded only three things:

Cries of protest around her.

The feeling of being lifted into the air.

And her world turning black.