Yo. I'm finally done. And I feel so free. So free. Um...Sorry for the awkward ending in advance?

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Garuru drew in his breath as he looked at the Angolian girl holding the body of a Keronian soldier, a soldier from his planet.

He didn't know how this had happened since the Angolian had been one of the few not infected to his knowledge, but he knew that as a Keronian soldier he had to retrieve the body, the one intact body of the fallen Keroro platoon.

"We request that you hand over the body so that we can bury it. It's our duty." Garuru tried to be diplomatic, after all he doubted he could press charges towards an Angolian for murder, and he knew that although she had killed Fuyuki Hinata there was a chance that she hadn't murdered Kululu and other unfortunate events had led up to his death instead.

"No." Angol Mois's voice was firm in her answer, "He's mine and you aren't taking him from me. We're happy, so just leave...Or else I'll make you." Although terrifying in her threats, her voice sometimes came across as fearful knowing that the Garuru platoon was indeed a threat, taking away the body of her friend.

Garuru knew with the power of fear he could probably retrieve the body with no casualties. He suspected the girl had somehow gotten infected, but she seemed to possess some fear towards him too and he could use that.

"I possess an Angol stone and will retrieve the body with force, if necessary." Garuru hissed, lying through his teeth. Kululu's body was the only remnant of the Keroro platoon that Keron could have without being grave robbers. He would be the only memory of his brother.

Angol Mois, instead of fighting back or complaining and remaining there as Garuru had expected, instead fled. Holding the body of Kululu she flew through the ceiling.

"What should we do, commander?" Pururu asked

"We retrieve the body. We have to to make a complete report." Garuru answered

"D-do...Do you think she's infected? And dangerous?" Taruru asked

"Infected, probably. Dangerous? Hopefully not. I don't think she realizes that Sergeant Major Kululu is dead, if we convince her perhaps she'll be easier to reason with." Garuru suggested. His plan-he hoped, would turn out well. If it didn't he'd take the blame though.

Everybody nodded and listened to his advice.

Tracking down the lost Angolian girl took longer than any of them expected. Using their expert technology they found her though.

She was waiting for them this time, holding in her arms not all of Kululu, but just his head. They had been a little late and some of the body was now removed. Instead she had moved patches of his body onto her's sewing it onto her as if it were little quilt patches.

"Now we're together forever. You can't take him from me. Or separate us." Angol Mois told them, floating a little bit above them.

"T-that is disgusting..." Tororo wanted to vomit seeing his old rival mangled in such a way and pieces of him all over the Angolian girl.

"Mois! Why? Why would you do all this? You can fight that virus...Can't you?" Pururu tried to be the one to maintain hope.

"Virus? Oh you mean the one Kululu created...I'm all good. There's no need to worry. And the reason I did all this? So we could be happy and together forever!" Angol Mois smiled, in the hand that didn't hold Kululu's head she took out her lucifer spear.

"Return what you stole. Return Sergeant Major Kululu's body." Garuru ordered once again, "He's dead, give him to us so we can give him a proper burial."

"Kululu isn't dead! He's with me! He's with me...Forever and ever!" Angol Mois pointed out.

"So...That's what's going on..." Pururu realized, "I don't know what happened between you and Kululu and what this virus did or what you went through, but you have to stop all this..." Pururu told her, "I'm sorry that this happened and I'm sorry that you're lonely."

"Lonely? Why would I be lonely? Kululu's with me, now and forever." Angol Mois smiled.

Pururu bit her lip, ready to be harsh. "He's not. He's dead. He'll never talk to you again, he'll never see you again, you two will never interact again. He is dead and as dead as he can be. I don't know if you killed him, but the way you're acting right now is unreasonable, you have to let go and cope with it, instead of mangling his body and wishing for him to be alive." Pururu ordered. Garuru gave her a pat on the shoulder, pleased with her speech.

"K-kululu...Won't ever talk to me again?" Angol Mois at first didn't believe Pururu, but slowly realized what she had done, "We...We won't ever be together...I...I ruined our happiness...Didn't I?"

Pururu nodded, hoping that she'd hand over the body now.

Angol Mois did. She dropped Kululu's head onto the ground, letting Zoruru catch it. Tears streamed down her face.

She didn't speak and instead raised her lucifer spear. Garuru bristled.

"If Kululu's dead...Then everything should go with him...After all, all I can do is destroy..." She admitted

"Everybody into the ship." He ordered. The platoon ran and Tororo pressed a button to warp them away from the planet.

Garuru desperately pressed a button to shoot a lazor at the girl who felt she had nothing now, shooting at her.

It was too late though. She spoke quietly, so quietly that Garuru could only see her lips moving to utter some Angolian words for a technique.

The warp drive was used just as the girl turned into a black hole.

The Garuru platoon ship ran through space as everything behind them was swallowed up, destroyed by Angol Mois, the lord of terror.

The Garuru platoon ship floated in a sector of space that they didn't quite know what the name was. They had retrieved Kululu's head but in it's place half the universe had been destroyed from their recklessness.

Garuru's plan had hurt others and the responsibility lay on him. Tororo's quick commands into the ship had saved their lives, but many others had been lost.

The five sat there, drifting in space knowing the universe had changed from their journey, but mostly just missing their friends.

The friends who's lives would be forever lost.

They all felt they could have done better, but it was too late. Only death surrounded them and their own failure.

They could have all said something they should have done, but all just lay there, trying not to think about the mess they had gotten in.

And trying not to loss themselves to depression and their own insanity.

The virus was the only thing that they were sure had been completely destroyed...Or so they hoped.

All they knew was they had failed.

Sorry for abrupt down ending.